Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO Rainbow Bridge Forum => Remembering those no longer with us. => : Gypsy Jazmine June 15, 2006, 06:13:33 PM

: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 15, 2006, 06:13:33 PM
I am not ready to do Rosie's Rainbow Bridge page just yet becaue it would be too sad...She was a goofy girl who deserves some laughter for her special page & I'll get to that another time...We were blessed to have Rosie put up the "I am now accepting attention sign" about an hour before her appointment so I feel lucky for that!...We got to play with her & love on her & so did Sam & Pippin...We gave her some treats that she normally didn't get...We were a tad late for her appointment because one of the very few times her tail would wag high in the air was when she got to hang her head out the window on a ride...She was enjoying it so much we took the scenic route then doubled back & did it again...She would also wag her tail high when she played with Sam & Pippin or was barking at the fence but never, not one time in 6 months & 2 weeks did she ever wag her tail high for us...It was always a scared tail wag where the tail is down...Rosie left this world that was so cruel to her with her head in my lap & me stroking her head while I sang our special Rosie song & told her what a good girl she was & how much I admired her courage...She also left us knowing that I was a better person because she graced our lives at all...Here are a couple of pics from today...My life has changed because of my sweet scarred girl & I am eternally greatful...RIP sweet Rosie...Stay & wait for me lovely girl...I promise I won't be too long.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: shangrila June 15, 2006, 06:17:51 PM
Gypsy, I am so very sorry that you had to experience this.  :'(

Always remember that you did the very best that you could for Rosie and that she left this world in peace and headed over the bridge with her tail wagging high
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Imani's Mom June 15, 2006, 06:34:25 PM
Thank you for giving her what was obviously the BEST time of her life. My heart is breaking for your loss, but you need to think of the happy, special times you had with her now.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: pitas June 15, 2006, 06:40:32 PM

Our hearts & hugs go out to you, your family & your Rosie girl.  You did a wonderful job giving her lots of love in this world.

Hugs from Anita & the 3 Newfies from NJ
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: DixieSugarBear June 15, 2006, 06:41:45 PM
Thank you Gypsy and Rosie for making us all better people.  You have both shown us about ture love. Gypsy you loved dear Rosie enough to set her free to run and play with a peaceful soul.

: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: doggylover June 15, 2006, 07:13:30 PM
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Kermit June 15, 2006, 07:21:24 PM
Beautiful girl. :'( :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Icerotti June 15, 2006, 07:30:30 PM
You touched more hearts and souls than you can ever know my sweet girl Rosie. May you find peace now. :-*

I'm Still Here
Friend, please don't mourn for me
I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.

My body is gone but I'm always near.
I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.

I'll never wander out of your sight-
I'm the brightest star on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach-
I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach.

I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around
and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond,
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.

I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring,
The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there's no one to love you,
you can talk to me through the Lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees,
and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.

I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on a baby's face.
Just look for me, friend, I'm everyplace!

Author Unknown
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: MommaBear June 15, 2006, 07:32:05 PM
 :'( So sad that beautiful Rosie had to go this way...I am sure she enjoyed her last playful moments and is continuing to wag that tail across the bridge :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: daisy June 15, 2006, 07:32:16 PM
 :'( :'( :'(
I am so sorry for you. I was thinking of you all this morning.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: BarkleysMum June 15, 2006, 07:45:28 PM
Oh Gypsy...I'm so sorry.  What a great ride though! She went out with the happiest of thoughts, a belly full of treats, the sweet sound of her best friend's voice singing, and cradled in a lap of love.  My heart is breaking for you both.  The kindest gift is always the hardest.

Peace to you tonight.  I look forward to sharing the joy and goofiness of Rosie's bridge post!
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Kiahpyr June 15, 2006, 07:46:04 PM
I was thinking about you all day. I hope you got some sleep. Those pictures are beautiful! The last picture in the car you can see she was totally happy. It looks like for a moment she was carefree. Happy trails across the bridge Rosie!
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: K9ldy00 June 15, 2006, 07:49:23 PM
I'm so sorry :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: amberdoggoneit June 15, 2006, 07:56:38 PM
I am so very sorry
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 15, 2006, 09:32:56 PM
Ty all very very much...Tonight I hope Rosie wags that tail high & happy somewhere.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Jessdryden June 15, 2006, 09:43:59 PM
Oh Gypsy,  I'm so very sorry.  You and Rosie have been in our thoughts.   :'(  (((Hugs!)))
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: cuttles/sadieMay June 15, 2006, 10:20:42 PM
You have been in my thoughts all day! So sorry it had to end this way. Rest in Peace sweet Rosie  :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Bella's mom June 15, 2006, 11:13:07 PM
Couldn't stop crying although I had never met Rosie.  You gave her the best chance at life.  I'm sure you will miss her.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: FumbsAuntie June 16, 2006, 04:08:27 AM
Oh I am so sorry... You gave her so much, and now she is up in heaven looking down on you, making sure that you get all the good you deserve. She is now going to be your Angel..
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: cricket36580 June 16, 2006, 05:23:17 AM
I'm so sorry!  {{{hugs}}}
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: VdogLover June 16, 2006, 06:31:20 AM
I'm so sorry!! You gave her a better life then she had ever known and had the courage to help her go to a better place.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Rachel June 16, 2006, 08:32:00 AM
I am so sorry.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Softhug June 16, 2006, 08:46:38 AM
Those photos were wonderful.  She was truly happy.   :)  {{{hugs}}} for the life you gave Miss Rosie. 
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: lins_saving_grace June 16, 2006, 09:36:32 AM
I will be thinking about you as you move forward through this. 
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: zanie June 16, 2006, 09:39:39 AM
Oh Gypsy  I'm so sorry.  The pictures are beautiful and you can tell how happy she was in her good moments.  I don't even know this dog but I can't stop crying for her. (not necessarily a good thing sitting at my desk at work! :'(  )
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Saintgirl June 16, 2006, 09:56:13 AM
What a wonderful gift you gave Rosie, first love, and now freedom. Wishing you all the strength you need to get through this tough time.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: BabsT June 16, 2006, 09:56:18 AM
My thougths and prayers are with you lady.... You exhausted all your efforts and you know that and you gave her all that you could...
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Boyle June 16, 2006, 12:35:24 PM
I am so sorry.  You are in my thoughts.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Mom2Sadie June 16, 2006, 03:01:50 PM
God must think an awful lot of you Chelle, to have given you such a big job of showing this girl what love's all about. I know it hurts, but what you did for her is just absolutely selfless and I hope I could be as strong as you if I had to be. I'm thinking of you.  :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: macybean June 16, 2006, 03:28:14 PM
I am sorry that you are going through this. You are such a strong person, and you gave Rosie what no one else had. She lived a much better life because of you. I think rescues know that at some level... I swear there is a difference in how they react to love and compassion compared to dogs who are fortunate enough to spend their whole lives with loving families. You did well by her.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: BlackGreatF June 16, 2006, 03:55:36 PM
 :'(Bummer... {{{HUGS}}} :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: doggylover June 16, 2006, 04:27:31 PM
It's unanimous!  We all love you and think the world of you!!!
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 16, 2006, 05:24:01 PM
Thanks everyone! :-* Your understanding & support has made this not nearly as hard as it could have been...Today isn't a fantastic day...Time marches on...people go about their lives, my kids argue & bicker as per usual, my hubby leaves tonight for his weekly trip to NY, there are still obligations to meet & promises to keep but Rosie is gone...Today just seems off...I am not settled...I'm o.k...I just feel caught inbetween a life that was JUST here & newly gone but gone forever all the same...Does that make sense...I don't quite know how to describe what I am feeling today...There is so much of her still here...Her hair of coarse :-\ :D & I don't even want to vacuum the carpet because I don't want her "gone" yet...I don't want to sweep & mop the kitchen because some of that dirt came from Rosie's paws...& it occured to me this morning that I had one too many dog bowls & it was somehow a dilemma...My husband wants one of Rosie's tags off of her collar to put on his key chain & I got all wierd about it...Like I don't want anyone to take or use anything that was hers...Last night I slept with collar wrapped in my hand...I guess the "o.k." I am is o.k. with the heartbreaking choice I had to make...I am at peace with that...I just am not o.k. she's gone.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: BlackGreatF June 16, 2006, 05:27:23 PM
Are you keeping her ashes?
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 16, 2006, 05:30:09 PM
Are you keeping her ashes?
I am going to bury her ashes in our "pet garden"...I believe in burying my fur friends bodies so they can nourish other living growing things but because Rosie had to be tested for rabies :'( as per the law even though she had her vaccinations I am having her cremated...I wish we didn't have to do that. :(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: newflvr June 16, 2006, 05:43:05 PM
I just am not o.k. she's gone.

I can understand that!  I'm so so sorry!  I can understand not wanting to clean up her stuff yet, not wanting to release any of her things!  Take your time!  It's still so new!  It's been two+ years since we had to put Otis down and he's still in my bedroom on the bookshelf with his collar and a picture of him at the beach being harrassed by a che-wa-wa.  I swear they take a chunk of a person's heart when they go!  It does feel like a physical pain!  I know what it's like to be between the two worlds...what is and what was.  How's everybody else in the family doing?
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: NoDogNow June 16, 2006, 06:24:09 PM
These next few days are the weird time.  You're sure they're not really gone, you keep reach for them, you keep hearing last dog, Baby, went during a nap one afternoon when he was 9. At first, I just kept reaching for him--I even opened a can of food a couple of times without thinking about it. 

It will take a few days to adjust, but you know what?  I'm sure Rosie's just lazying around the Bridge, watching you, telling all her new friends, "Look! There's my mama! See how much she misses me?  See how much my mama loves me? I'll be so glad to see her when she comes!"

It's hard, but it's OK, because it's just for now.  It's not forever; it just feels like it right this minute.  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 16, 2006, 06:26:38 PM
I just am not o.k. she's gone.

I can understand that!  I'm so so sorry!  I can understand not wanting to clean up her stuff yet, not wanting to release any of her things!  Take your time!  It's still so new!  It's been two+ years since we had to put Otis down and he's still in my bedroom on the bookshelf with his collar and a picture of him at the beach being harrassed by a che-wa-wa.  I swear they take a chunk of a person's heart when they go!  It does feel like a physical pain!  I know what it's like to be between the two worlds...what is and what was.  How's everybody else in the family doing?
Thanks...It is so very painful...betw een two worlds...what is & what was & also, with Rosie, what will never be now...My kids come to me throughout the day & say, "I miss Rosie"...I tell them I miss her too & then tell a happy memory I have of her...I ask them to tell me something happy they remember & they go on their way doing kid things...My hubby is heartbroken but he still trys to support me in my pain...Rosie was his girl...Yesterd ay at the vet he cried huge tears & didn't care who saw & he is a big "tough" guy...He is a good man & I am lucky to have him...Here is Rosie's daddy with her yesterday morning.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: k2campbell June 16, 2006, 07:02:18 PM
I am so very sorry Chelle.  For you, your hubby, your children and Samson and Pippin.  That 1st pic of your hubby with Rosie is just killing me here. I could imagine your house without Rosie is just so 'different'...

It will take a lot of time to get over this (if that's even ever possible).  Keep her stuff out and around for however long you want to.  We all understand and ache for you so much right now...

As sad as I myself am over all of this, I find peace with the fact that Rosie is now watching over you and your family, always.  You will see her again one day (not for a very long time) but you will, and she'll be waiting for you, patiently.  I'm sure Rosie isn't at all mad for what you had to do Chelle, she understands...

Rosie will never be forgotten - by any of us BPO'ers.  From her endearing smile, to her smarts and beautiful face, she was truly a sweetheart.  I think (even deep down), she knew that too. :)

I love the car ride you gave her on the way, how very sweet that was, she looks like she was in her glory - what more can be said about that.  Bless your heart for taking her in, making her feel more than welcome, giving her a family, and most of all - giving Rosie more love than any dog could wish for.  That is the greatest gift in all the world. ;)


Kelly & Kate  :-*
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: newflvr June 16, 2006, 07:53:39 PM
He is a good man & I am lucky to have him...Here is Rosie's daddy with her yesterday morning.

Okay....I've been really brave until I saw the picture of your  husband with Rosie.  The look on his face is just heart breaking!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( You  DO  have a good man!  There is no question.  That's someone who understands!  Good for you!  You must be absolutely awesome (which we all knew anyway ;)) to keep a man like that in your life!
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: DixieSugarBear June 16, 2006, 08:20:34 PM
That photo started the waterworks for both of our Rosie's.   :'( :'( I just keep thinking that now your Rosie can touch and love you in a way she never could before.  Each time you feel the wind on your face it will be Rosie giving you a little kiss.  Time to  :'( a little more and go talk to my Rosie about your Rosie.

: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 16, 2006, 10:44:38 PM
That photo started the waterworks for both of our Rosie's.   :'( :'( I just keep thinking that now your Rosie can touch and love you in a way she never could before.  Each time you feel the wind on your face it will be Rosie giving you a little kiss.  Time to  :'( a little more and go talk to my Rosie about your Rosie.

Ty Lisa...Please tell your Rosie to make sure my Rosie isn't kicking Arwen's little puppy butt!...I told her already but I could use your Rosie's backup! :)

& YOU GUYS ARE ALL JUST WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!...I am completely overwhelmed. :-*
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Nicole June 16, 2006, 10:58:42 PM
He is a good man & I am lucky to have him...Here is Rosie's daddy with her yesterday morning.

Okay....I've been really brave until I saw the picture of your  husband with Rosie.  The look on his face is just heart breaking!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( You  DO  have a good man!  There is no question.  That's someone who understands!  Good for you!  You must be absolutely awesome (which we all knew anyway ;)) to keep a man like that in your life!

Yes, Mari! That pic was it for me. I'm sobbing right now. It brings me back to the time...not to threadjack, Chelle, just trying to relate and tell you how good your man is...when our dogs were impounded by animal control. (long story...there's another thread about it somewhere...) and we were told they were to be euthanized within the hour.

Mark collapsed in the front yard...I mean, on his knees...sobbing...he didn't care who saw or what they thought. I mean, it was horrible...HORRIBLE...but there is also something wonderful about someone who can connect that intensely with an've got a good man, Chelle. You and he will see one another (and the kids, all four of em') through this.

: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: DixieSugarBear June 17, 2006, 05:16:08 AM
As soon as I told her that I had this picture in my head of Arwen jumping all around, over, and under the Rosie's. I think they have their paws full with her.

That photo started the waterworks for both of our Rosie's.   :'( :'( I just keep thinking that now your Rosie can touch and love you in a way she never could before.  Each time you feel the wind on your face it will be Rosie giving you a little kiss.  Time to  :'( a little more and go talk to my Rosie about your Rosie.

Ty Lisa...Please tell your Rosie to make sure my Rosie isn't kicking Arwen's little puppy butt!...I told her already but I could use your Rosie's backup! :)

& YOU GUYS ARE ALL JUST WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!...I am completely overwhelmed. :-*
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: longshadowfarms June 17, 2006, 07:07:49 AM
I guess the "o.k." I am is o.k. with the heartbreaking choice I had to make...I am at peace with that...I just am not o.k. she's gone.

Boy, do I understand that!  You know you did the right thing but it still sucks big time, wish it didn't have to be that way and have a huge Rosie shaped hole in your heart.  I love the avatar pic - she did have at least one good last smile.  I'm so glad you were able to love up to her before she had to leave.  The pics with your hubby are heartbreaking!  I can't even imagine how either of you could see straight to drive.  After we went through it with Scout, I swore I'd never have another Pyr.  Eventually though the hole felt emptier than the pain.  I got Thor.  When he died I swore I'd never put myself through the pain again - I'd loved him 10 times more than Scout.  That Pyr hole was even bigger than the first and ya'll know the outcome of that story - Carter.  Hard as it is to end it, the love you get along the way is worth every tear.   :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 17, 2006, 10:05:19 AM
I didn't mean to make ya' all cry...But I think the love Rosie had here is evident in those pics of my hubby with her...& I really feel bad the poor man was grasping at straws even more than I was to keep her alive if not here with us....It breaks my heart to think about...He drove to the vet's & had the window only rolled part way down for Rosie & when I finally convinced him she wouldn't jump out he rolled it down a little more he said, "If she jumps out I am not going to chase her...much." meaning he'd rather have given her the chance of making it on her own than to take her to her certain demise...Now, my hubby knows that is a terrible idea should she have jumped out but that's where his mind & heart was understandably ...I didn't really notice until after I posted those pics the way his hand was grasping her in the 2nd pic...I can see his pain all the way from his heart to his fingers trying to hang onto her. :'( :'( :'(
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: kathryn June 17, 2006, 10:34:11 AM
At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I wanted to tell you what I thought when I saw those pics of your hubby and Rosie.  I thought they were heartbreakingl y beautiful.  You can see the pain that your whole family feels about losing Rosie in your hubby's face and see the pleasure that Rosie felt at being part of your family in her whole body.  It brought to mind my favorite Queen song about how "Pain is so close to pleasure".  For those of us who have been through this similar situation, those pictures sum up what we all feel at that point in time.  Thank you for posting them.

: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 17, 2006, 10:54:02 AM
At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I wanted to tell you what I thought when I saw those pics of your hubby and Rosie.  I thought they were heartbreakingl y beautiful.  You can see the pain that your whole family feels about losing Rosie in your hubby's face and see the pleasure that Rosie felt at being part of your family in her whole body. 

You nailed it..."heartbreakingl y beautiful"...You were able to put words to what we are seeing in those pics...Not only are you not an idiot you are obviously a sensative, beautiful & intelligent soul...I hope the people in your life recognize & appreciate that...I am sure your dogs do....Dogs recognize things for the very basis of what they are...That is why we love them so much. :)
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Good Hope June 17, 2006, 11:07:46 AM
So sorry, Chelle. You know the old saying..."a picture is worth a thousand words..."

Thank you for sharing.

: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Saint and Mal mom June 17, 2006, 03:53:11 PM
I'm so sorry that all of this happened. You don't have to be okay that she's gone just yet. That will take time. We understand. Other people should too. I can just see how much you all loved her. She will never forget you, and now she's in a better place. Thank you for showing us the pictures!
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: kristi June 17, 2006, 11:40:49 PM
 :'( my heart is breaking for you - it is a hard decision to make...
Sampson & I send our love to you...
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine June 19, 2006, 11:48:47 AM
Ty all for you unwavering & complete support this past while...I have seen people post that they could not have gotten through their dog's passing without the support here & now I fully understand how they feel...I'll save this thread & take it out & look at it when I am missing Rosie most...We had a good ride, Rosie & I & I hung on to the wheel to the very end & got her "home" safely...My regrets are few where my sweet girl is concerned & I strongly encourage you all to live each day with your fur babies like it might be the last...because it very well could be...When it is time to end the "ride" that you share with you fur friends & they are safely "home" & it's time to put 'er in able to get out & walk away satisfied & content with the places you've both been, the things you've seen together & the time you shared...Your ride together may not take you to the place you started out to go but when you end up where you are be happy with where you've been...Live your life so you have no regrets...I honestly did with Rosie & that has made all the difference.... God bless you & yours today & always & again thank you from the bottom of my heart.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Stacey June 19, 2006, 12:02:18 PM
I have been afraid to open this because I knew the news it held.  I am so sorry for your loss but at the same time so happy and thankful for what Rosie gained through your familys unwavering love and devotion to her.
 :'( :'(
I needed a good cry today.  Goodbye Rosie.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: dohertyswissy June 21, 2006, 10:26:04 AM
Oh Chelle... I am sooo sorry to hear about Rosie.  I've had to excuse myself from my desk at work to wipe away the tears.  You did right by her and I know she will forever be greatful to the love you showed her.  Sending you hugs from me and Ranger Roo.

Godspeed sweet Rosie.  I hope you have found peace.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: MagicM3 July 07, 2006, 09:04:26 PM

I understand your lose and all I can say is was her time with you while she was with you worth the pain you feel now.
My answer is always yes,Even if it is in looking into a new puppy eyes,or when a rescue makes that magical connection,I know they will break my heart and I tell myself in a soft voice in my head and heart,they will make mw strong enough to bear it.

I hope this poem helps

I stood by your bed last night,
I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying,
You found it hard to sleep.

I whined to you softly
As you brushed away a tear,
"It's me,I haven't left you,
I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here"

I was close to you at breakfast,
I watched you pour the tea,
You were thining of the many times,
Your hands reached down to me.

I was with you at the shops today,
Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels,
I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today,
You tend it with such care.
I want to re-assure you,
That I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house,
As you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you,
I smiled and said "It's me."

You looked so very tired,
And sank into a chair,
I tried so hard to let you know,
That I was standing there.

It's possible for me,
To be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty,
"I never went away."

You sat there very quietly,
Then smiled,I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening,
I was very close to you.

The day is over...
I smile and watch you yawning,
And say,"good-night,God Bless,
I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you,
To cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you,
And we'll stand,side by side.

I have so many things to show you,
There is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out...
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: 2dogmom July 08, 2006, 10:00:30 AM
Wow...Im sitting at work right now with thears just pouring down my face. I also do not know this dog but Im heartbroken for you. I cant imagine losing my Gus, but it's good to know we have such amazing support here at BPO with others who understand exactly what you are going thru and can help mend a little bit. That last poem was beautiful, and perfect I must say. You are in my thoughts ans Gus' as well.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: Gypsy Jazmine August 23, 2006, 07:07:40 PM
I am not ready to do Rosie's Rainbow Bridge page just yet becaue it would be too sad...She was a goofy girl who deserves some laughter for her special page & I'll get to that another time...We were blessed to have Rosie put up the "I am now accepting attention sign" about an hour before her appointment so I feel lucky for that!...We got to play with her & love on her & so did Sam & Pippin...We gave her some treats that she normally didn't get...We were a tad late for her appointment because one of the very few times her tail would wag high in the air was when she got to hang her head out the window on a ride...She was enjoying it so much we took the scenic route then doubled back & did it again...She would also wag her tail high when she played with Sam & Pippin or was barking at the fence but never, not one time in 6 months & 2 weeks did she ever wag her tail high for us...It was always a scared tail wag where the tail is down...Rosie left this world that was so cruel to her with her head in my lap & me stroking her head while I sang our special Rosie song & told her what a good girl she was & how much I admired her courage...She also left us knowing that I was a better person because she graced our lives at all...Here are a couple of pics from today...My life has changed because of my sweet scarred girl & I am eternally greatful...RIP sweet Rosie...Stay & wait for me lovely girl...I promise I won't be too long.
It has bothered me since I made this post that Rosie has not gotten the "Rainbow Bridge" post due to her...I've yet to feel my way to make it happier even though she deserves it...This is as far as I've gotten...
She was, I laughed, I worried, I laughed, I cried, My heart broke, I worried, I found what is right hurt badly, I grew...I cried, I started to let go...I grieved, I cried, I miss her yet I smile...She changed my life...I am forever grateful...She is...inside of me...always... because she was.
: Re: Rosie forever in my heart....
: newflvr August 23, 2006, 07:11:39 PM
I'm speechless!  That is such a touching eulogy.  You have put it so beatifully

...She is...inside of me...always... because she was.

And she mattered to you; and to us.  Thanks for taking us on that journey with you.  She is with us as well....