Author Topic: Hoping not to jinx this, but I'll introduce Katie and Thor/Bear/needs new name  (Read 11739 times)

Offline longshadowfarms

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I'm supposed to be getting two new LGDs this week and didn't want to get too excited since we've had a couple fall through already but these look pretty solid so I'll go for it and post some pics!  First is Katie, a 3 yr old spayed Anatolian Shepherd who is currently an LGD on an Alpaca farm.  They say that she has challenged a few of the Alpacas and suspect that she attacked one (no one saw what happened) but I suspect that they are getting into Pyrs and breeding some and she just doesn't fit.  She sounds like an absolute love and doesn't like to be indoors at all so she ought to be fine here.  I was very specific in my requests that any incoming dogs be very loving toward people.  Any dog will naturally deter predators and Katie has shown herself very well that way too but more important to me, she LOVES people. 

Next is Thor/Bear/needs a name.  He was an outdoor family dog with at least two kids - one in a wheel chair and a 14 yr old who had allergies.  How an outdoor dog is a problem for a kid with allergies is the real question but the reason they gave up the dog is because the 14 yr old wouldn't stay away from him.  The rescue coordinator thinks he just barked too much.  He is supposedly tall and thin, not real heavy.  Also very loving.  He has never been indoors other than in a crate at night and hates being crated to the point where she has him on something to calm him at night.  He was called Thor at his home, rescue coordinator calls him Bear.  My last Pyr was Thor and I loved him too much to use that name again.  Not that I don't like the name Bear but as the thread not too long ago mentioned, there are a lot of "Bear"s out there.  Looking for a name for him that will go well with Katie.  I can't see changing her name at this point.  It seems to fit.  I was looking at another Pyr named Kodiak - liked that name but didn't think the dog would fit here.  Anyone else have any name suggestions?  Any suggestions on keeping my sanity waiting this week?  Katie comes Thurs evening, then I drive early Fri morning to get Thor/Bear/NAN. 

forgot the pics...  Katie first
« Last Edit: April 17, 2006, 03:13:03 am by longshadowfarms »

Offline longshadowfarms

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Now the male...  Oh yah, he's two, will be neutered the day before I pick him up  :o  Rescue coordinator will be at the National show and would like him gone before she's at the show but couldn't get him neutered before then, her schedule, my schedule, etc...   She said he needs a bath.

Offline newflvr

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Beautiful dogs!! They sound wonderful and I know they will get the home they deserve with you! 

As to names, I love old-fashioned human names for dogs.  We've had Otis, Lucille and now Chester (Cowboy came with his name). I had wanted to name Chester "Hootie" but that got voted down by the family.  Horace, Harry, Bill, Ralph, Harold are all fun names....jmho! ;D ;D

Congrats on the new additions and will look forward to seeing pictures! ;)

Offline horsepoor21

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Both of your soon to be new additions are gorgeous ! Katie is so beautiful and "no name" has the sweetest face ! Congratulation s !
Moose-Border Collie/Newfoundland rescue
Polly&Rainbow-Lovebirds (with 3 babies!)
Crush-Painted Turtle

       "Every boy should have two things:
 A dog, and a mother willing to let him have one"


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Yea for you!  I'm sure these will come through.  They are really beautiful dogs too.  How about Leeland?  Mozart?  Picasso?

Offline BabsT

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Isnt it an oxymoron for LGD's like anatolians to love all people... I mean their own pack yes, but strangers?  My sister had them and I know a fair amount of people that own them as well and they all have distrust of people outside of pack...  It is bred into them to have a distrust of predators 2 or 4 legged...

Regardless I wish you well...I have a soft spot for LGDs hence my two LOL

Albin, polish for white
Amar, forever..
Ari means Lion...

those are just a few that I like for dogs
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

Offline NoDogNow

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He looks like such a warrior.  How about Cuchulain? 

It's pronounced koo-HOO-len, and is the name of one of the hero of one of the 3 major Irish Cycles.  I've that would be a great name for a big warrior dog ever  since I read Kenneth Flint's adaptations of that particular cycle years and years ago.

Then you'd have Katie and Cu!  :D

They're both just gorgeous, you're SO lucky to have room for all your babies!  I'm jealous.

Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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AW - they are both absolutely beautiful!  I REALLY, REALLY hope everything works out for you and you get to take them home! ;)

YAY - another Kate on BPO!!! ;D

Offline longshadowfarms

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Isnt it an oxymoron for LGD's like anatolians to love all people... I mean their own pack yes, but strangers?  My sister had them and I know a fair amount of people that own them as well and they all have distrust of people outside of pack...  It is bred into them to have a distrust of predators 2 or 4 legged...

Regardless I wish you well...I have a soft spot for LGDs hence my two LOL

Albin, polish for white
Amar, forever..
Ari means Lion...

those are just a few that I like for dogs

Yes, I do understand the LGD temperament.  I went through a time of considering going Newfie rather than LGD for that reason (and because the Newfies are so darned cute!) but decided I'd rather look on the gentle side of LGD breeds rather than have a Newfie unhappy with not enough attention.  My last Pyr was an awesome LGD but I couldn't trust him around most men.  He never hurt anyone but he bumped a few men and took DH's cousin's hand gently in his mouth and redirected him to a different location.  I'd rather err on the side of too gentle than have someone get hurt.  The guarding I need is not high intensity.  I'm looking for outdoor pets with light guarding duties  ;) Our property is pretty tightly fenced against larger predators (dogs, coyote).  It is the smaller stuff (raccoon, weasel, fox, etc) that I need kept away from my poultry.  That and I'm a dog addict.  I like the name Ari but that's a friend's name.  Not sure he'd appreciate a dog named after him!

Newflvr gave me the idea to go looking for human names.  Thanks!  Checked out one of those baby name websites.  Kipling seems to be the top contender - DH picked out of my short list including Carter and Kaiser.  Rudyard Kipling is one of DH's favorite authors.

NoDogNow, thanks for the idea but I'm not sure I'm smart enough to spell that one!  LOL!

Horsepoor, any K artists or composers?  Last Pyrs we were supposed to get were very devoted to each other so we were considering Bogart and Bacall.  Not that it has to have the K but seems to flow...

Babs, thanks for the offer! LOL! I have plenty of cleaning to do here but have not been well enough to do it.  My mom was actually here this week helping my kids clean house!  My kids have been doing a lot of the preparations (minor fence repairs, stuffing the new bed I made, cleaning out the old one).  They are very excited about this as they all loved Thor to pieces and were heartbroken when he died. Thankfully they are old enough to help out a lot and are mostly done with school for the year so this is good timing.


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It doesn't match Katie's name, but I just LOVE the names Faust or Atticus for a male - so strong...

Offline kathryn

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Okay, I have a name but I can't think of it.  It's the main male character's name in the old movie Kiss Me Kate.  It's one of Shakespeare's plays and I can't think of any of the actors either but I can see them in my head.  Which obviously doesn't help you one bit but someone else may know what I am talking about.  Anyone, have a clue?

Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Offline longshadowfarms

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I had to google to find it...  Petruchio?  DH watched a ton of musicals as a kid because his mom loved them.  I'll have to see if he and his mom remember this one.  Lots of rave reviews!  Looks like a movie worth getting.

Offline NoDogNow

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You can't name such a beautiful boy Petruchio! 

Petruchio is the most clueless, stupid man in all of Shakespeare! 

I promise you, if you name him Petruchio, he'll turn into a male chauvanist pig, and his IQ will drop 60 points. 

He might not even be able to remember how to sit if you name him Petruchio. 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline longshadowfarms

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Don't hold back on how you feel about that  :D  Ok, I won't name him Petruchio!  LOL!  I think I'll wait until they come to make final decisions.  Can't really name a dog until you know it will fit.  The kids reminded me that they have a cousin named Katie but we've talked through it and think we can live with two Katies.  She's actually a second cousin but close to their age which is not like most of their first cousins.  Anyway, the first Katie lives in Alaska now and we only see her once a year or so. 


You can't name such a beautiful boy Petruchio! 

Petruchio is the most clueless, stupid man in all of Shakespeare! 

I promise you, if you name him Petruchio, he'll turn into a male chauvanist pig, and his IQ will drop 60 points. 

He might not even be able to remember how to sit if you name him Petruchio. 


Offline Mom2Sadie

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I love love LOVE the name Kipling. Rudyard Kipling is also a favorite of mine. I also like Keats. Great poet, great name :)
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge