Author Topic: Sad day at the emergency vet...a rant!  (Read 1064 times)

Offline newflvr

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Sad day at the emergency vet...a rant!
« on: November 28, 2006, 08:44:28 am »
I spent the day with a friend who's dog had chronic bloat (a Newf) and he had surgery to tack his stomach and be checked for the cause.  While she was sitting in his cage in recovery ::), the vet techs brought in a sweet-looking dog...carrying him by his legs upside down.  I was shocked that they would carry him that way and we got to chatting (he was in the cage next to my friend's dog).  This dog is a pit bull who is owned by a drug dealer and was guarding a meth-lab.  The owner was arrested, and the dog was picked up by animal control.  The dog was so vicious that he attacked the aluminum pole that they used to capture him and broke off 7 of his teeth below the gum line.  Animal Control brought him in to the vet to have the stubs of his teet removed and his gums stitched up to make him more comfortable.  He can look forward to a future of going to the pound and being pts. 

Here's where I have the problem.  WHY?? 

I asked the vet why she didn't just put him down now and her reply was that she couldn't judge the quality of his life just because he's vicious.  She said he's obviously been cared for and perhaps he's fine with his 'family'.  It just seemed  so hopeless and sad.

What do you all think??