Author Topic: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?  (Read 11812 times)


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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2006, 10:59:08 pm »
Well, i didn't read what others said, so they may have said this already but the fact is it looks dumb, along with many other things. the over-coat is what protects the dog from the water, and the sun. so, you may have more problems on your trip than over heating. if he decides to jump in the lake, it might take him forever to dry, and may even get cold. (is he a wimp?) he may get sunburned, so get a bottle of doggie sun screen to carry with you (they sell them at the vendors at shows and petsmart) if you show your dog, you should NOT shave the dog. it damages the coat, and it may grow back curlier, or it may have random white hairs were there shouldn't be white. chalk may help, but that is technecally (SP) illegal, and it takes forever.

i know there are more, but i can't think of them right now. i shaved Sammie a couple years ago, but he looked retarded, and it wasn't really worth it for me. then again, Sam, is only half newf, so it might look a little better on a full newf.


I think that when we're all referring to "shaving" (and everyone correct me if I'm wrong) we mean more of a clip, not a down-to-the-skin imposed baldness. Personally, I don't think that clipped dogs look "dumb" or "retarded". I think that Drake (Newflover's Dog) looks adorable with his puppy cut.

I think that this kind of clipping avoids the sunburn and the getting cold after a swim issue. Let's try to keep it constructive here, K?

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2006, 11:01:42 pm »
 Your're from Maine? I didn't realize there were any other Mainers here besides my3dogs ,ricky and myself.
Yay-another Mainer! I didn't realize that anyone else was from Maine except BlueHeron (I think that's the name?) We're in South Portland now but are moving to Westport Island soon.  Where are you?  I will have to keep a look out for you and your dogs! :)
Binky-Great Pyrenees
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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2006, 11:41:50 pm »
Your're from Maine? I didn't realize there were any other Mainers here besides my3dogs ,ricky and myself.
Yay-another Mainer! I didn't realize that anyone else was from Maine except BlueHeron (I think that's the name?) We're in South Portland now but are moving to Westport Island soon.  Where are you?  I will have to keep a look out for you and your dogs! :)

 I have a house in Falmouth that I'm renovating. The pups and I spend our weekends there. The rest of the time were in Bass Harbor on Mt Desert Island where I work.

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2006, 12:54:42 am »

I've always heard "the coat insulates them from the heat" but being a scientist, I just don't get it. (I'm not really a scientist, but it just doesn't compute for me) I mean, Newfs evolved in very cold areas,swimming in arctic water...why in heaven's name would there be any reason for a coat to keep them cool? I just don't get it. It just seems to defy the laws of physics for me. I totally get the sunburn thing, but..the coat keeping them cool...hmm...

I think that the coat keeping them cool is just a matter of the basics of insulation. Heat flows naturally from a hotter area to a cooler area. So the Newfs coat will try to maintain a consistant body temperature, blocking heat on the way in when it is hot out and prevent his body from losing heat when it is cold outside. Never gonna happen in Newfoundland, the temp. here will never get high enough!!

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2006, 01:24:16 am »
I can only go on my experience, and like AC, am on the atlantic coast of Canada (Nova Scotia) so don't have to deal with the heat issue here.

I have had Barkley clipped short, and his coat has been beautifully healthy.  I've also had the unfortunate experience of having to have him shaved right down to the skin due to hot spots.  That part of his coat took almost three years to grow back nicely - it was very coarse for a long time afterward.  I've also most recently had one of the best grooming experiences (well ok, HE had the grooming but I felt like I had been to the spa it was that good!!! hehehe) where they completely thinned out his undercoat.  Seven weeks later, he's still nice and light coated. 

Good luck with your decision!  Do you have a reputable groomer that you can speak to about it?
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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2006, 07:13:34 am »
Thanks for all the good information.  I did in fact mean "clipping" rather than shaving down to the skin.  I've never taken him to a groomer so I don't know any reputable ones.  I also worried that groomers in general may not be very familiar with Newf's so I thought I'd pose the question to some of the experts at BigPawsOnly first.

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2006, 08:54:33 am »
Glad you posted this question, Maggieb, and I certainly appreciate all the responses, esp those who have done it.  I debated this with my Pyr last year since he went through a really wierd shedding season (probably a result of his immune problems though I didn't know it at the time).  It was really difficult to keep his coat cleared of mats and he was incredibly patient with my constant grooming!  Our new Pyr is a goofball and I'm not sure he's going to sit still long enough to groom so this will be interesting.  I've done a little brushing but he'd rather play ::)  Hopefully he'll settle down a bit or I may end up sending him for a clip job too!

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2006, 11:24:48 am »
I saw my name was mentioned a few times on this one so I figured I had better chime in.  I'm no expert, but I know that clipping Drake's hair short is the best thing for all parties considered.  For us, he stinks less, is easier to groom, dries quicker, doesn't get "poopy butt fur" and he has a lower amount of shed.  For him, he stays cooler, doesn't get hot spots, doesn't get mats & dredlocks and people will interact more with him.  No offense to the BPO folks who say it, but I don't believe that long hair will keep your Newf cooler in hot weather.  I may be wrong but that just doesn't make sense.  Summers here in California can get up to 100 deg. Farenheit and personally, I would feel horrible if we exposed Drake to that kind of heat and didn't cut his fur short. 

MaggieB, if I were you and I was hiking for 3 weeks with a Newf, I would at least get Coopers hair cut a bit shorter.  It will be easier to get any foxtails and burrs that will assureadly get tangled in his fur and he will dry out quicker and clean off easier so it won't be so bad if you share your tent with him.  Have fun!  I'm jealous!  Are you going to be hiking in Oregon?

My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.


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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2006, 04:15:37 am »
I saw my name was mentioned a few times on this one so I figured I had better chime in.  I'm no expert, but I know that clipping Drake's hair short is the best thing for all parties considered.  For us, he stinks less, is easier to groom, dries quicker, doesn't get "poopy butt fur" and he has a lower amount of shed.  For him, he stays cooler, doesn't get hot spots, doesn't get mats & dredlocks and people will interact more with him.  No offense to the BPO folks who say it, but I don't believe that long hair will keep your Newf cooler in hot weather.  I may be wrong but that just doesn't make sense.  Summers here in California can get up to 100 deg. Farenheit and personally, I would feel horrible if we exposed Drake to that kind of heat and didn't cut his fur short. 

MaggieB, if I were you and I was hiking for 3 weeks with a Newf, I would at least get Coopers hair cut a bit shorter.  It will be easier to get any foxtails and burrs that will assureadly get tangled in his fur and he will dry out quicker and clean off easier so it won't be so bad if you share your tent with him.  Have fun!  I'm jealous!  Are you going to be hiking in Oregon?

Nice answer, Ryan. I concur. ;D

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2006, 12:41:02 am »
You make a great point about burrs and foxtails.. I hadn't even thought of that part. I probably will clip him. And yeah, we probably will be in S.Oregon or Northern CA.

And it would be great if Cooper would dry faster. He takes almost all day to dry now which means he gets that musty smell that laundry gets if you leave it in the washing machine too long. STINKY! I thought Newf's would dry faster than that (or at least not get as wet) since they are water dogs.  But it could be because Cooper isn't full Newf..

What do the rest of you do about your dogs strong odor?  I'm getting really tired of everyone telling me how bad he smells.


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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2006, 07:01:27 am »
Hmmm...Cabeza never smells. Seriously. I've had people tell me before that they're suprised at how he never stinks. I always just keep a towel around and dry him off. He totally loves it and it helps him dry off quicker. He's not a full Newf, either, but he does have a double-coat and his other half is Chow, so its THICK. REAL thick. So, maybe its just the towel?

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2006, 08:32:55 pm »
my clipped down newfs didnt get cold after swimming and they dried very fast, it didnt look dumb, or stupid, they were cooler, i started clipping my sampson down at 9 years of age, and he lived to 13 in summers he went into lake michigan, and, was fine, never suffered ill effects, dried fast, and was easier to care for, he acted like a puppy for two weeks after his clipping with a 7F blade or a 5 blade.
for those who knock it, that is fine, but, remember, to each his own, there are as many opinions about this subject as there are in HOW TO RAISE CHILDREN
now THAT is a can of worms in itself! :)
it is CRUCIAL that you get the DEAD undercoat, clipping wont do squat for you if the DEAD undercoat is still sitting caked against the skin, the skin needs to breath, therefore a high velocity dryer is recomended and necesary for any giant breed dog owner.
the K-9 11 is wonderful!
i bath mine every four to six weeks and blow them off completly they have yet to get hotspots ever, hotspots can be due to improper grooming.
Complete combout is necessary with a COMB medium tooth comb, not a brush every four weeks if you cannot use the high velocity dryer wich is very time consuming, and, again, if you are dealing with altered pets, it takes a year after spay nueter for the coat to change into horrible texture that is even harder to keep combed out.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 08:36:19 pm by sarnewfie »
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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2006, 09:48:45 pm »
You make a great point about burrs and foxtails.. I hadn't even thought of that part. I probably will clip him. And yeah, we probably will be in S.Oregon or Northern CA.

And it would be great if Cooper would dry faster. He takes almost all day to dry now which means he gets that musty smell that laundry gets if you leave it in the washing machine too long. STINKY! I thought Newf's would dry faster than that (or at least not get as wet) since they are water dogs.  But it could be because Cooper isn't full Newf..

What do the rest of you do about your dogs strong odor?  I'm getting really tired of everyone telling me how bad he smells.

Yeah, we thought Drake would dry super fast too, but he doesn't.  Whenever we bathe him, we blow dry him with a hair dryer on "cool" setting or an Ionic hairdryer.  He get so fluffy!!! Especially his head and mane!  So flipping cute!  As for the smell, when Drake starts to get "Tinky", we spray him with Earthbath Deodorizing spritz.

It's all natural, makes him smell good and it conditions his coat.  You just spray him, rub it in, and then comb him.  A small bottle of that stuff and a brush would be key for your trip.  Also, if it's a stink that won't go away, Cooper might either have rotten undercoat or (oh god, YUCK!) he may need his anal glands depressed.  Have fun on your trip!
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2006, 09:08:45 pm »
bump for the post wondering about clipping

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Re: why aren't you suppose to shave a Newf?
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2006, 05:24:17 pm »
[ As for the smell, when Drake starts to get "Tinky", we spray him with Earthbath Deodorizing spritz.

It's all natural, makes him smell good and it conditions his coat.  You just spray him, rub it in, and then comb him.  A small bottle of that stuff and a brush would be key for your trip.  Also, if it's a stink that won't go away, Cooper might either have rotten undercoat or (oh god, YUCK!) he may need his anal glands depressed.  Have fun on your trip!
That stuff sounds great! :)
Just out of curiosity? What is a good shampoo to use on their coats?
Blessings! :)
Amy Lynn