Author Topic: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!  (Read 16543 times)

Offline CrazyLoveRosie

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2007, 05:14:22 am »
To get gum out, baby oil will work. I've never tried peanut butter, but I guess it has an oiliness to it similar to baby oil.

Sammy is adorable!

Three flights of stairs is quite a lot, for a puppy and even for an adult. I'm assuming there's no elevator then? As a puppy, a lot of joint stress is not recommended, especially when they're still developing and growing. We had Rosie at our 4th floor apartment for a couple days before moving to a house and she flew down those stairs so fast because of all that downward momentum that they just don't have brakes for.
Rosie - Newfoundland

Offline SadieA

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2007, 09:11:51 am »
Thank you all so much for all the advice! I am planning to try some  peanut butter or baby oil on the gum today, and will let you know if it works! In the meantime, Sammy had his first day of puppy school yesterday, and he had a great time. He's getting pretty reliable at "sit", but not so much at "come" and "down." I'll keep working on them with him, though, as I'd like him to make a bit of progress this week! I think he was the youngest puppy at puppy school, so he was definitely a little behind the curve (and then there's the whole issue of his owner struggling a bit in a puppy class conducted in French!) but he had fun playing with all the other puppies, until he got hot and had to crawl under some of the agility ramps into the shade. I made sure to give him lots of water, and wetted down his head a bit, but boy did he tire himself out. I could barely get him to do anything the rest of the day, and took advantage of his laziness to practice being brushed a bit.

As for the stairs, I'll keep carrying him for as long as I can, and fortunately, this walk-up apartment is temporary- we'll just be here for a year, and then back to the states. So then I'll be able to  find something a little more  navigable for a large dog! I think the neighborhood will be sad to see him leave- Sammy gets LOTS of attention out in the streets! Some people recognize him as a Bouvier Bernois, which is what he is (in French) but a lot of people think he is a St. Bernard. And  no one fails to comment on his large "pattes!" He is impressively good with all the attention, and seems to not be skittish around strangers at all, which I am very glad to see. I am excited for him to get bigger and stronger and better-behaved, then we can take him down to the Pyrenees mountains, which are very close, and do some very gentle  hiking with him!

Offline jagersmom

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2007, 03:25:44 pm »
We had Rosie at our 4th floor apartment for a couple days before moving to a house and she flew down those stairs so fast because of all that downward momentum that they just don't have brakes for.

LOL That would have been fun to watch!

We only have 2 steps in our house. One into the office and one out back. Jager would go nose first off them for not paying attention where he was walking. Needless to say, I can't really say anything about the stairs since we don't have any. I can say peanut butter or baby oil should work.

As far as bigger and stronger, you'll see eyes popping out of the heads "He's huge!! WOW he's big!" I just smile and say "Yes yes he is" but you can make up your own reply lol.

He is adorable though!
Dogs laugh.... by wagging their tails

Annette, mother to:

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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2007, 07:59:11 am »
Aww, welcome!  Sammy is so cute!  I met a bunch of Berners at a dog show last winter and they were just wonderful.  I'm mom to Daisy our 8 y/o Golden/LabX, Cassie our 2 y/o Pyr/? X and our Sammy is a 5-6 y/o Great Pyrenees.  Congratulation s on your new addition!   ;D

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees

Offline AnnaCrew

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2007, 05:38:05 pm »
Hi! Congratulation s on your beautiful pup!
The chewing gum is not a big deal, but in my opinion, stairs is. Carry please as long as you can because the damage can be created in early age for the whole life. Climbing up as I know is not so bad, but just for few steps, but climbing down puts to much weight on his joints so it is strong no-no. I see, you do not have much choise at present so carrying him is the only  solution.

About the walks. Try to imagine life of this pup - he was comfy and safe under mother's wing and probably had not had used to outside world much. So strets, cars, smells - all seems completely new and yes, scary, so try to take him just out at the doorstep now, let him to get used to @his@ territory and then expand it.

On top of that, puppies usually have they scary periods, I do not remember, but probably somewhere at 12 -14 weeks or so, so do not be surprised, if he gets scared again - that will be the time when he will grow out of his puppy skin and will recgnize himself as a dog.

If it helps to you, here is my story; I needed to take my complete country pup at 15 weeks of age to the city for two weeks - he was scared to death and it took 3 days to get him do his business outside (before he was completely housebroken already, but now he dashed back and did it all on the newspaper in the hall), and walking along the main street was like worse torture for him! So many cars, noises, smells... After two weeks in city he was not keen to leave! And it does not affected his nerves and temperament at all - he has nerves of the steal and nothing can scary him - he just loks there with curiositylike @is there coming another nice surprise specially for my peasure?@ :D

Puppy class is great for socialization reasons first of all, and it gives you good training too. As you may know, menthal stimulation can wear dog even more than physical excercises so really give him a rest after the classes. So an hour in class replaces a long walk and a lot of playing at home. Keep it in mind - if you have not much time for a walk and games, a bit longer training session even at home would replace it.

Do not worry about lash manners and niping - it is typical puppy beheivior and later will improve with a minimum of training.

With here or come command try to be always positive, and keep a treat as a revard for coming - never let you be upset as there will be not 100% response for a long time, and never run after a pup to catch it - always run away from him - I bet you know it already, but it is so easy to forget it when pup is running away. Call him, get his attention and then run away - he will follow you to catch you, and that is the time for the prise!
Good luck and I'm so envious - I must wait for my pup until Christmas just to be born! And then all the waiting to take him home! OMG! And you aleady have all the fun now!!! Lucky you!
Come and pat Grace at

Offline SadieA

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2007, 05:49:01 pm »
Thank you for all the advice! Even just after two weeks at his new home, I see a major change in Sammy's willingness to go out for walks. He still doesn't want to go out all morning or anything, but he's much less hesitant to leave the house, and he really enjoys being out in the streets- so much to smell! So many people who love him! So many nasty little things to try to eat if Sadie stops looking for even a second!

As for the stairs, I am  definitely planning to carry him for as long as I possibly can. Unfortunately, this may only be a few more months, but perhaps I'll get stronger as I continue to carry an ever-heavier pup! It's like a weight program that grows with me as I get stronger!


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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2007, 06:00:04 pm »
Sammy is SOOOO cute!!  As you can see by the pic in my avatar, I'm Mom to a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, which is essentially the short-haired version of the Bernese Mountain Dog.  Lots of people ask me if he is a Bernese, as they are more well known than the Swissy.   :)

I'm glad to hear that Sammy is getting more used to being on lead.  As everyone has said, that is typical for a puppy.  Ranger did the same thing Sammy did.  Sat down and would NOT move.  Stubborn little things!!  Sounds like Sammy is really liking the walks now and probably just isn't a morning dog, which I can't blame him.   :D  Good for him! 

As far as mouthing, nipping is a puppy behavior, but mouthing is something that will continue with Berners and Swissys.  Ranger will be 3 in November and will be mouthy on occassion.  He gets all excited when I rub his belly and will be mouthy, so I give him a firm "No," and stopping rubbing the belly.  He gets the picture that mouthing isn't gonna get him a darn thing, especially the belly rub he wants.  Haha!  So, he stops pretty quickly these days.

Congrats on your puppy and keep those pictures coming!  It is so neat to look at Berners and see them as long-haired versions of my big guy!

Offline SadieA

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2007, 06:17:58 pm »
here's a few more pics, from puppy class!

Offline CrazyLoveRosie

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Re: Welcome Sammy, my new puppy!
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2007, 11:51:49 pm »
Love that picture of him trying to fit himself into that tiny space underneath the bridge. It looks like a fun time at puppy school.
Rosie - Newfoundland