Author Topic: Someone explain this to me  (Read 10214 times)

Offline Jacksmom

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Someone explain this to me
« on: May 05, 2005, 08:26:51 pm »
Just a little while ago, I was letting Jack out back.  I live in a Philly row house.  We have back yards that back up to an alley and across the alley is another back yard of the house behind us.  Anyway, Jack is in the 5 foot fenced yard when one of the neighbors is walking her Neopolitan Mastiff.  She yells "oh my god" yanks back on her dog's leash and starts pulling him back.  Her dog barked at Jack and he barked back but I immediately told him "no barking" and he quieted down.  I told her the gate was closed and Jack by no means could get to her neo.  She just kept pulling and turned around and walked back the way she came.  I didn't get the impression that her dog was aggressive.

That kind of stuff is starting to drive me crazy.  Her neo was not that much smaller that Jack.  I'm having a real hard time socializing Jack because no body will let their dogs near him.

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Offline mamadog

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2005, 09:47:30 pm »
Some people are strange. My 30 lb (tops) girl Sakwa got out one day after one of the kids left the gate open. She's a sheltie mix. I went to the next street over looking for her and the couple that has (? maybe not anymore) an Irish Wolfhound were standing in their yard and when I asked if they had seen her the woman flipped out at me saying that my dog was vicious and had attacked her dog. My 30 lb sheltie attacked their 180lb IW???  The husband said (after she stopped yapping) that my dog had barked at their dog because he ran over to my girl wanting to play, she barked and ran off. She does this to my IW too, he's a lot bigger than she is and it scares her when he runs at her.
I have seen this woman twice since then and both times she (very rudely) asks if my "vicious dog" is at home. These are the same people who let their dog run free with no tags, and animal control tried for weeks to catch him and couldn't.
Too bad we don't live close, I would let my Finn play with your boy!!
It takes all kinds!


Offline jabear

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2005, 10:21:33 pm »
Irrational actions by people are what has kept us away from the dog park fo a VERY long time. People get freaked out when Bear enters the park and goes running to dogs he wants to greet. People pick up their dogs if they can or put them betweeen their legs because Bear is so big and scary.  ??? And sure, I know that everything he does is bigger than little dogs but htat doesn't mean that he is mean or aggressive. We've been cussed out, gotten into loud arguments with people and asked why we let our dog come there when he is so big and aggressive. It is frustrating becasue he is one of the most lovable dogs in the world and just wants to play with everyone. In fact, he's been bitten numerous time and even had his tongue punctured all the way through (leaving a horrible scar) by smaller, really aggressive dogs. Not to mention all of the dogs that have bitten him and have taken mouthfuls of his hair.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline mamadog

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 10:29:27 pm »
I would be far more scared of a shih tzu (sp) than a Big goofy Newfy!
And if a person knows anything at all about dog signals (by paying attention to their own dogs maybe) they could tell the difference between a happy goofy boy who wants to make friends and a big scary bear trying to eat their little puppy!
GEEZZ! My mom has a shih tzu and a (i'm going to butcher this!) chuauah (LOL) plus 2 wolf mixes. I have been bitten or scratched by the little ones more than I can count. The wolves are as sweet as they come. I'll stick with the big boys!


Offline Malishiku

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2005, 01:34:33 am »
I'm sorry to hear that. I know when I walk by people's houses, with or without my Shepherd, if a dog barks I almost aways usually say, "Hi!" or completely ignore them (the little ones that bark just to bark). I admitt though that if they are large dogs with a deep bark I might "jump" usually because I'm deep in thought and just realized their presence. When I approach the fence, I find that they, more often then not, appear to be pretty friendly with wagging their tails and whines. I steer clear of the ones that growl though.

In my opinion, you're innocent until proven guilty.

I have a few neighbors that have dogs that I'd really like to "pet". Although, I think it'd be very akward to just knock on their door and say (when they open it, of course),

"Hi, I've walked by your house a few times and I've noticed you have some great looking dogs, may I play with them?" I guess I could go up and ask where they got their dogs...this would probably be a better approach.

I don't would you respond if someone walked up to your doorstep with this question?

Oh! I went to Jamba Juice a few weeks ago and saw a couple walking their 2 fawn Danes (one cropped, the other natural). I figured that I could order my juice and then catch them on my way out...but noooo...the person in front of me had to take forever to decide. The Dane people were right in front of the entrance by this time. I couldn't just leave the line either because a long one was starting to form behind me. By the time I finally ordered, ran out and looked for them...they were long gone. Geez, they're fast walkers, there was no trace of them. I was really upset at the people who were in front of me. I really, really, realllllly wanted to pet the pretty danes and talk to their humans! ::sighs::

By the way, I'm more afraid of my friend's chihuahua, "Bonita", then I am of any Shepherd, Rottweiler or Dobermann in my Schutzhund club. Infact, my friend had to lock Bonita away because the dog wouldn't leave me alone. It kept barking and growling. Upon my leave he let Bonita out and the Chihuahua attacked me! He bite my ankle and then kept pulling at my sock! Oh, I was trying soooooo hard not to kick him. And I didn't, aren't you proud of me?

I've found that smaller breeds, especially toy, tend to be very nippy and more aggressive. They are more prone to bite then any larger breed I would say, based upon my personal experiences.

I wonder, if enough people are bitten by minature poodles and Chihuahuas, are they going to be on the "dangerous dog" list and banned from certain cities too? Probably not...gosh, what's up with the descrimination? I believe they are violating the consititution by creating such law restrictions.. .not to meantion racism in dogs. I thought this was a "free" country...what happened?
=(^ - ^)= / ) Corina A. Gonzalez
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Offline nettrek4

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2005, 07:55:41 am »
   I completely agree, it's the little dogs who will bite you, and the smaller they are, the quicker they bite.  I'm not talking about puppy play-nips, but deliberate aggresive biting.  Anybody who knows much about dogs already knows that is true.
   And I'd like to add my oppinion about dog parks - I don't like them..Of course that's easy for me to say, I live in the country and don't need one.  But there are so many dogs who are not properly immunized, who carry parasites internal and external.  Many parks are not cleaned properly, considering the number of dogs who use them, and not all owners are considerate enough to clean up after their dogs.  So here is a reservoir of parasites and disease - why would I take my dog there?
    Too bad I don't live nearby, I could bring a half-dozen collies or so over and they could all play themselves into an oblivious nap!
     Marcia P. and the Bonnie Collies
Marcia P. and the Bonnie Collies


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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2005, 09:59:08 am »
I'm so sorry to hear that happened to Jack.  I have to agree that a lot of people have irrational fears about big dogs, when the truth of the matter is that most of them are more passive than their smaller counterparts.  Heck - in our puppy kindergarten class it was the pug who had to go into "puppy timeout" for his poor behavior.  LOL!  My Ranger is just a big ol' teddy bear!  A 67 lb. puppy who thinks he is a lap dog and just wants to be friends with everyone!  I don't know how old Jack is, but we found that obedience classes were a great way to not only spend some quality time with the pup, but for him to be socialized to different types of dogs and people.  We are very lucky that our neighbors with dogs have been very responsive to having Ranger play with their dogs... and most of them are much smaller than him.  It is a shame, though, because I'm sure that if people gave Jack a chance they'd know what a sweetheart he truly is!  Is there any kind of breed club in your area?  Maybe you could get involved with them and possibly have a sort of "meet and greet" with another breed club of a different giant breed variety?  May I suggest the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club in your area!!  LOL!   ;)  Just thinking that it would be a great way for Jack to meet other pups and be with knowledgable, responsible pet owners who love giant breeds like us!  If you are ever down NC way, Ranger would love to play with Jack!   :D   


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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2005, 10:23:58 am »
I actually don't mind if people are a little apprehensive about my dogs. I live in suburban Chicago, and although not a bad neighborhood we do have the less desirable big city element pop up occasionally. I do not have to worry that my 11 year old daughter and her freinds are playing in our fenced in back yard, I can walk my dogs at 11pm and not worry that someone is lurking in the shadows. I had a mailman that used to walk up my nieghbor's driveway with a can of mace in his hand because he had to pass within 8 feet of my fence, and the dogs didn't even bark at him, or rush the fence, they just stood there and watched. I waited for him outside one morning and told him that if it made him feel better to hold that mace, that it was fine with me. But as long as my dogs were on my side of my fence if he ever used that mace I would have his mace, his job, and his a**. He has since changed his route and our new mailman comes and pets the dogs over the fence, and love on them all of the time.
As for your neo lady, if she finds your dane too intimadating, she should find a new route to walk. It's her problem, not yours and certainly not your beautiful dane's. Find a breed or big dog club in your area and stick with people that have more sense to socialize Jack.


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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2005, 10:27:19 am »
I agree about smaller dogs being far more vicous than big dogs. My 2 year old son got bit in the face by a dauchund (sp?) about 4 months ago, and to this day, he points to the scar on his face and says "dog bite" and is deathly afraid of small dogs. My husbands mom has a dauchund and he wont go anywhere near it. It is nippy as well. It will chase the kids around and jump up to try and bite them. And his mom is always saying how he is just playing. Playing or not, no dog should chase kids around to try and bit them. She really does think its ok. And when he is scared of her dog, her only response is "that happened so long ago, why are you still scared?" He got bit in his face! I'd be scared too! And Dane? Not a violent bone in his body!



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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2005, 11:57:16 am »
Thanks Tina. :) I think he's pretty special too.

I too, am ok that people are aprehensive about Dane. We live out in the country on 5 acres, but I still have the fear of someone breaking in our house, and the thought of my 140lb great dane standing at the top of my stairs would be enough to scare anyone away.
The other day there were inmates cleaning up the side of our road when Dane just went off barking. He has a very deep, loud bark, and I went out to see what was going on and overheard them talking about him and how huge he was. Kind of funny. The guy closest to Dane went to the other side of the road when one guy said "oh he's ok, he is on a run" and the other guy said "I dont know, he's huge, if he wanted off, he could get off" LOL. I do definately feel safer knowing Dane is here when I'm home alone.


Offline Carolyn

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2005, 12:19:57 pm »
Living on Long Island, NY or anywhere their can be BAD people. The #1 rule at school is "no interaction with other dogs" (at school), if someone on the street was to ask "can I pet your dog" The answer is "NO". Our instructor spent months helping to fight for the life of a GSD she knew was not agressive, but in a situation of being provoked, snapped at a boy, whos parent knew the boy provoked the dog. People here are "SUE" happy, the owners of the dog won the case. I avoid situations best I can. I do not want an overly friendly dog who could get stolen & end up in a dog fighting ring. My dogs bark if someone passes on the road or comes to the door. Once I let the person in, if it is a friend my guys are fine. But sorry if your not a friend don't try to get into my house. I do not teach them to be agressive but they are protective.


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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2005, 03:33:26 pm »
I agree. I pity anyone who was foolish enough to break in my house or threaten my daughter. I have no doubt that those protective insticts would come to the surface. Most of the time if anyone approaches our fence they just back away and watch, but for some reason they took a shine to that mailman, and the feeling was mutual. When my dogs are outside on leashes, they are there to work, not potty and not make freinds. If someone wants to stop and talk, and askes if they bite, I simply tell them, yes, they do have teeth, and although they haven't ever bitten anyone, they certinly could. That pretty much ends the requests to pet them.

Offline SirBronson

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2005, 09:28:55 pm »
Oh I know all about this!!! Every time I go to the pet store with my 3 kids and my Dane people always ask me "is he vicious"  I just look at them and laugh and say "oh yes very and attacks my 5,2 and one year old baby all the time" now come on people!!! Give me a break! Like I would have this nut-so dog with lil children.  Every time we are out for walks people snatch up their small dogs and children when they see Sir Bronson coming...Frank ly it's getting old! {hahahaha} I am so sick of responding to the same lame comments like "no we do not ride him,no we do not own stock in the dog food company"  I quess people are just ignorant!  But hey let them be ..We have awesome dogs and they don't! hahahaha

Offline greek4

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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2005, 07:09:37 am »
I have been lucky with keeping kids around when I take my dogs out.  When I have kids with me people leave me alone and don't make rude comments about my dogs and their size.  Except once, a lady stopped to pet Maia, OEM, which Maia allowed but when the lady commented on my friends baby and stepped toward the baby, Maia barked at the lady.  The lady got huffy and walked away commenting on how I shouldn't let a mean dog around children.

Maia doesn't have a mean bone her body but she obviously didn't like that lady near the baby.  She had never been protective before and hasnt' done it again.  I think dogs have an innate since who what people are good hearted and what people have a monster inside.

What do you guys think?

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs


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Re: Someone explain this to me
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2005, 07:49:37 am »
I think large dogs intinctively  protect the smallest member of the pack, even the two-legged ones. Although I can say that my dogs have at times taken an unreasonable dislike to a few people and I have always trusted their instincts. They generally listen to me when I know better, why shouldn't I listen to them?