Author Topic: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)  (Read 10128 times)

Offline NewfieMama

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Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« on: August 04, 2009, 02:36:34 pm »
I run into this so often when I take Cooper for a walk, I just need to get it out somewhere. We live near a park with ballfields, basketball court, and fenced in areas with jungle gyms/swings. Most days in Spring/Summer/Fall the place is pretty busy with ball games, kids playing, families lounging in the grass, etc.

We love to go there, my kids love it and my dog loves it. We walk around, sit in the grass to watch the games, kids go in and swing for a bit (I have to stay outside the fence with Coop as it is clearly marked NO DOGS in the playground), run around with friends, etc.

Nearly every time we go, we encounter small dogs (and their owners) who approach Coop, who is wagging, quiet, gentle, and happy to meet them all the way, then the owners laugh as the dog starts to growl, bark, and react very aggressively (scaring my kids too). This is usually accompanied by something like "Not too bright, Fifi, that dog would eat you in one bite!" or better yet "Oh, he thinks he's so big he could eat that big dog!"

OK. First of all, if my dog behaved even HALF as badly as these little dogs, people would be calling the police. Why don't these owners understand that aggression is NOT CUTE? Second, as to the one bite comment, my dog is too SWEET to EVER bite ANYONE or ANYTHING. Believe me, I've seen him take a few good licks from cats and smaller dogs and he always backs right down. He is a sweet, sweet tempered dog, and he is well TRAINED.

It's so frustrating! I know there are responsible owners of small dogs out there, that's not what I'm trying to rant on. :) Coop has a couple of Cockapoo, Pekingese and Maltese buddies (and boy do they look cute playing together!) whose owners all treat them like any other dog, correct poor behavior and praise good behavior and have great dogs as a result.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this?  ???


P.S. The big dog rant from CL is hilarious, and I hear "put a saddle on him" and "how much does he eat/weigh" just about every time we leave the house too...but since those comments don't terrorize my dog or my kids, I'm letting them slide. LOL.

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2009, 03:07:08 pm »
yep, i hear that all day, there is nothing funny about a dog who wants to fight, and some people shouldnt have pets...

Offline patrick

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2009, 06:28:24 pm »
Unfortunately if the little dog gets hurt then they blame you for your dog biting back or knocking him down or whatever

Offline newf_owner

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 02:42:23 pm »
yeah you know what your right!!  thats a good point

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2009, 10:32:59 pm »
I actually have a fear of little dogs (a lot of bad experiences, including almost losing an eye as a child).  When we were living in an apartment we buckled down and rescued one, although I admit I thought she weighed about 10-15 pounds more than she did because of her fluffy coat.  Despite this, and my love for her, I'm still not a fan of the little dog.

We struggled with training her.  I'll admit, I gave up on the no-couch rule for her just as I always did our cats.  She was more cat than dog, and that was the problem.  All of her little annoying problems I was able to swat away like a fly - as you would with a cat.  Of course, she was a schipperke and already over the age of 7 when we adopted her.  There is a reason why people don't know what Schipperke's are, trust me (I say that lovingly with a smile, but mean it!). 

She had the big bark small dog syndrome that many have.  When out in public, it really wasn't a problem.  But people with bigger dogs would literally put their dogs in her face while she slowly freaked out as if attempting to show how superior their dog was.  Or laughing at her bark.  I'll never forget the Boxer that she scratched (while it was trying to bite her) and the look on her ignorant owner's face, "That better not leave a scar, I'm planning on breeding her!" 

Raja (Our Princess), 3 yr St. Benard
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Offline BigDogMama

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2009, 10:51:05 am »
I used to want a little dog.  Until I worked at a dog baording and daycare.  I grew to dread going into the "little dog" room during daycare.  90% of those dogs were so badly behaved!  I even go peed on once!  And every day when there owners would pick them up I could see why the dogs were the way they were.  Their owners never corrected bad behavior (like growling or biting), they would either laugh or say that we weren't doing our jobs!  Another thing that really peeves me off is how owners of little dogs will say things like "OH! Don't let that big monster anywhere near my little princess!" When their little princess is looking like cujo and my gentle giant is scared to death!  I don't think that little dog owners understand that big dog owners love our dogs just the same as they love theirs and that they are princes/princesses too!  I am not saying this about all little dogs and their owners, just the majority that I have had run-ins with.
Wicket-Great Pyrenees
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Offline BigDogMama

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2009, 10:54:57 am »
Just another quick story.  When I was at the vet's office this morning, there was this little maltese there as well.  The minute I walked in with Murphy, this dog started to go nuts! She was barking, snapping, and growling non-stop.  All her owner did was say (in a voice barely above a whisper)"Maggie hush."  That's it!  That dog did not stop barking until it went into the exam room. Ugg... ::)
Wicket-Great Pyrenees
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Offline RaenaMonster

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2009, 10:42:05 pm »
I think that some small dog owners just don't bother with training.  A dog that small can be physically controlled, no big deal when it pulls on the lease, can be scooped up "out of harms way" etc.  With a big breed you get to a point (very quickly) where you can't physically control your lunging, pulling, wiggly beast of a puppy and you have to start training.  That's where we're at with Raena.  I'll admit we were a little lazy with training at first, but as soon as we realized she'd outweigh me in a few more months we signed her bratty butt up for class LOL.

Offline BigDogMama

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2009, 10:37:15 am »
I agree!  Little dogs are great dogs if they are trained.  My best friend has a chihuahua whos is very well trained and I love him!  He even plays well with by two boys.  My Wicket LOVES little dogs!  Its pretty funny to see a 100lb great pyr enamored with a 7lb chihuahua  :D ;D
Wicket-Great Pyrenees
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Offline RaenaMonster

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Re: Rant: little dogs who behave badly (anyone else?)
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2009, 08:25:13 pm »
Raena too gravitates towards the smallest dogs at the dog park, I think in her mind she's still that teeny lil thing that could set herself on the tops of my feet to keep herself off the cold ground during our 2 am january potty breaks.  I know she would never hurt a fly (okay she accidently squished a cricket dead trying to play with it), but I do worry that she might accidently squish one of those little dogs with her big, goofy feet!