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Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: new food bowl
« on: September 06, 2006, 08:06:01 am »
I wouldn't have put two and two together myself. Looks like some furball will be getting a set of stainless himself soon.

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: new food bowl
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:47:56 am »
Hm... To a point I wonder if that's just a little too cautious. But I do see your point. Thanks for sharing the info, Holly. You're a wealth of info, as always!

I went to the pet store and bought a new supply of his regular puppy kibble, and he's eating just fine. i spoke with the vet tech and she was able to fit me in tomorrow at 530p... i bought an ecollar for him so that when i go to work tonight and tomorrow, he can't be too distructive. i am keeping a close eye on everything. thanks for the support.

Here's his good side...

UPDATE - Going to take him to the vet tomorrow afternoon. Still afraid to see what he might do to himself while i am at work today... I am going to the pet store now, before work, to get his regular food and contemplating an E-Collar.

Adi is doing a whirlwind this week. These last few days have been trying - mostly me not knowing what to do.

He's really been getting bad about chewing on himself these last two days. Last night I sprayed his front pays with bitter apple spray and then he moved on to his hind legs. By the time I woke up today, he has a red 1 inch mark on his back leg and has started to stratch at his face with his dew claws. I just took him out to pee and I looked into his eyes and noticed one of them is swollen and red on the edges because of his pawing at them.

I'm assuming this was due to his teething... But no matter what I do - frozen washcloths, bones with peanut butter, et cetera - he goes back to scratching and chewing on himself.

Maybe he has allergies? This seems a bit excessive for teething!

Accompanying all this scratching is a lot of sleepiness and whining...

Also - as we are trying to transition to Eagles Pack from the ProPlan, adi hasn't had as much an appitite and no matter how little EP I mix in, his bowel movements become runny. I was tempted just to switch him overnight since he seems so sensitive so that this transition wouldn't be so drawn out and his BM's affected for an extended period of time - but now with the scratching/pawing issue - I am just going to go back to ProPlan for the time being. I can only handle so much at one time!

I'm attaching pictures - WITH FLASH. They exaggerate the eye problem a little much, but you can see the damage he's doing to himself.

Should I take him in to the vet???

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: new food bowl
« on: September 06, 2006, 04:18:45 am »
Holly, what're the problems w/ plastic bowls?

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: new food bowl
« on: September 06, 2006, 03:16:19 am »
they are supposedly supposed to have a larger bowl out soon, so i assume that bigger snouts  could fit.

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: new food bowl
« on: September 05, 2006, 07:00:08 pm »
I saw it posted on the net... Let me find the link. I want to get one...

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Adi got a bed.
« on: September 03, 2006, 01:46:38 pm »
Haha, Thomas is a mac daddy. I love him... I have yet to see if my cats have tested out the new cushions. They prefer laying in the bathtub, the windowsil, and the top of the couch (where there are now permanent indentations from them... after just one month!)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: NEW TATTOO
« on: September 02, 2006, 05:08:32 pm »
Very cool. Fresh ink... makes me want another! Congrats and DON"T TOUCH! OR ITCH! hehe.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Adi got a bed.
« on: September 02, 2006, 05:02:42 pm »
it's still so hot down here that they spend a lot of time laying on the tile.

sheesh, those are some swanky beds (i googled them). fit for a king. I hear you about the tile. My labs in Miami loved to chill in the bathroom to cool off.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Adi got a bed.
« on: September 02, 2006, 05:01:01 pm »
I paid $55.00!

Now I feel like a jack a**! But you know, the pups are always worth it... Even when he think's its just a really big stuffie...

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: More pics of Riley and Sadie
« on: September 02, 2006, 12:34:30 pm »
Not to worry, Adi gives me the "uh, so what lady" look all the time. If he could roll his eyes - he would. Your kids are cuuute.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Adi got a bed.
« on: September 02, 2006, 11:16:24 am »
Well, I've been really caving in and letting Adi sleep out of his crate at night, so long as it's next to my bed. He'll usually sleep there for half the night and in the crate the other half after a early-morning piss. However, it's been really getting to me how he just THROWS his body down onto the hardwood floors! Poor little bones. So I caved and bought him a bed that was overpriced, but I was too lazy to make one myself! It wasn't that bad I suppose, but come on, $35 for covered foam?

Here he is after a romp at the dog park. I coaxed him to get on it and pose. Now he is sleeping soundly. And yes, ignore the god-awful cheapy towel. It serves it's purpose!

Oh, and yeah, I bought the largest one since he has plenty of growing left to do.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi Newbie
« on: September 02, 2006, 11:08:53 am »
Welcome to the board! You've your hands full, don't you?

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