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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Discussions => : Momdog March 12, 2008, 03:20:36 PM

: We have a Fence
: Momdog March 12, 2008, 03:20:36 PM
Yeah!!!!The fence is up but I am concerned  :-\since the yard isn't totally level there are spots that I am worried about since I know that they are diggers I do not want them to dig out.  This weekend is going to be the big day  :-*and they will be at their new home.  We are all so excited.  ;D I have made the cats totally indoors and they love it. :)  What's not to love laying around all day in the comfort of the indoors.  So I think we finally have a good plan that everyone can live with. 

I just hope the transport goes well. :D
: Re: We have a Fence
: GoldenPyrs March 12, 2008, 05:56:48 PM
Congrats on the fence, Bev!  That's a big project and I remember well our fencing projects.  What a relief when you are done, huh?  Yes, my first Pyr Cara, was a huge digger so we placed big rocks (some were close to a foot in diameter) around the base of the fence where she liked to dig.  Then whenever she started to dig there a rock would drop into the hole and block her access.  :)  We were really at our wit's end trying to keep Cara inside the fence.  It finally took electric wire strung along the top of the fence to discourage her from climbing over (6'-almost 7' in places) and rocks to keep her from digging under, but it worked great.  Hopefully, you won't need such drastic measures with your pups.  We haven't had such big problems through with either Halley, Sammy, Cassie or Daisy, so I don't think that it's the norm (at least I hope not to that extent).  Cara's Dad was renowned for being able to open almost any chain link latch that the breeder tried, so I think that it was just in *her* mischievous genes.   ;D  ::)

I would watch them very closely at first though.  I think that I'd put them into the garage or somewhere secure at bedtime or whenever you can't watch them closely until you know whether or not they're escape artists.  Oh and if they aren't microchipped, that would be probably be a great investment.   ;)  :)

I'm glad that your kitties like being indoor cats.  That's great & they'll avoid all of the outdoor hazards that way, too.  It sounds like everything is coming together nicely.  I'll be crossing my fingers for you for a smooth transition this weekend.  Let us know how it goes, ok?
: Re: We have a Fence
: London_Pyr_Lover March 12, 2008, 07:01:37 PM
I just want to second all of the good luck sentaments!  I can't wait to see pictures of them once they're finally home with you.  :)  Oh and congrats on the fence!  I've been trying to convince my family that we need one for about a year now!  ::) :D
: Re: We have a Fence
: pyr4me March 12, 2008, 11:16:39 PM
Congrats on the fence! And best wishes for all for the move this weekend.
: Re: We have a Fence
: GreatPyr March 13, 2008, 05:11:54 AM
Congrats and sounds like you are ready :D

: Re: We have a Fence
: Momdog March 13, 2008, 10:04:45 AM
We realized our mistake when trying to get them in my brothers' back yard.  :'( Buddy will follow Dollie anywhere because she is his surrogate mother.  :) I didn't realize at the time that we only had one leash and we didn't trust them to listen to us in a new surrounging.  Dollie is much easier to handle because she is smaller so if we have her take the lead then he will follow.  I have a bundh of rocks and old bricks so for now I am going to line the uneven portions of the fence with rocks, and they are used to a lot of rocks because Moms' house was on the side of a mountain and there were rocks everywhere.  8) So I am hoping that will be a comfort for both of them.  We decided that we would make the transfer this weekend so that I can watch them and see how they will behave.  I will let you know on Monday how it goes.  I think they will be very happy becuase everyone is so anxious to have them at their new home.  ;D I am going to go tonight and get them some new toys one will be a big rope with nots in it and of course some chew bones.  What are the best type of chew bones?  Buddy still seems like he wants to chew a lot, does this stop after they turn 3 or are chewers just chewers? ???

Thanks for all of the support
: Re: We have a Fence
: Sillygoose March 13, 2008, 10:05:09 AM
Congrats and I will be thinking of you and the dogs when it comes time for transport. I'm sure it will go well.
: Re: We have a Fence
: pyr4me March 13, 2008, 09:47:51 PM
  What are the best type of chew bones?  Buddy still seems like he wants to chew a lot, does this stop after they turn 3 or are chewers just chewers? ???

Thanks for all of the support

Both of my dogs love bully sticks, which are digestible. Jenny can go through a single one very quickly, but the triple braided ones take her close to an hour. You can find them at pet stores to buy individually, but they are way cheaper to buy in bulk online. Tipper was a chewer until around 3 years old, but he still will chew a bully stick if offered. Jenny seems to enjoy a good chew once in a while, but I don't really consider her a chewer like Tipper was.
: Re: We have a Fence
: NarniaMals March 14, 2008, 02:35:48 PM
Congrats on your fence - we had one put in last year - it was worth every penny!  Safety and secirity for my pups was very important.  We have spent the last 2 days moving 20 tons (yes tons - 20 cubic yards) of gravel into our yard for the pups to have gravel instead of mud! We are 1/2 way done. Good luck on getting everyone home safely.