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Messages - steve

Pages: [1]
Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: You're Not My Mother
« on: June 03, 2009, 04:14:12 pm »
One time I put a black stocking over my head and walked into the garage where my wife and six month old pyr were sitting. That pyr charged straight for me in a very aggressive manor. I ripped that stocking off and screamed the Pyr's name and luckily he stopped. He was going to attack me and I learned DON'T mess with a Pyr.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: How do you keep a Pyr happy???
« on: June 03, 2009, 04:01:28 pm »
I have a male Pyr and 5 other dogs and the Pyr rules all. It's his yard and he will guard it, the females may run behind him but the males better stay clear. We constantly scolded him for aggressive behavior with the other dogs and he eventually eased up. The other dogs also know to stay clear. The other dogs are small except a golden retiever who doesn't guard anyways. Luckily we have no dog capable of challenging him so our problem solved itself. That husky mix is going to be a problem because of the spitz backround, they are fighters. Your problem may never go away. Some Pyr's rule all, no exceptions, or die trying. Hope you can work it out.   

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Does your Pyr like rain?
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:29:56 pm »
My Pyr cody has always loved rain, we live in Florida and the worse the storm the more he likes it. He likes to stand outside and bark at the storms and the neighbors and the birds and the trees and the.......

My 100lb. Pyr was chewing on my 35lb. mutts head tonight. He's okay just scared the heck out of us. Male pyr's can be vicious.
Females can be vicious also, the first Pyr I ever saw was a stray at the pound, she attacked a pit bull just walking by her in the hall. Not hard to figure out why she was there.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Pyr grew 2 pounds in 2 months!!??
« on: September 05, 2008, 06:26:07 am »
I have 5 dogs and 4 out of 5 are a little chubby the exception being the Pyr. He is 4 years old weighs 100 lbs. and is very skinny. You can feel his bones under his thick coat. His mom and dad were guard dogs on a farm and his dad weighed about 90 lbs. When I asked the owners parents why his dad was so light he said it was a good "working weight" and seeing how he is a vet I figured he new what he was talking about. My Pyr takes his guard duties very seriously and I believe it is a built in instinct not to over eat. Pyrs were bred to defend against wolves which are very fast and a fat pyr would have a hard time stopping a wolf before the kill.
Sounds like your dog is right on track to me.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: New owner
« on: September 04, 2008, 04:00:04 pm »
Kinda looks like a pyr but could be a mix. Pyrs are roamers so that sounds unusual but I have a Shiba Inu who was a stray and now will not leave the house.
If it is a Pyr it may seem timid but make him mad and he will send shivers up and down your spine (or an unwelcome intruders).
Strays need alot of reassuring and comforting to fit in, other dogs help.

Two male pyrs is asking for trouble. I have a male pyr and a small male mutt dog which the pyr dominates constantly.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Phoebe has gotten us in trouble!!!
« on: September 02, 2008, 07:15:11 pm »
I have five dogs including one pyr who all love to bark and I live in a city neighborhood. One of my neighbors complained to the city about barking and I got a letter. I was told two neighbors need to complain for the city to take any action. The complainers would need to sign a complaint sheet and be willing to submit the complaint to the city. I don't know if any of my neighbors would back up the original complainer but I did learn I would have a hearing and have the chance to prove the complaints were false (with a lawyer if needed). I doubt if anyone would back up my whining neighbor if they risk perjury. Luckily they never went that far.
Also you can play payback, many things are illegal that are not enforced unless someone complains. Parking on the sidewalk, commercial vehicles, mini bikes, building without permits, unlicensed contracting, open fires, etc. Maybe taking away something they love will make them think twice about complaining again.
I obey the laws pertaining to dog barking in my city mostly because I understand it can be irritating but I will not tolerate a liar. My whining neighbor moved within a year, I think he got tired of my complaining.
Don't get mad, get even and good luck.  

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Hello we are new to the Pyr experience.
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:30:42 pm »
My Pyr Cody is very skinny by his own choice, I think they generally stay very slim.
We learned early if you want to eat your own food put it away or it will be gone. He will train you about this over time.

Cody opens all cabinets with brute force, destroying cabinets in the process. I put long boards along the top of the kitchen cabinets with notches at the knobs to keep him from scratching the finish and lock him out.

Glad to here he is going to have a good home. Hope you enjoy him. 

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Pyr food agression
« on: August 24, 2008, 07:30:45 am »
No, he hates being confined, We gave up on crating as a puppy he never quit barking. He's a rebel in many ways, very stubborn.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Pyr food agression
« on: August 23, 2008, 09:45:51 pm »
My GP Cody has always been very food aggressive and it's getting old. As an 8 week old puppy he would growl if you put your hand in his food and he is now 4 years old and nothing has changed. He has come after me, my wife and my other dogs for getting to close. He's never hurt anyone but it's pretty scary. He will steal food and we can take that away no problem, it's his food bowl and his puke he protects. He's picky so sometime he will not eat and just guard his bowl which is dangerous for the other dogs who wander by. He's very skinny and by no means a pig. He's an excellent guard dog he just takes it to far. Does anyone have this problem? A cure?

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Can you stand yet another question?
« on: August 23, 2008, 08:52:39 pm »
My GP Cody basically was uncratable as a puppy. He barked all night long and as much as we tried to ignore him we gave in and let him out (after weeks of trying). He was born on a farm where his parents were guard dogs and I just think he was spoiled running free as a puppy. GP's were bred to be free and I think it's unfair to lock them up against there will. Sounds like some are more strong willed than others and Cody is definetly strong willed.
Good luck.   

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Multiple dogs???
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:26:23 pm »
We have 5 dogs one of which is a male Pyr. He beat up my other small male dog and I would not trust him with another male dog because they would have to submit. Generally the pyr is a good dog he just has a strong guarding instinct that can cause problems. No one is allowed to be aggressive with the cat, stay out of his food bowl and NEVER go near his puke (I think he still sees it as his food).  I just pity the bad guy who ever has to deal with this guy. It's not always that easy to reverse 5,000 years of guard dog breeding.
He does love to play with all of my dogs and is often found in the bed with all four dogs. He does not allow anyone to pet him on the top of his head, he believes he is higher in the pack than people and if you ever confronted him you would learn he has no fear of humans. His mother and father lived as guard dogs on a farm and his short stay may have contributed to his stubborness.
He is a very good dog with a few hang ups but they can be dealt with.   

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