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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : bigdogs@5501 March 29, 2009, 12:34:43 PM

: Bella Update
: bigdogs@5501 March 29, 2009, 12:34:43 PM
The biopsy results are back. Cancer.

However, its low to moderate, has not spread, and surgery has been suggested.

I knew that we were in trouble when it grew so fast and the fact that it is on the front of her skull. I am happy that we have a chance to fight this beast.

Bella doesnt know that she is sick- I have been working on raising all of the fencing on the property by about another 3 feet because she goes over the current fence. She has been out chasing coyotes for the past several days. In one way it worries me so much that she is out in the back pasture "guarding" and barking. However if she is out doing what she loves, then as long as she is able to physically do it, I am happy. She has some rough days ahead of her.

I am hoping to have my referral to Texas A & M tomorrow. I am expecting to make the trip with her and stay down there until she is ready to come home.

Thanks to the BPO family for your support and prayers.

: Re: Bella Update
: London_Pyr_Lover March 29, 2009, 12:52:51 PM
I'm so sorry, this is the first I've heard of anything being wrong with Bella as I've been away for a few days.  But am happy to hear that it's treatable with a good chance for success.  So here's hoping for a quick, and easy treatment, and full recovery, so she is back to her normal self very soon.  :-* :-* :-* :-*
: Re: Bella Update
: navarre1316 March 30, 2009, 10:05:37 PM
I'm so sorry that you got this news.  It does sound like ya'll have a plan, and a good one too.  Good luck, have a safe trip.  My thoughts and prayers go with you.
: Re: Bella Update
: vmimom2006 March 31, 2009, 05:09:00 AM
Awwww, man. Got our fingers and paws crossed for a great outcome!!!

All of us here have everything crossed too!!
: Re: Bella Update
: Saint and Mal mom March 31, 2009, 06:50:20 AM
Paige, so sorry to hear about Bella.  :-[ But she is a young girl and of course she's got that strong, stubborn Pyr blood in her, so I am sending good thoughts hoping she will successfully fight this! Thinking of you as well and hoping you get some rest so you can be strong for her too.