Mastiffs > Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures

This Dogue can Swim

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 ::)HAwk did his best Baywatch Hawaii impression at the beach yesterday. He runs like a little maniac down the sand then veers off suddenly to swim out into the deep. He just enjoys swimming around, out for a relaxing dip. Just wanted to share these pics and prove that even though he's 100 lbs (@8 Months!) he swims like a little champion!!!

Those are awesome pics! My two love water too, we were at the dog park the other day and there is a little ravine there. Well the 2 took off into the woods dispite our calls, and then 2 minutes later 2 very wet dogs come crashing out of the woods.  ;D It was too funny to be mad at.

I love the last one...with the tongue hanging out.

Great swimmer for all that weight. Puck the rotti is 136 pds and pretty much sinks like a rock---and they want me to do hydro thearpy?!?!?!?

What great pictures!  He looks like he's having a blast.  I just love that mug on him too.  ;D


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