Author Topic: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!  (Read 13926 times)

Offline Miranda

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Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« on: September 11, 2006, 03:45:57 am »
Since Laika was doing so great this weekend, I decided to take her to the dog park for a little bit on Sunday morning. There were a whole bunch of new people there, so I had to explain to everyone what type of dog she was. I tried to tell everyone that she was VERY shy around humans and she'd warm up to them in a little bit, but nobody would listen to me. They kept walking up to her and reaching out to her and everything. Every time they'd try to touch her, she'd run back over to me. Then one lady tried to convince me not to get her spayed and she'd pay me right then for a puppy. e's getting spayed as soon as her treatment is done. THEN one guy tried to approach her, and even though she ran away and hid behind me, he kept following her! I told him that she was very shy and if he just left her alone she'd eventually approach him, but he said that this was how one should deal with potentially aggressive dogs. POTENTIALLY AGGRESSIVE? He said that shy dogs like her will become aggressive unless they are shown that being shy isn't okay. Needless to say, we left.

She isn't potentially aggressive, is she? I've always read that Neos were actually supposed to be wary of strangers, so I just thought it was her way. And she never nips at anyone, she just runs away.
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.  ~Phil Pastoret

Offline LMT

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2006, 04:09:41 am »
Adicus was very, very people shy at first. I took him to the dog park one or two times a week and tried to get him socialized. The first few times, he didn't even play with any dogs. When people would reach out to pet him, he would run and hude between my legs. I also started to walk him in the neighborhood (as opposed to the little park next to our house) because he would have to confront more people and dogs.

He still gets a little shy at times, but when introducing him to people, I give him a belly rub and then invite the new person to join in - then he's totally cool with them. I know that method isn't necessarily the most logical thing when meeting people at a dog park - but I use it for people I invite to our house and others he will regularly encounter. Now at the park, he's pretty good about people if they dont reach out for him so much at first. He'll even "adopt" new people parents! Others come up and ask THEM what kind of dog he is... Uhh, actually guys, he's MY dog. Hhaha.

I think you don't have much to worry about (just yet anyway). Keep working on the socialization to build up her confidence. You did the right thing by telling the strangers not to reach out and to let her come to them on her own. It was NOT right for them to follow you guys and force themselves on him. If anything, their insistance on reaching out for her will give her the potential to become a fear biter! So that's no goooood.

I don't know too much about aggressive behavior  but it seems like she would have shown some signs to you already with her behavior with Kingsley and other dogs and people. Her energy would probably be very high around other dogs/people and hard to control.

I am sure the rest of the board will have more insight on this. But I think you are doing the right thing and not to listen to people who obviously have no respect for your role as Laika's parent. They should have respected your request without questions! Maybe you should find another time to visit the park and hope they aren't there? Or another park?

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2006, 04:10:09 am »
Obviously, I like to write books or something! Sorry for the length of my post!


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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2006, 05:50:12 am »
Since Laika was doing so great this weekend, I decided to take her to the dog park for a little bit on Sunday morning. There were a whole bunch of new people there, so I had to explain to everyone what type of dog she was. I tried to tell everyone that she was VERY shy around humans and she'd warm up to them in a little bit, but nobody would listen to me. They kept walking up to her and reaching out to her and everything. Every time they'd try to touch her, she'd run back over to me. Then one lady tried to convince me not to get her spayed and she'd pay me right then for a puppy. e's getting spayed as soon as her treatment is done. THEN one guy tried to approach her, and even though she ran away and hid behind me, he kept following her! I told him that she was very shy and if he just left her alone she'd eventually approach him, but he said that this was how one should deal with potentially aggressive dogs. POTENTIALLY AGGRESSIVE? He said that shy dogs like her will become aggressive unless they are shown that being shy isn't okay. Needless to say, we left.

She isn't potentially aggressive, is she? I've always read that Neos were actually supposed to be wary of strangers, so I just thought it was her way. And she never nips at anyone, she just runs away.

Yes, Neo's are supposed to be naturally wary of strangers. Willow is the same way with strangers, but socialization does help and it has helped with Willow as she doesn't run away from people anymore. Willow will just sit down next to me (I never let her get too far from me at the dog park due to her natural wariness) and tolerate a strangers touch, but I never let anyone pet Willow without asking me 1st. We haven't been to our local dog park due to some of the very things that happened to you at your dog park. When we 1st started going the people seemed very knowledgable and respectful then it seemed more and more uneducated and disrespectful dog owners kept coming in. I also heard the "you should breed your dog" garbage. It's a shame we don't live closer together. I would really like to get together with other large breed dog owners (in particular mastiff owners) and at least get a play date going. Anyway, keep up the good work. I think you're doing a great job with Laika.


Offline Miranda

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2006, 06:08:45 am »
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad it's not just Laika who's wary! The only person I've met who understands Laika's behavior is a guy who owns a beeeautiful dogue de bordeaux. He wasn't very encouraging, though, and said that she'd probably never grow out of it. He didn't say she'd become aggressive, though!

I would also love to find other giant breed owners and organize a play date. I'd like to get Laika around other female Neos at a young age because I've also been told that two female Neos will have major problems.
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.  ~Phil Pastoret


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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 06:35:14 am »
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad it's not just Laika who's wary! The only person I've met who understands Laika's behavior is a guy who owns a beeeautiful dogue de bordeaux. He wasn't very encouraging, though, and said that she'd probably never grow out of it. He didn't say she'd become aggressive, though!

I would also love to find other giant breed owners and organize a play date. I'd like to get Laika around other female Neos at a young age because I've also been told that two female Neos will have major problems.

Anytime....I know how hard it is with a big dog and the stigma that goes with them, especially with dogs that look like our dogs. One more thing about neo's, they don't like it when a stranger walks straight towards them. When someone asks to pet Willow I always ask them to come from the side and put there hand out for her to sniff first and then pet the side of her head or her body. She doesn't like strangers to pet the top of her head or rub her chin. The top of her head and her chin is reserved for me and the family.  ;D

Offline Miranda

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2006, 06:42:16 am »
Yeah, I've noticed that about Laika too.

One kinda cool thing that I just noticed about Laika about a month ago is that she'll bark at anyone I don't see coming. When we're at the dog park, we couldn't figure out why she would bark at certain people. It wasn't a mean bark, it was just one quick bark, and she'd only do it to one or two people each time. I finally figured out that if someone is approaching me from behind and I don't realize it, she will bark to let me know s/he's coming. I also realized that she only barks at people walking up to the house if I'm not in the room with her. I don't know if she's warning me they're coming or she just knows that I'll yell at her, but it's still kinda cool to know that if she's around, nobody will ever be able to sneak up on me.
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.  ~Phil Pastoret

Offline Miranda

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2006, 07:37:39 am »
Here's how vicious Laika is! Justin got a remote control truck for his birthday this weekend, and she HATES it. She barked at it the entire time!

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.  ~Phil Pastoret

Offline jennifer

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2006, 08:09:38 am »
Interesting thread. I adopted two Saints from the SPCA three years ago and we're still working with shyness and aggression issues. It didn't become a real problem until I brought them, separately, to a local, unofficial dog park. Nakita, older female, is now able to meet and sometimes run around with other dogs. But ONLY if they approach her properly - slowly and indirectly. She's shy around people - it takes her awhile to warm up - but she's just quiet about it, doesn't get aggressive.

Bear, 4yr old male, has only been able to tolerate meeting one small dog (the most submissive dog on the planet, I think). Regarding people, it REALLY irritates me when they charge right up and start banging Bear on the head, without asking, without checking.  He's generally very good with people he knows, but with strangers he definitely looks to me for direction/to be in charge. When people don't check with me first - even when I tell them to (I even put my hand out to stop their advance) - he gets confused, and sometimes goes into an aggressive stance and/or barks.  This usually scares the crap out of the person and they look at me accusingly, as if to say "you shouldn't bring him out if he's going to act like that."  The sad part is he's a sweet boy who deserves to go on walks and to the park as much as anyone but because of this tendency, we don't go very often. Any thoughts/ideas are welcome, as always.

I think every dog has their individual needs/issues and we have to work them out as such. I agree that our big guys get a bad rap around this, regardless. It sounds like you're doing the right thing. More power to you!

BTW - Bear is terrified of the vacuum, my hair-dryer, etc. He's a real pansy!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 08:11:01 am by jennifer »
:) Jennifer
Mom to Saint Nakita and Charlie the cat

RIP sweet Bear (9/02-8/08)


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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2006, 09:25:27 am »
Most dogs go thru a shy, fearful phase in their lives, and it is quite normal. The best thing that you can do is controlled socialization, which you are doing.
As for teaching people...I have found one sure fire way.
The next time some one is approaching your dog with out permission, despite that warding off hand you threw up or a verbal warning, put you body between them and the dog. When they stop, you come right up to them, nose to nose, grab their hand, touch their face. And when they back off with a look of absolute horror on their face, I say "It is just as disturbing to a dog when their space is suddenly invaded by a stranger as it is to you." And turn and walk away.
It actully works like a charm.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 10:21:10 am by GR8DAME »

Offline Miranda

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2006, 12:52:43 pm »
Hahaha...I'm not sure if I've got the guts to do that one!! But it does sound like it'd work!
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.  ~Phil Pastoret

Offline kathryn

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2006, 01:22:58 pm »
I read this thread at work this morning but couldn't respond.  Cinder is a little over 2 1/2 yo now and she is still extrememly shy of people but not of other dogs.  She runs to get away from people and will buck on the leash to get away from them when they approach her like that.  I block her with my body and tell people to let her approach but it doesn't always work.  I have never had someone follow her like the idiot guy did and tell me this is the way you fix that problem.  But I think I will try Stella's idea and see how that works.  Kaila is more dog shy than people and Shiner appears to be both.  So I do see that each one has their individual issues.  I doubt that Laika will turn out to be aggressive but she may well remain shy and aloof.  But we do what we can.
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2007, 02:23:33 pm »
The next time some one is approaching your dog with out permission, despite that warding off hand you threw up or a verbal warning, put you body between them and the dog. When they stop, you come right up to them, nose to nose, grab their hand, touch their face. And when they back off with a look of absolute horror on their face, I say "It is just as disturbing to a dog when their space is suddenly invaded by a stranger as it is to you." And turn and walk away.
It actully works like a charm.

OH my goodness, That is a Halariously good Idea.  I love that.  I can imagine the look on a persons face after you get in there face and touch them on the cheek or pet the top of their head.  LOL Man i cant stop laughing.  I will definetly try that one.  Spazz is not to shy, in fact he is the opposite.  He runs towards people, so i probably will never get a good chance to try this idea but I love it just the same.

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2007, 02:34:56 pm »
Well i think your buddy at the dog park is soon going to discover what fear aggression is :-[, what an idiot. People have some weird ideas on dog behaviour.

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Re: Apparently Laika will become aggressive!!
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2007, 11:35:55 pm »
I had the same problem with my female dane when she was a pup. For some reason people can't understand that even though they are big, they are still puppies. She was timid of strangers and would come hide by me. Well 2 different people at 2 different times, insisted on following her and they both grabbed her by the collar and yanked her to them before I could say anything...wel l she freaked and even released her anal glands (yuck). The first time I was in shock...the second time I couldn't believe it happened again. It took 2 years to get her to accept people. She would lay in the living room and if a friend came over they couldn't go near her or she would snap. I had to put her up for her ssafety and others. She would only let me and my ex. near her. It was aweful. So over time I brought her out of it. I started walking her at night around the neighborhood. Then once we were good at that we went durring the day. When we came across people we would pull of into the grass and I had her sit and stay till they went by. Then we started in crowds, and I would reward her for every little bit of positive contact she had with people. In time she became a great dog and was friendly to pretty much anyone.
Mom to:
Thorn- 8 year old fawn male dane
Morgayne- Wolfhound pup
Gracie- Merelequin (deaf) dane pup

1996-2007 best friend, I miss you girl.