Author Topic: My first post - and a sad one  (Read 8517 times)

Offline BarkleysMum

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My first post - and a sad one
« on: March 25, 2006, 08:12:05 pm »
I've had my amazing Landseer, Barkley, since Dec 2000 when we rescued him from the local SPCA. We weren't sure how old he was when we got him - somewhere between 2 and 4, although probably closer to 2, which makes him about 8 now.

On Friday night we got the diagnosis of lymphoma.  He's been having some real issues over the last few weeks, although previous to that he's been the picture of health.  He doesn't even have one sign of hip issues or anything!  He had some eye issues (cateract related) and recently some diahhrea.  When we took him back in this week because of the continued diahhrea, they found some abnormalities in his lymph nodes.  An ultrasound on Friday night showed the masses on his spleen.

I'm just so sad.  We've chosen not to go the chemo route, and instead have started him on prednozone.  He's eating like a horse and his cheer is great.

Has anyone had any experience with this?  I'm just devastated at the decision we will be faced with in the near future.  He's such an amazing dog.
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 08:14:02 pm »
I am so very sorry you are faced with this with your baby.
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Offline ZooCrew

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 08:18:38 pm »
I'm sorry to hear you have to go thru this.  I am constantly worried about such things as my Keiko is now getting older.

Offline Leah...

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2006, 08:27:03 pm »
i am so sorry! it is very hard to deal with. my bunny (i know, i know.) died last year at the ripe old age of 9. that is longer than some dog live. she had cancer as well, and we decided to let her go. i hope you will not have to do this with your baby. and moving on to a happier note! i hope all goes well! good luck, Leah
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Offline BarkleysMum

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2006, 08:44:41 pm »
Wow...response s so quickly! I like this board already.  The vet didn't recommend any kind of surgery.  We discussed chemo but given his age, and the fact that we want his last months to be happy ones - not ones filled with poking and prodding, we decided against that course of treatment.  What is so hard is looking at him this weekend.  He shows no signs at all of being sick.  His appetite is huge (more than normal actually), and he's been very affectionate and loving.  We went for our walk today and he was just as great as usual.  Hard to believe - I keep hoping they were wrong and it was just gas or something.  Silly me.
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline chaos270

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2006, 08:44:59 pm »
I'm sorry to hear about your baby.  We lost our greyhound last year to cancer, it had spread all throughout her body before she started to show any signs of trouble and we lost her within two weeks.  I haven't had any experience with lymphoma, but hopefully someone on here might have heard of something that helps.  I've heard chemo in dogs is rather effective though so maybe keep it in mind still.
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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2006, 09:08:28 pm »
I am very sorry to hear about Barkley. It is so unfair to see our wonderful furkids hurting :'(

Zoey and I will be keeping you and Barkley in our thoughts
RIP former BPO

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2006, 09:08:46 pm »
I'm so sorry to hear about Barkley's lymphoma.  I don't have any words of wisdom, but just wanted to let you know that we are sending good thoughts and prayers for you both.  Here's hoping all goes well!

Offline Tulsas' Dad

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2006, 09:09:56 pm »
Enjoy your dog, and keep loving him, he will slow and tell you when it is his time. Dogs are not like people, they will love you through the pain, and they can sense it through your feelings for them. Our dogs have always put us first, just make sure that you are as ready as he is.
Our prayers are with you.
Enjoy the Boy, he will wait for you, the constant companion, at the Bridge.
John and Tulsa
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman


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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2006, 09:27:16 pm »
Because of you your dog had/will have the best life any of us can hope for.  People who love him and who rescued him from a life of abandonment and pain. 
You are your dog's hero no matter how long he lives. 
I'm so so sorry.   :'(


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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2006, 10:21:45 pm »
Oh gosh, I'm in tears now.  I'm so, so very sorry to hear about your Barkley...

But to be honest with you, I think your choice to do without the chemo is a good one (this is just my personal opinion)... 

We lost our beloved Rottie (Slater) last year, he also had lyphoma.  It started with a tumor on his paw (stretched across his paw pad actually), which couldn't be removed comfortably.  He was 9 1/2 years old & 145 lbs.  To get rid of the tumor entirely (and all the tissue cells around it), they would have had to remove half of his main paw pad, plus two toes.  At his age and size, he wouldn't have been comfortable, nor would he of been able to get around easily.  Once the tumor was diagnosed, we found out it had also attacked a lymph node.  We didn't even think about the cost - we underwent chemo right away (+ prendisone), as recommended by our vet.  But, after just two sessions of chemo - it took it's toll on him...

We stopped it after the 2nd session, as we could tell he was scared and uncomfortable. He was really good during sessions, he had about 4 vet techs (all girls) sitting with him on the floor, petting him the whole time (Slater was SUCH a ladies' man)! :)  But, when we'd get home afterwards he would have a lost, blank look on his face. It just wasn't right...

A few weeks after we stopped the chemo, Slater passed away in his sleep one Sunday morning with me laying right beside him.  I knew he was leaving us, as he was in the deepest sleep I'd ever seen him in.  He was comfortable, and I held him in my arms (somewhat - he was big)! He took one last deep breath, and was gone.  Even though he had cancer, our vet asked us if she could take a look at him, to determine the cause of death.  He died of heart failure.  She said it was just "his time".  We were actually lucky that he passed away at home, with us by his side.  He left on his own terms, on his own time...

Slater had a happy last week with us, he was himself (just a little lazy), but we wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  The way he was during the chemo wasn't what we wanted for his last days.  The day Slater passed was the hardest day in my life (OMG - here come the tears again!) but we knew he loved us, was given the best life a dog could ask for, that he would NEVER be forgotten, and most importantly - that we WOULD see him again one day, at the bridge, with him patiently waiting...

Without going into detail - Slater was actually the one who led us to our dog (Kate) that we have now, even though he wasn't here.  Long story, but us finding her was dealt by Slater's hand (or shall I say) - his paw.  They are ALWAYS with us...

I hope that you have a great time (no matter how long it is) with your Barkley. You saved his life, so know he will leave you being loved, which is the most beautiful gift Barkley (or any dog) could ask for. I am so sorry for your news, but am glad to hear Barkley is in good spirits and feeling well.  It sure makes a differnce when they're happy ;)

I feel for you and am here for you - anytime.

I've attached some pictures of our dear sweet Slater - we miss him so much, and think about him every day.  He will always be with us, as will your Barkley ;)

Kelly & Kate

P.S. One thing I will say to watch is the dosage of prendisone.  After a few days, it made Slater's breathing quite laboured (breathing from the belly), which didn't look comfortable.  I'd recommend if you notice anything like that with Barkley, to ask your vet about it ASAP.  As soon as we noticed it with Slater, our vet cut the dosage in half and his breathing was normal.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2006, 12:15:42 am by k2campbell »

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2006, 11:48:30 pm »
It's so hard to see our pets get older.  :'(  My parents adopted my cat, George when I moved away from home(he is best buddies with their kitty and I couldn't bear to seperate them) and he was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. They opted not to do chemo and so far he has bounced back considerably on prendisone. I think it has only been a month, so I don't know how much help i can be.

But we're all here for you as you go through this.  :)
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Offline BarkleysMum

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2006, 07:12:24 am »
Thank you all.
Kelly, your story about Slater has me in tears as well.  It sounds as if he was so loved, and how blessed he was to pass away naturally with you by his side.  I can't even imagine how hard that was for you ... but they say that the closest you get to heaven is to be with a dying person, so I can imagine that we're close to the bridge when we're with our loving animals that are sick and passing on.  Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. 

Also, thanks for the advice on the prendizone.  The vet said the same thing.  He's on 50mg twice a day right now, along with Sucrolate (sp?) which he takes about 2 hours before the prendizone.  So far we've not seen any of the side effects the vet discussed with us (thirst and frequent urination), so the dose might be a good one.  I wouldn't have thought to look for breathing irregularities though, so will add that to my list now.  Of course, he's only been on the meds since Friday night though, and with his size it may take some time to settle into his system.

He had another great night last night.  No diarhhea, no other accidents, slept through the night with his buddy Sheba (our other beauty - both pictured here)and we had a good cuddle this morning as we did our morning groom routine.  He's still eating like a horse, and given the weight that he's lost in the last month or so, I'm letting him eat!  We have him on gastro right now to settle the diarhhea issue - feeding him four or five times a day in smaller doses.  Apparently getting weight onto him is a good thing, and one of the things we were told to watch for was anorexia.  No sign of that in this guy so far! 

The down side of it is, as I said to my husband this morning, I'm starting to fool myself into thinking that he's not really sick.  But as you all have said - I will just take each day that he's feeling good and accept it gratefully.  He will tell us when it's time to do otherwise. 

Thanks again for the awesome welcome and support everyone.  What an amazing group of people - I'm grateful to google for finding you and wish that I had found you six years ago!!!
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2006, 09:21:26 am »
So sorry to hear about Barkley. I have also been through this with a Bernese who was only 5 years old. He was the picture of health until one day when he wouldn't eat or play. After a week of many test at our local vet, they decided it was best for us to go to the vet Clinic in PEI. He was diagnosed with cancer and they felt it was beyond treatment. He passed away at home a few days after we returned from the island. It was a very quick progression for him - it was only 2 weeks after he showed any signs of not being well. Enjoy every minute you have with him and give him lots of hugs and kisses.
I saw another post of yours that mentioned you were from Dartmouth - nice to see another Martimer join!

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Re: My first post - and a sad one
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2006, 09:38:33 am »
It is so hard to watch a pet that is so loved  getting toward the end of your time with him.  It sounds like you are doing all the right things for him and all he really wants is to be with you and continue to love and be loved right up until the time he goes.  I just HATE this part of loving animals!  Please know that we are all with you and wrapping you both in our big cyber arms! 

....and welcome to BPO!