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BPO Recommended Reading => Book Club & Noteworthy Reads => : Newf Lover December 14, 2005, 01:27:48 PM

: Police Dog is Defendant in Lawsuit
: Newf Lover December 14, 2005, 01:27:48 PM
This is just rediculous.  Are people really this stupid?  Anything to try to get out of being busted,  give me a BREAK!!!!

: Re: Police Dog is Defendant in Lawsuit
: Scootergirl December 14, 2005, 01:34:37 PM
I wonder if that guy is going to wear his clown suit to court?? What an idiot. You can't sue someone 'cause a dog "might have" done something!

And, if that's his justification, the police force should get a bunch of mothers together to sue this guy 'cause their kids "might have" bought some marijuana from him, "might have" used it to get high and "might have" been killed in a car accident from driving under the influence!
: Re: Police Dog is Defendant in Lawsuit
: Nina December 14, 2005, 01:40:45 PM
I can't believe that lawyers actually took this seriously! The guy is going to be laughed out of court. The dog did his job, he found drugs.

: Re: Police Dog is Defendant in Lawsuit
: Newf Lover December 14, 2005, 01:48:36 PM
This shows how F'd up our Judicial system is and how idiots can make a mockery of it by twisting it to their own benefit.  Also, there's courts out there that cater to this nonsense.  WHAT A JOKE!!! 
: Re: Police Dog is Defendant in Lawsuit
: Senghe December 14, 2005, 02:14:45 PM
I can't believe that lawyers actually took this seriously! The guy is going to be laughed out of court. The dog did his job, he found drugs.

What worries me is this damn fool and his greedy damn fool lawyer will probably find some bleeding heart liberal, politically correct judge who'll award the guy a couple of million dollars for his psychological distress.

The world is going to h*ll in a hamster ball.  ???