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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Discussions => : pyr4me February 23, 2008, 04:52:46 AM

: flea control with a Pyr?
: pyr4me February 23, 2008, 04:52:46 AM
I know it's still February, but the sun is shining today and I can't help but think about spring...which makes me think about fleas...this will be my first spring with Jenny and I'm wondering what you guys use for flea control with the Pyr coat? Thanks!
: Re: flea control with a Pyr?
: marypyrs February 23, 2008, 05:41:58 AM
I'm still using Frontline Plus, but if I remember correctly some BPOers found it to be less than effective in certain areas last year. I've never had a problem up here with fleas. Ticks are my main worry. I also use Skin So Soft on the dogs AND the horses. (Avon loves me.  ;))
: Re: flea control with a Pyr?
: maxsmom February 23, 2008, 09:30:26 AM
Frontline and Advantage were not working for us.  We live on a lake in the Orlando area, so even with monthly treatments for fleas, outside and inside, fleas are still a year round problem, especially this year, with no frosts or freezes.  I've just started using Vectra 3D.  It is supposed to kill the fleas, eggs, larvae and pupae.  It has only been 2 weeks so far, but it did kill all the fleas in 24 hours on all 3 of mine.  It will take about 5-6 weeks for me to really tell if it is working.  I will let you know.
: Re: flea control with a Pyr?
: Guardian Angel's White lightning February 23, 2008, 09:50:25 AM
i would prefer not to use a chemical on the dogs, since they are exposed to enough chemicals with all the vaccines and so instead if we see a flea we use either diatomacias earth or de flea spray, and it kills in less than 5 minutes. It is the best stuff!! ! K-9 advantix seems  to make more fleas and ticks. Frontline Plus works ok, but for fleas, De Flea is the best!!!
: Re: flea control with a Pyr?
: GreatPyr February 24, 2008, 01:05:56 AM
I use frontline plus for all my dogs and have had great success,all my dogs are in and out and never had a flea or tick problem,I just make sure on bear with his thick undercoat to part the hair really well when putting it on.
I live in NC,bug capital :D