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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : CujoandShamus May 02, 2006, 12:46:11 AM

: Sepration anxiety getting worse
: CujoandShamus May 02, 2006, 12:46:11 AM
I realize that Shamus is only four and a half months old,  however he follows me to every room. He cries at the bathroom door when I shut it. He is asleep right now at my feet while I am infront of the computer.
If I were to get up right now he would be right behind me. He gets left for maybe an hour a day and he doesn't destroy anything but I know he has barked himself into a frenzy because when I get home he is still barking. How can I help him get over this?
: Re: Sepration anxiety getting worse
: GreatDanz May 02, 2006, 01:00:40 AM
He might actually feel more secure in a crate while you aren't home, you could put a comfy bed in there with one of your shirts for him to snuggle with.  Young dogs like having a "den" where they can feel safe.
: Re: Sepration anxiety getting worse
: CujoandShamus May 02, 2006, 01:01:44 AM
I may have to get him one. I just hate the thought of any animal being in a cage.
: Re: Sepration anxiety getting worse
: GreatDanz May 02, 2006, 01:06:21 AM
Yea, I know, but you are really saving him from himself!  Besides, it's not a "cage", it's a "DEN", see the difference?  ;D
: Re: Sepration anxiety getting worse
: Icerotti May 02, 2006, 01:07:57 AM
Farley was like that ..he still follows me everywhere ::) I had a shower this morning and he was sitting right at the door waiting!! I agree with what Greatdanz said. Crating is a great way to give them a space that is thiers and they feel secure. Farley graduated to a big wire crate and hated it. It was not until I covered it with blankets and made it like a cave that he was comfy in it. He hasĀ  padding on the bottom for cushion and a comforter on top to snuggle in. I have one of my shirts in there and a few toys that only go in the crate. He loves it now. Dennis and I could not find him the other night ...he was sound asleep in his crate with the door open ::)

 Also when I say "kennel" ( thats what we call our crate) I grab a treat to throw inside for him...he loves getting a treat for being a good boy and going in his kennel

: Re: Sepration anxiety getting worse
: GR8DAME May 02, 2006, 01:18:22 AM
I have to agree with you Michelle. Strider loves his crate. Every morning as the kids are going out the door to school and I am leaving for work, Strider literally races down the hall to get to his crate. Yesterday, someone (I think it was my Mom :-\) closed the door and latched it. This morning the poor guy crashed into the door and sat there with a pathetic look on his face, like there was the greatest party inside and he wasn't gonna get to go. LOL