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Messages - Macman

Pages: [1]
Saint Bernard Pictures / Neutering
« on: May 07, 2005, 11:15:44 am »
Well, I guess my reply would be that at least for Bruno, he was neutered so early that he never had the experience to begin with. He simply has no overt inclination that we've been able to detect.

For more mature dogs, and cats too, we've seen humping going on even though the plumbing is no longer present. The conventional wisdom about this, that we've heard, is that the Vet didn't get all the related nerve endings during surgery and consequently the urge can remain with the animal. We have no idea if that's true or not.

Good luck with your decision. Since we live in a city on with a small lot the issue is different then it would be if we lived in a rural location with lots of land where the dog could roam at will.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Judges Daddy
« on: May 06, 2005, 07:51:21 am »
They do look alike. But, sorry to say, Brunos ability to reproduce was removed when he was about 5 months old.  We had no intention of entering him into the dog show routine. Nor did we want him to be trying to hump the old lady down the street should he get off leash or worse injure a child, due to his size, in the mating frenzy that was sure to ensue, nature doing what nature does.

I exagerate of course but you can get the image of the possibilities from the frankness of the words used above to describe the ramifications.  And, as it turned out, Bruno developed epelipsy at about three years old. We certainly wouldn't want to have passed that disorder down the genetic tree  He has not had a seizure since we began the medication, thank God for that.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Bruno
« on: May 05, 2005, 08:58:48 pm »
Here is our Bruno. He's 6 y.o., 220 lbs. A short hair Saint. We are relieved we didn' t get a long hair due to the shedding problems a dog of such size brings. Even though he's short hair he still requires regular grooming and sheds hair as most other breeds.

Look forward to sending along more photos and seeing more of yours as well.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Monks cap??
« on: May 05, 2005, 02:01:30 pm »
Hello. I'm new here and used "Stumbleupon" to find this web site. My wife and I are kept by a 6 y.o. male Saint. His name is Bruno. He is a short hair and has the "Monks Cap". The explanation we recieved about the cap is charming and captures the "spiritual or religious" background which is a very important part of the Saint Bernard history.

Saint Bernards with the Monks Cap are thought to be "special" as the cap mimics the caps worn by the "Catholic Brothers" that bred, raised and cared for the original Saints. BTW, the orginal Saints were "short hair". The story goes the Monks mixied their Saints with Nuffies hoping the long hair would allow the dogs to stay out on the mountain for longer periods. Unfortunately, again as the story goes, the long hair had the opposite effect. It would cake up ice and snow and the resulting weight really inhibited the dogs search work. According to the story, the Monks gave away the long hair Saints to visiting dignitaries as gifts and that is how the long hair Saint was propagated.

I hope this explanation helps. Our Bruno is special and the Monks Cap just adds to his personna. It was not a factor in our selecting him over the other puppies as we had no idea at the time of the sentimental significance it held.

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