Author Topic: They don't like my dogs :(  (Read 4462 times)


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They don't like my dogs :(
« on: July 02, 2007, 08:47:12 pm »
My hubby's family is down here visiting for a week and they aren't dog people, apparently the only experiences with dogs they've had have been bad. Hubby told me that he didn't like dogs either until we got these. :-\ But I feel so bad for the poor pups, they are just being 6 month old puppies and don't understand why that's not okay for some people. I let them out in the yard the other day when we were all out there cause they really needed out and they would just push them away, when all they wanted was love. When I let them out, my 3 year old was around the corner and of course, they managed to push him to the ground because they were exicted and haven't realized how to be gentle yet..not to mention that just don't mean to, it doesn't take much. They just wanted to kiss him and Yiska is very agressive with her affection. I can tell Yukon to 'leave it' and he did but she doesn't listen nearly as well. So I picked up my toddler and I don't think that helped his Mom like the dogs anymore at that point. The rest of the time outside, any time one would come up to my son, she would tell them no, and to get away, and push them off. >:( That didn't help Jude seeing that I've been trying to work on getting him over his fear of dogs- from our last one that used to chase and bite him. I didn't want to create an argument, but it just sent the wrong message to the dogs, and to Jude, not to mention made me mad.

What's funny is we have new neighbors that just moved in behind us and they are way more affectionate to our dogs! After his family pushed them off, they ran to the back fence to stand there and get loved on from everyone on the other side. The poor puppies need some special time and some new toys after this week. :( They HAVE been super rowdy and not listening very well..but there's been new people over, we've been gone a lot and they've not been out nearly as much or outside since I'm trying to keep them clean these days. So naturally, they're a little wound up.

Never had to deal with family and dog issues before, so this is all new to me. And it sucks!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 08:48:46 pm by mama2many »


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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 09:24:07 pm »
Well they're only here for one more day. At least the visits are only twice a year. Eventually when they are housebroken they will be out all the time, then what. And to think we busted our butts getting them squeaky clean and presentable. I should've left them smelly. :D


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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 10:55:37 pm »
Yeah, we kept them crated mostly..but Yukon whined his head off because he loves to be around people. I did make sure to correct them everytime they got up on them or something, they usually are much better behaved than must have been more excitment than they are used to. Thank God they don't stay with us, or I'd go completely insane. So I can deal with short visits, knowing it won't do any lasting damage..just wish they enjoyed being around the pups. MY family doesn't mind them at all, but they are used to dogs.
I think the pups are getting into their stubborn, not listening phase now and that probably made it a bit worse.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 10:56:19 pm by mama2many »

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 11:44:40 pm »
Dont worry. Nobody comes to visit us because of our dogs... memphis is too big and loses way too much hair. and he drools all over... And Zero is too hyper and annoys everyone with his Bad Cuz ball. Jigsaw is pretty hyper sometimes, but shes the best of the bunch. and Reba is just ALL OVER EVERYONE. and nobody wants that.. My mom wont come visit... she doesnt care for my BTs. Darcys family doesnt even TALK To me. so, meh, no worries there ;)
so, dont worry, you are not alone ;)
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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 11:47:37 pm »
MY inlaws are the same  way.. Its  such a pain i feel  your pain.  When we  first brought  Zeus home  my inlaws  came over to see him and  my MIL  got  all up  tight  because  zeus  jumped on her.. HE WAS  A  BABY and had no training  yet  she got al ticked and tried to kick him, thank  god  i was right there to stop her and h ubby aswell  told  her not to.


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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 11:53:33 pm »
None of my family like Bubba and Lola. With the exception of my parents and even they aren't too much for the drool. But they tolerate it which is more than I can say for other members of my family.

I just got to the point where I refused to lock them up because they drool. I told them all that if they don't like it not to bother coming here anymore.

The complete and utter last straw was when my Aunt had kicked Bubba in the face because he approached her for attention with a stringer hanging from his jowl.  >:( God forbid that he get drool on her.  ::) And yes I threw her out of the house and haven't seen her since.. LOL

Offline Duramax

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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 11:58:28 pm »
family can be such a stink sometimes!! poor pups i bet partialy why they are being more notty is because they know the guests dont like them. and are nervous. max gets totaly notty when he's nervous. im sorry you have to deal with this. and as for the nocking your boy down...well in reality our childrens siblings do them more damage than the family dog ever thought of doing. and that's just a fact. but your inlaws prabibly never thought of it that way huh. when people live in a home together, every once in a while they get hurt. the only way to avoid that is to have no children and no dogs ::) just make sure your inlaws dont mistreat the dogs. there gone now anyway arent they?

just stand for your self and your way of life and dont let any one look down their nose at you in your own house!!!
mother of:
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"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown


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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2007, 12:08:23 am »
That's what I was telling hubby is that we all have to live here together, so I don't want to keep the dogs from being able to kiss the kids as they walk past or whatever..I don't want them to think they're off limits or something, that just isn't right. One day they will be protecting them too. And by making it seem like they shouldn't touch my son, would just seem that it reinforced his fear so that's what I've been trying to avoid. I know he knows they like him, he will pet them or let them kiss him sometimes and tell me that 'the dogs wike me' hehe.

I can't even imagine if they drooled! Their big open mouths were enough to get the 'eww, get away'. They aren't gone yet, they have a couple more days in town, then the dogs can get used to things being normal. You're probably right about them sensing they aren't liked so much.

Sounds like the family/dog thing is pretty common.

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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2007, 12:29:16 am »
Aww, I feel your pain!  I do get embarrassed sometimes by the dogs' behavior when we have guests...then I remember that people do not have to visit in my home if they don't want to!  Don't worry, like you said, only a few days, then you can go back to normal!
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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2007, 06:15:17 am »
Get more dogs - then they won't come back!!!
mom of 4 humans AND
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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2007, 07:14:44 am »
Get more dogs - then they won't come back!!!
LMAO!!! Great idea! ;D
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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2007, 12:10:43 am »
One of the advantages of being a grown up is that not only do you get to support yourself and your family, but that you can have and do the things that make you happy. You should no longer be influenced by what your parents want or think is best for you, they had at least 18 years to instill what they thought was best and now, its up to you. My inlaws have yet to come out to my place, we have been here for 2 1/2 years. Seems that they always want to come in when I am at work - or the minute that I get off of work. Nope, doesnt work for me, lets try for a weekend when thier son is in town. They like dogs, but little dogs-they are not at all in to anything larger than a miniature poodle.
The last time that they wanted to come out- I again had to say no. They wanted to come out to property, get something, and go back into town while I was at work. They do not seem to understand that this is not the city- you dont just drive up the drive way, hop out of your car and go about your business.
I am completely fenced in- you will have to come thru the gate- If the dogs are out- you are going to be met by 800 pounds of dog and they have no idea who you are, good luck getting out of the truck. We have had 35 inches of rain, primarily in the past 10 weeks. I have grass in some areas that you could hide a small toddler for days and not find him, guess where snakes like to hide?
I love my in-laws, but they do not understand our life or our dogs. My home is for me and my family and my family consists of the humans a a lot of dogs - we are happy. Most of the time we dont have visitors- we are all very content with no visitors. Life is good.
Hopefully your in-laws will be going, and soon. And then your life can get back to normal- Maybe it wont take too long for Yiska and Yukon to realize that the people who dont like them are not a daily fixture.

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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2007, 10:03:25 am »
The complete and utter last straw was when my Aunt had kicked Bubba in the face because he approached her for attention with a stringer hanging from his jowl.  >:( God forbid that he get drool on her.  ::) And yes I threw her out of the house and haven't seen her since.. LOL

Good for you! Poor Bubba, I would have done the same thing by kicking her out.  No one will ever - let me repeat that - NO. ONE. WILL. EVER. hurt one of my dogs for ANY reason.   my family are not really animal lovers.  I brought Sierra to my sister's graduation party and even though she was leashed the whole time, they were all looking at her like they were absolutely disgusted by her.  Except my sister who started rolling around the grass with her!  Sierra loves people and truly thinks everyone she meets is her best friend.  The poor girl couldn't understand why she was not allowed to go by anyone. 

As for your MIL yelling at the dogs for going near your son, my humble opinion is: I would calmly explain that the dogs did not hurt him and that you would appreciate her not disciplining your dogs when they did not do anything wrong.  If she states that she believes they did, too bad, so sad.  It's your home = your rules.  It really is that simple.

But that's me.  I don't tell other people how to raise their children or their pets and I won't tolerate anyone telling me how to raise mine.
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Offline Duramax

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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2007, 12:52:16 pm »
isnt it the dumbest thing when another woman in the family walks into your house and starts acting like the lady of the house...HELLO!?!?! any body watch N.C.I.S? i say all these people need a good WHACK on the back of the head by Gibbs! >:(
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Re: They don't like my dogs :(
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 08:12:13 pm »
Oh ouch! My in-laws are like that too. Even though they have had dogs before and large ones. To be nice to Oma who had knee surgery we have the dogs say hi and then send them outside to play. But they dislike the dogs so much we can not come and visit them for more than a few hours since we are not allowed to bring the dogs. Hubby is getting angry with them over it. They don't do anything in the house and just because Joker is a big baby doesn't mean he is a "bad" dog. I hate going over there most of the time.
My parents love dogs. They haven't met Joker because we just got him. This October they are coming and I can't wait for our whole family to be together!
As for pushing down the kids... Joker doesn't know he did it and it just teaches the kids to be careful around big dogs. I know my 6yo has no fear of any dog and she should be very careful.
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