Author Topic: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake  (Read 10493 times)

Offline Lendy

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2005, 02:10:37 pm »
Sorry if this sounds dumb!  I want to let her outside to use the bathroom and not run off.  If I do not use some kind of leash or etc all she wants to do is run.  I know that at 8  1/2 weeks she is very young but I have to have some way to keep her.  Are you talking about a regular collar to start out with.  Thank you

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2005, 02:17:11 pm »

Here is what I would do:

Get a buckle or snap collar that does not slip.

Go to Home Depot or Lowes and get about a 40 ft piece of light nylon cord, and a small bolt snap. Tie the snap to the cord securely.

Attach this to your pup's collar when you go out. Get the cord so it's light enough for her to bounce around with.

It needs to be long so she can have a certain amount of freedom out in the yard.

Under careful supervision, of course. :D

She will get used to dragging it very quickly.

You can also use it to help her come when called, and food reward her each time. She will soon come running each time you call her.

Also please read my post about the Recall Game.

Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline Lendy

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2005, 02:20:22 pm »
Thank you so much  ;D  I am out the door now to get the supplies you suggested.   ;D  I will let you know how it goes for me.  Off to Lowes I go!!

Offline PupDaddy

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2005, 11:53:54 pm »
Sorry if this sounds dumb!  I want to let her outside to use the bathroom and not run off.  If I do not use some kind of leash or etc all she wants to do is run.  I know that at 8  1/2 weeks she is very young but I have to have some way to keep her.  Are you talking about a regular collar to start out with.  Thank you
Your dog is a Great Pyrenees? What do you call a Pyr off leash?
 answer -GONE
or a Dis-a-pyr.
You will NEVER be able to trust this breed off leash!


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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2005, 12:10:03 am »
Sorry if this sounds dumb!  I want to let her outside to use the bathroom and not run off.  If I do not use some kind of leash or etc all she wants to do is run.  I know that at 8  1/2 weeks she is very young but I have to have some way to keep her.  Are you talking about a regular collar to start out with.  Thank you
Your dog is a Great Pyrenees? What do you call a Pyr off leash?
 answer -GONE
or a Dis-a-pyr.
You will NEVER be able to trust this breed off leash!
Yup, what PupDaddy said!...I will certainly attest to the tune of a 3000.00 plus fence...Best money I ever spent too! ;D

Offline Lendy

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advice on how often to feed and how long to leave food and water down.
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2005, 06:55:09 am »
I am needing advice on how often to feed snowflake and  when should I take up her water  and food for the night.   She has learned when I take her outside to go to the bathroom she gets a treat. When she does her business!!  But as soon as I get her back in the house she goes again. Also starting to really so her business.  Help

Offline Lendy

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2005, 06:57:56 am »
How do I get to your reply about the  Recall Game.  Thanks so much for all your replies. 

Offline MyDyson

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2005, 02:03:03 pm »
We have Dyson enrolled in Puppy training.  He is currently a little over 3 months.  The class recommends a standard collar and leash.  When walking the puppy, if he pulls you should stop and wait for him to loosen the leash, before you begin again.  If he just stops and won't move,  snap the leash repeatly til he comes.  Do not apply a constant pull for he will think its a challenge.   Good Luck...

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


I would NEVER NEVER EVER advise anyone to "snap" the leash on the collar of a 3 months old baby puppy!!!

Puppies at this age need ENCOURAGEMENT and HELP to come along on the leash.

That puppy is just a baby.

I would STRONGLY URGE you to find a different training class, as these methods are archaic and NOT necessary to train dogs, not even BIG dogs.


I understand your concerns, but maybe I mislead you by the word snap.  Quick wrist snaps, not yanking.  Plus I forgot to mention it should be perform with words come, come, come at the same time.  My puppy isn't that bad, but his brother is a LOG.  Meaning if it wasn't for the quick snaps, you'd be sitting in the same spot all day.  Maybe it is specific for the Great Pyr breeds, I don't know.  But, I am happy with the training I have received so far. 
Randy & Jennifer Wilkerson
St. Louis, MO

Offline Good Hope

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Re: Need help starting to Leash Train SnowFlake
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2005, 03:09:33 pm »

I'm glad that the methods are working for you, MyDyson.  However, I would suggest that you be careful, since I'm not quite sure what you mean by "quick wrist snaps. " A quick and fairly gentle tug sufficient get a pup's attention, a "yank," can actually be better than a snap.  A true snap involves putting some slack into the leash and then, WHAM, jerking the leash quickly and quickly letting it go; it is much the same as the way towels are snapped.  It really gets a dog's attention and is very effective, but it is also somewhat harsh.

While I think this has its place in getting the training an older pup or an adult dog that is being disrespectful by ignoring important words like "come," when he already knows them, your puppy probably doesn't fully understand its meaning yet.  He probably isn't being disrespectful right now; that would be more likely if he had previously learned about walking on-leash and the word come, and he was an adolescent puppy or adult dog.

Also, I would suggest that you teach him to walk on-leash before come.  Associating those snaps, even if they are just short tugs, with the word come, would not be good for your pup.  He needs to think, especially when first learning the word, that come is a very GOOD word.  When he is obeying this command, GOOD things happen.  The time for corrections with come is later, when he knows the word well and is being disrespectful by ignoring you/not paying attention.  (Of course, if you thought he hadn't heard you, you would repeat the command in a loud, stern voice before punishing him with real snaps.  They really aren't something to use lightly; tugs work better with puppies.)  BUT, when he gets to you, having fulfilled the command, make sure to do something really good: pet him, praise him, give him a treat, throw him a toy, do something that he just loves.

Instead of come, with teaching him to walk on-leash, I would encourage him to come closer: snap your fingers, cluck or kiss to him, say his name in a happy voice.  I will repeat: the use for punishment is with a disrespectful dog; puppies that don't know any better aren't being disrespectful.  If he is pulling you, I might try giving the leash a tug just as he hits the end of it, before he is pulling.  If he learns that he can pull, you will probably have more trouble teaching him than if the notion never enters his head.  Another effective thing that some people do is to turn around and walk in the other when the pup gets to the end of the leash; this only works when a pup is still fairly small, because a large dog will just drag you off.

All of this is just my opinion on training puppies, but it does seem to work for me.  Our 5-month-old Kuvasz puppy (our first puppy too), Sapphire, is pretty good with come and will consistently run to me off-leash from all the way across the yard when I call her.  While she still needs more work, I think she is coming along nicely.  With walking on-leash, unless she gets scared, quick tugs are all she needs as a reminder to not pull on the leash.  Even when she is scared, one firm tug will usually stop her from running or hiding; I have not found snaps necessary.  She is pretty big too, I'm guessing 60+ lbs., since she was about 45 lbs. when last weighed at 16 weeks; the "little" girl could probably drag me a bit if she really wanted to.

Hope everything goes well,


P.S. I would consider seriously considering Red's opinions, because she really knows what she is talking about.  Or it seems that way. ;D