BPO Training Forum > Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience

Training Snobs Rant

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I am SO sick of people judging me and my dogs because they did their basic level training at PetsMart!   >:( 

We've had more than one person from our breed group give us "the look" when we tell them where we train.  Today, we talked to a new trainer recommended by this group about her classes.  What's the first thing she mentions?  That she'd heard we trained at PetsMart - and by her tone I could tell she thinks we're idiots and our dogs are probably ill mannered brats!   >:(  Two guesses who thought that was pertinent info - the woman who gave us this trainer's name. Her classes sound like a good choice for our 3 but now I have doubts about signing up for them.

I know I don't have to justify myself to my fellow BPO'ers but when we started out I had no idea that we'd actually enjoy training or be good enough to want to keep going after puppy class.  I needed a class that was close and convenient and with a trainer who liked big paws.  I got all of that and more.  Our trainer (who has a degree in Behavioral Analysis btw) is now a friend and I don't regret taking her classes for one second.  My dogs ARE NOT second class citizens!!

(thanks - feel better getting that off my chest)

People Whisperer:
Hey, i take my dog to Petsmart all the time for shopping but I will never train her there! A few times I saw their training session and it made me sad  :(
Many people who go there for classes want to get basic behaviors down and that's it. They normally don't offer advanced options  :P If you go to an actual training club, which is actually cheaper, they care about your long term results! More positive and more rewarding  ;D

First of all, you go far and beyond what the vast majority of puppy owners do by going to any classes at all! Most people get a pup when it is adorably small and sweet, and at the first sign of behavior problems they either put it in the backyard for the rest of it's sad days or it ends up on Craigslist. How many times have you seen ads that start with "we just don't have the time for him anymore"?
  I don't care where the training comes from, the very first thing I would look for is how well the trainer and I can communicate. If I feel as if I am being talked down to or overly criticized because I am not understanding what they are asking of me or the dog, I am not going to stick with it. If the trainer has the right attitude and enthusiasm to work with me through the tough times, he could be training at the local grocery store!
  You should be very proud of all 3 of your babies,,and the next time anyone of them gets snobbish, ask them if they have ever trained a Pyr to the level of getting her CGC! I doubt if most of them even know what that is! Don't ever let them get you down, and keep doing the terrific job that you are!

I took Clifford to Petsmart classes. I talked to instructors first and found one I liked. I had taken Annie to a class that was twice as expensive. They taught more, but I didn't like her methods, I felt she was too rough with the dogs. Some people do an excellent job of teaching themselves with no classes. As long as you're trying and your happy with who you have, I say go with it.

Tell them that they trained at PetsMart.....b ut then casually mention {*ahem* lie} that Cesar Milan was there for most of it, so your dogs will turn out to be far better than their dogs.


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