Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : marinafb May 20, 2006, 05:57:05 AM

: Please fire the control officer that beat the dog!
: marinafb May 20, 2006, 05:57:05 AM
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Please fire the control officer that beat the dog!

Please sign this: PETITION:

It asks the Board of Supervisors to please fire the 6'5" uniformed
'officer' still working there that Devore workers say beat up a little
17 pound dog cowered in the corner of a cage wailing! See pictures of
the dog and bloody cage: HERE

And it asks Devore to change it's practices!

This pound is in California but we want them to know their little
country pound is being watched by the world!

What makes Devore pound one of the deadliest places of all is the
administration's practice of killing dogs and cats daily - EVEN WHEN
1/2 THE CAGES ARE EMPTY. This pound is managed by San Bernardino County.

These animals are NOT being killed for lack of space. And they are NOT
being killed for illness or aggression in almost every case. Some say
the killing goes on because it is cheaper and easier to manage a pound
with a lower population.

One Devore supervisor stated in a public meeting that the quick
killing was for the benefit of the staff who didn't like to hear the
animals cry. This is the same County that was fired and publicly
censured by the City Counsel in Rancho Cucamonga for failing to
provide rudimentary care to the City's animals. Those officials all
started out skeptical of the accusations against the County, but
concluded after their own investigation, that there were violations of
law and improper treatment of animals.

One of the foremost animal attorneys in the State believes Devore's
practices are violations of California's shelter law.

Some of us rescues have broken our backs and wallets to take out
animals to leave space so others can live, only to find out the
killing continued ANYWAY!

Devore, PLEASE STOP!! What can YOU do?
First, please sign our PETITION -

Next, go to this WEBSITE -
and write officials that you want to see these and other unlawful
practices at Devore stopped!
: Re: Please fire the control officer that beat the dog!
: The Brindle Pack May 20, 2006, 07:10:10 AM
As a resident of San Bernardino County this makes me fighting mad.  Although San Bernardino is the largest county in the lower 48 (over 20,000 sq. miles) this shelter is less than 40 miles from my home.

Not only have I signed the petition I will also be contacting county officials.
: Re: Please fire the control officer that beat the dog!
: doggylover May 20, 2006, 03:49:48 PM
I signed the petition and sent emails to everyone involved.  So many people are morally bankrupt, its unbelievable. 
: Re: Please fire the control officer that beat the dog!
: marinafb May 20, 2006, 07:38:07 PM

Bryce and i thank you ! This is the only way a change will be made to let them know we are aware of what is going on and they need to make some BIG Changes. Please sign the petition and pass it on. Thank you Marina