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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : ibenu September 28, 2006, 06:34:54 PM

: Bad Breath while teething??
: ibenu September 28, 2006, 06:34:54 PM
Well my monster has been in really good form dispite all his loose teeth. I poked around in there (his mouth) tonight to see if he had some meat in there that was causing a bit of bad breath and both his canines.. aa haa Eye teeth are so loose they practically swing. One has brown at the gum (slight) Im wondering of bad breath during teething is normal?? You guys would know. Thanks!!
: Re: Bad Breath while teething??
: Krystal_00 September 29, 2006, 06:18:21 AM
Mack has the worse breath when he was was like he was eating dead things when i wasnt looking!! he also had a brown tooth that was super gross...but it fell out and the other tooth came in just fine.

i found these treats...they are called BREATH BUSTERS by pedigree...mac ks breath is awesome now!! he even got a compliment on it!! ive been takin them to the next-door big paw as we can have fresh breath doggies all over! ;D
: Re: Bad Breath while teething??
: Boyle September 29, 2006, 07:49:09 AM
Nola's breath was foul when he was teething.  We gave him frozen carrots and frozen teethers/washclothes when he was going through that stage.  The frozen stuff seemed to help him get rid of those baby teeth.  If you use frozen carrots, be prepared for lots of carrot schrapnel.
: Re: Bad Breath while teething??
: ibenu September 29, 2006, 11:49:12 AM
Thankyou guys, by ths am. both new teeth are showing, even though the old ones are still hanging by the gum. Blech! As I write this I smell the liver brownies with garlic cooking and think, you know perhaps this is not a teething issue!! No, Hes doing better. I gave him some carrots this am and he loved them, eyes half closed gumming away. Thanks again!
: Re: Bad Breath while teething??
: People Whisperer January 02, 2007, 02:58:11 PM
Mack has the worse breath when he was was like he was eating dead things when i wasnt looking!! he also had a brown tooth that was super gross...but it fell out and the other tooth came in just fine.

i found these treats...they are called BREATH BUSTERS by pedigree...mac ks breath is awesome now!! he even got a compliment on it!! ive been takin them to the next-door big paw as we can have fresh breath doggies all over! ;D
Oh Gosh! If I have known that a couple of weeks ago...
Lily had a very nasty breath and I assumed that it's because of her diet. I switched from raw to cooked and now working on the preblem stools...
Life is not a cookie!