Author Topic: Uh Oh...Pups hips dont seem like their moving right  (Read 3825 times)

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Uh Oh...Pups hips dont seem like their moving right
« on: November 18, 2008, 07:50:52 am »
My MastiffxAmeric an bulldogs( Bandog) hips don't seem right to me.  When she walks it doesn't seem like they rotate smoothly, and when she runs she does the Bunny Hop!!!!  She is about to be 16 weeks old 2morrow...she weighs 31 lbs.  She doesn't seem to be in pain...and I don't know if its just cuz shes a clumsy thing... but she just doesn't seem to be steady on her back legs.  She looks more English Mastiff than anything so if any of you guys especially Mastiff owners have experienced this...please let me know.  Is it just a growing thing?  I mean shes only 16 weeks... Shes not overweight because of that prescription food she was on was horrible for her growth....I just don't want her to have super hip problems....Aa aarrrggghhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!
The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's.  ~Mark Twain

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Uh Oh...Pups hips dont seem like their moving right
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2008, 12:50:19 pm »

I always recommend OFA pre-lims done on puppies right at your pup's age - even if no symptoms or signs are present.  X-rays done now will give you far more options, and preventative strategies than ignoring it.

Bunny hopping is a telltale sign of hip dysplasia and should never be ignored in my view.  It is not a normal gait for a puppy, even if panosteitis is the only condition. There can be many causes of it, and some easily correctable with rest and range of motion exercises, but you want to identify early for the most options, especially if it turns out to be dysplasia.

Get your pup on several joint supplements critical for big dogs now as well - glucosamine and chondroitin (Synflex is a great product and easily assimilated), celadrin or hyaluronic acid for joint lubrication, and potentially wobenzym if necessary.

Good luck!
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar