Author Topic: I got mangled by a cat!!!  (Read 7662 times)

Offline goldensaint723

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I got mangled by a cat!!!
« on: December 25, 2008, 09:57:09 pm »
  You know I always thought being bit by a dog was bad, because I have always been a dog person have been biten by dogs of different types as a kid was never scared after being bit either suprisingly. I went over to my grandmas house for christmas and her cat was fine with me until I went to leave I pet the cat goodbye and I had petted her throughout the whole day and she was fine and when I went to leave the cat bit me and then resorted into attacking me full on. My hand was bleeding everywhere. The cat got my knuckle, palm of my hand, my wrist, and the outside of my hand until I put a pillow over the cat trust me this was a last resort as I had tried to remove my hand and even tried to grab her by the nape of her neck I would get attacked worse each time I had to remove her claws that were stuck very deeply in the palm and the outside of my hand. Then the cat jumped off the couch and my grandmas other cat chased her under the tree and attacked her for attacking me!! It was such a horrible cat fight my grandpa had to come and stop them. I have never had that happen in my whole life and I love all animals just dont own all of them.
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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2008, 10:02:17 pm »
oh wow wonder what caused the cat to go off like that out of nowhere? your hand ok now??? i've never been attacked by a cat, just play bites when my sisters cat gets too frisky

Offline goldensaint723

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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2008, 10:55:50 pm »
Yes my hand is okay. I suffered a very big ego blow due to they know I deal with extremely large dogs all day long here and I get mangled by a They are very deep scratches, cuts, and punctures from her teeth though which I will admit it does hurt. Now just gotta watch for cat scratch fever which is real suprisingly bacteria from the litter box gets into there claws they scratch you and sometimes you get cat scratch fever. It bled after I left until I got home. This cat for some reason is always flighty. She is spayed suprisingly and was suppose to calm her attitude down, but apparently Shes just a tortoise shell calico. So where the attitude comes from is beyond me. My aunt has a persian and she is overly friendly.
Owned by 3 saints and a Jack Russell Terror
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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2008, 01:12:23 am »
So sorry about your hand. Cat scratches and bites to me are the worst!  Heres to a speedy recovery

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2008, 02:01:19 am »
hmmm...sounds to me like someone wasn't keeping a close enough eye on the eggnog!

Cats are, by nature, psycho I think. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em and have two of the best kitties in the world, but I think sometimes all that pent-up natural prey drive that doesn't typically get nurtured in house cats just has to unleash itself every so often and your poor hand was unfortunate victim.

Clean it often and well. I knew an animal control officer that almost lost her finger and was out of work for over a month because of cat scratch fever. (That was from a feral cat, though - don't want to alarm you. I'm sure you'll be fine).
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline chaos270

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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2008, 03:01:59 am »
Soak your hand in hydrogen peroxide especially the bite too.  Cats have very dirty mouths and you have to worry about infection from that as well. My mom works at a vet clinic and they always get worse infections from the bites then the scratches. If it starts to swell go to the ER right away or else you could lose your hand. You may want to consider going to a local walkin clinic for antibiotics just in case. Hope your hand starts to feel better.  One reason I don't like cats that much is that they can be so unpredictable.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2008, 03:02:55 am by chaos270 »
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Offline marinafb

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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2008, 06:40:07 am »
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I had the same thing happen to me as well i had no idea that cat bites could be so serious. Mine was bleeding all over and i was bitten in almost the same place. I waited about 10hr to go to the er and they couldn't understand why i waited so long. They put me on a IV and antibiotics right away.I have been to the hand doctor after it healed and i have scar tissue on my knuckle and they would like to do surgery on it.Take it seriously have it looked at my had was so swollen and a mess.Go have it looked at !Be safe not sorry Marina
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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2008, 08:55:54 am »
not at all kittys are psycho : i have a huge male cat , about 15 lbs. he is the best kitty ever :P he stays inside , but, he doesn't like the litter box. he goes to the door meowing. we let him out and 5 minutes or so later hes back at the door meowing. he's never shown aggression at all. i've had to stop rose when she bounces on him and drags him around the house, the entire time he is purring. he obviously can't be enjoying it but he loves rose so much :P he hasnt tried to scratch her or anything when she does that to him. ty rocks :P

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: I got mangled by a cat!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2008, 01:42:27 pm »
You def. want to keep that well cleaned.  Be sure to actually scrub the wound out, and apply an antibiotic to it.  If the wounds are deep you might consider going to the dr's office just to be safe.

I've had a number of cat bites from working in vet clinics (although the only pet bites i ever had were from working at one office where the vet was a bit pshyco) as well as play bites.

And when I read it was a tortoiseshell I wasn't surprised.  I don't know what it is about that color (perhaps having something genetically to do with what makes them mostly female) but alot of torties and calicos can be a bit spacey and unpredictable.

Hope your hand heals quickly.  And get to the dr at the first sign of infection.