Author Topic: Help w/ Tub's barking-long  (Read 3844 times)

Offline Butts Mom

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Help w/ Tub's barking-long
« on: June 10, 2007, 10:00:45 pm »
Tub( almost 8 mths) is going to kill me from sleep depravation.If he is outside after dark he barks and then barks some more.I know some of the times he sees something and is barking at it,other times I don't see any reason for it.Sometimes he is laying there sound asleep and will pop up and start barking.If I make him come in the house because I'm worried the neighbors are going to complain he will run thru the house barking.This goes on until about 3 or 4 every night/morning.I've tried ignoring him and it doesn't help.If I'm still up when I'm ignoring him he will come up and smack me with one of his feet and stand there barking at me.I have plenty of brusies to prove it :(If I'm laying in bed with the lights out he will come up bark in my face and walk away and start to pee on the carpet,which in turn gets me up to let him out to bark, and he ends up getting what he wants.I've also tried playing with him and that will work until he thinks he hears something and takes off.I know he is a dog and dogs bark and I don't want to take that away from him or ake him think it is wrong to bark if he has a legit reason.I just can't have him barking all night long.The times Butt barks too,I don't do anything about it because I figure it is a legit cause.Out of 20 bark sessions a night,Butt may go out once to bark w/ him and Butt never barks in the house.Since I got Butt as an older dog I don't know if this just a stage Tub is going thru of having to bark at everything and being scared of everything or ??? You should have saw him the night the toad had him cornered in the yard and was going to attack him and carry him away ;D So what do I do with him??? Besides calling the parental abuse hotline on him ;)
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie


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Re: Help w/ Tub's barking-long
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2007, 10:15:32 pm »
Great advice, Jenn! Give that big baby something else to do besides bark!

Crates are pretty much the bomb. They solve a whole host of problems, and Kongs stuffed with peanut butter do, too! ;)