Author Topic: Advice on adopting Newf #2?  (Read 3928 times)

Offline KylieMay

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Advice on adopting Newf #2?
« on: May 23, 2009, 11:07:03 am »
I can only assume you all are the most appropriate crowd to poll on such a matter... What do you think about adopting a 1 year-old male to join our 2 year-old female? Here are some particulars, followed by some photos so you can see them in action. (If the camera battery hadn't been dead, I would have taken a shot of them sleeping on each other a few hours ago. Adorable!)

He is actually Mayhem's little brother, and one solid, strong, sweetie-pie dog, but *entirely* untrained, as in, really no clue about leashes, sitting, laying down, house training, you name it! We are in VT this weekend where we have space and grass and no cars. But he'd be a wild child where we live during the week (urban... think sidewalks and lots of dogs, kids, cars, trucks, sirens, etc.). Oh, and he's intact, too! We could maybe take him for weekends up here, until he could handle at least the leash concept...
But he and Mayhem seem to have a blast together. And he's happily snoozing in a big crate right now.

Any thoughts?

In the photos, Mayhem is running, and George is more sort of lumbering. :)
Owned by Mayhem, 1.5 yr-old Newfie

Chumley, Newfie, 1996-2008

Offline KylieMay

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Re: Advice on adopting Newf #2?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2009, 02:08:38 pm »
Thanks for the advice, and the great line ('room for one more!'). Love it.
We decided to have some more weekend visits and try to instill some manners in the youngster, with the goal of having him become a new roommate. :)

Owned by Mayhem, 1.5 yr-old Newfie

Chumley, Newfie, 1996-2008