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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : schelmischekitty October 22, 2007, 02:29:52 PM

: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: schelmischekitty October 22, 2007, 02:29:52 PM
and it's dark at 5:30.  how frustrating, the days are going away  :(
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: London_Pyr_Lover October 23, 2007, 10:27:11 AM
But it's so nice being able to put on a sweater, you know the one, the one you bought on sale at the end of winter last year but haven't had the chance to wear yet because it's been so warm.  The one that's as soft and snuggly as your Pyr's or Newfies fur was as a puppy, maybe it's stripey, or got a cute design on it, or maybe it's just a solid color hoodie.  Yeah, now you're thinking of the sweater. 
You can take your pups for a nice long walk through the leaves in the early morning, as the sun is just over the horizen, lighting up the sky with shades of purple and orange and red, setting the clouds on fire the way it happens only at the beginning of autumn.  you can see your breath as you walk but you don't mind because it's still a nice crisp cold and such a wonderful respite from the oppressive heat we had this summer.  The dogs stop and sniff through the leaves almost loosing their noses in the deep piles of orange and red and yellow gathered under the trees.  A gust of wind picks up and starts swirling leaves around your feet, and the pups try to catch them as they fly.  You can hear the new boots you just bought for the season crunching leaves and sticks under your feet, and everything just seems so clean- from the air your breathing to even the sounds you hear.

Yup, I gotta admit.  I love fall.  ;D
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: brandon October 23, 2007, 05:12:32 PM
Our 2 pups are starting to get really goofy.  They were dieing to go for a walk tonight, bouncing up and down, etc... They love this time of year.
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: London_Pyr_Lover October 23, 2007, 09:36:45 PM
I hate to ask, but what's LL Bean??  lol :D
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: London_Pyr_Lover October 24, 2007, 08:05:05 PM
Hmmmmm...   That's a good idea...They wouldn't even have to pay me money, just send me a new pair of hiking boots, every now and then.  And maybe soem scarves...Oh Oh and sweaters!  (I do love my sweaters! :D), and maybe some nice wool socks too....Hmmm, do you think they'd go for that??   ;D
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: dohertyswissy October 25, 2007, 12:44:41 PM
It most officially fall now in NC.  After weeks of 80 degree temperatures, it is now gonna be in the upper 60s/lower 70s for the next 10 days.  That's how you know it is official around these parts...and I have to admit... I'm FREEZING!   ::)  I'm such a wimp when the weather first starts to get cold and I have to break out the long sleeves.

Jenn - I hear ya on the rain.  I can't be too mad though, because we needed it desperately around here.  However, getting a 130lb dog who HATES the rain to go outside and go potty has been a total PITA.  He held it for 15 hours!!  I'm outside with an umbrella and boots trying to convince him to come out and NO way.  I even nudged his little booty and he did an about-face and came inside.  Finally, it just let up, so he decided to grace the yard with his presence.   ::)
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: Ali October 25, 2007, 04:32:09 PM
15 hours? Impressive...T hat is a mighty, mighty bladder. You'd better check your boots before you put them on, just in case he cheated!  :P
: Re: NDR it's starting to get fall...
: GoldenPyrs October 26, 2007, 03:06:04 PM
Heather, we have one of the "gotta stay dry" kinda dogs and we live in the Pac NW in a virtual rainforest!   ;D  ::)  We've had a ton of rain so far this fall, so I do sympathize!

Alex, you really do have a way with words. I've always loved fall too and your description brought it all back to me.  Thanks!  Seriously, have you considered writing as a hobby or an occuption?   ;D