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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : Fumble November 21, 2007, 04:42:09 PM

: the Fumbs update
: Fumble November 21, 2007, 04:42:09 PM
Hey everyone!!  First let me say Happy Thanksgiving!  i can't believe it's already Thanksgiving, where in heaven's name did the time go??  I feel bad cause i've just been posting on other peoples posts here and there when i get a chance.  but i have today off, yah!  so i figured first thing on my list would be to address my BPO absence.

Fumble's doing goood.... he's got his typical newfness, where he's listening about 90% of the time!  lol! but that's a 2 year old!  he's such a goof ball though, i was wondering if anyone else's dogs do this.  he likes to carry my keys in his mouth during his walks.  I have a huge bone that i have his waste bags in and he loves to just job along with it in his mouth! 
Update on his health... left knee seems to have healed well, he's back to himself.  now i just feel like i'm "watching" the right knee and waiting.  he's on lots of gluc/chondr, so maybe we can prolong the onset of the right knee tear... but now i go onto his tummy!  The big neuter is scheduled for the 11/30, and i was worried about still being on the fence about doing the gastropexy... but it was really random, i got the newfie catalog with newfie products and in it was a romance/chick lit novel that had a newfie in it.  so i had to read it!  i first started it, and oddly enough the owner was a twin!  weird!?!  i'm a twin!  lol!  so i just kept reading on, and now i'm getting to the end of the story.  and last night when i was reading, the newfie had to have an emergency gastropexy! i said, okay, i never even heard about gastropexy before the vet told me (i only knew of bloat), so that's my sign, that it's okay to get it done!  Unfortunately the vet i go to has to do it the old way, not laproscopicall y, so it's going to mean a big belly scar, but if it it means i'm taking extra precautions for my very fumbling fumble then so be it! 

Stacy and i are going to try to take his holiday picture today, so i'm sure that there will be LTOS of outtakes!  i'll post them for you all to have a laugh! Have a great thanksgiving everyone!!
: Re: the Fumbs update
: DenverFurKiddos November 21, 2007, 07:06:50 PM
Thanks for the update on Fumbs!!!  We'll be over here crossing  our fingers and paws for a speedy recovery!  Have a great Thanksgiving!
: Re: the Fumbs update
: lins_saving_grace November 21, 2007, 07:11:29 PM
that's good that Fumble is healing well.   sounds like his spirits are high.  that's a tough thing to get through, but it's good he had it happen while he's young and able to bounce back well.  It could happen with his other knee sooner or later.  it's a toss up.  but you'll be ok to get through it again.    it's tough so tough.

i wish Grace would carry my keys on walks.  she's so practically useless on walks.  i'm the one with all the luggage while she gets to run free.  :)

well happy holidays to you, Stace and Fumbs.  give that boy a huge hug from me and Grace.
: Re: the Fumbs update
: shangrila November 22, 2007, 05:33:45 AM
Glad to hear Fumble's doing well... can't wait to see the outakes from the photoshoot  ;)
: Re: the Fumbs update
: shine November 23, 2007, 12:40:33 AM
Fumble listens 90% of the time?  I yearn for that, lol....Bodhi listens about 40% of the time.  He is only 17 months old now, so we have a long time to go before he is more mature and calm and better behaved...but I am counting the days, LOL!

I may have told you this before....but I am one of Fumble's biggest fans!  I think his name is absolutely PERFECT for a Newfoundland, and I have the picture of him with the watermelon rind as one of my screensavers!  It cracks me up every time I look at it!
: Re: the Fumbs update
: Fumble November 23, 2007, 05:44:42 AM
hehe!  thanks for the comments!  :)

I may have told you this before....but I am one of Fumble's biggest fans!  I think his name is absolutely PERFECT for a Newfoundland, and I have the picture of him with the watermelon rind as one of my screensavers!  It cracks me up every time I look at it!

haha!  thanks!  his name just fits him!  VERY VERY well!!  lol!  the watermelon picture is actually one of my top favorite of him too! :)
: Re: the Fumbs update
: navarre1316 November 23, 2007, 08:05:51 PM
Yay Fumbs is doing ok!!!  I would give for listening 90% of the time!!!  I keep having to remind myself that Issy is only 10mths old!!  And she has decided this week that she wants to be the energizer bunny, I don't know if it's the weather or that she's not intimidated by Axle anymore!!

That sucks that the vet doesn't do a lap!  That would be a hard decision to have the gastroplexy or not, Issy is already spayed so I don't have the option to do it with her unless I decide to just have it selectively done.  Speedy recovery to Fumbs when he has this done too!
: Re: the Fumbs update
: newfie owner November 23, 2007, 11:27:06 PM
glad to hear fumbles doing well,molly has always had selective hearing lol..she only takes notice when theres food involved...mus t be a newfi trait haha  :)
: Re: the Fumbs update
: Newly Newfed November 26, 2007, 04:13:57 AM
glad to hear fumbles doing well,molly has always had selective hearing lol..she only takes notice when theres food involved...mus t be a newfi trait haha  :)

Hmmm...  Seems I'm not the only one who's Newf has a selective, food-driven attention span.  Sierra is ridiculous.  She doesn't even pretend to not hear you.  The defiant little brat looks you right in the eye and then trots off in the other direction.  It's a little disheartening to hear you all say that your bp's are two years old and still not listening... Sierra isn't even a year yet!!!

I'm so glad to hear the Fumble is doing well!  I am also a fan of Fumbs.  I just love his big Newfie head.  maybe that sounds silly.  Sierra has a feminine, streamlined head that fits her perfectly, but I'm a sucker for those big fluffy heads like Fumble's. 

And he's not alone with carrying things in his mouth.  Sierra's new thing is plastic water bottles.  She was running around the yard yesterday top speed with a bottle in her mouth for about 20 minutes straight.  She wouldn't fetch a ball because that would mean she'd have to drop the bottle.  She steals them if she can while we're in the house and just sits there holding it.  I found her sleeping the other day with one still in her mouth!!  I read somewhere that carrying things around in their mouths is a Newfie trait...

Gotta love those Newfs...
: Re: the Fumbs update
: shine November 28, 2007, 05:46:32 PM
Bodhi can be a defiant brat as well.  Half the time when we tell him to do something he "When are these stupid people going to get it through their heads that I am bigger than them and will do what I want?". LOL!! 

He loves empty water/pop bottles too, because they make noise when he bites down on them.  but his favorite thing in the world is a dish towel!  I get the cheapo ones from the Dollar Store....he plays tuggy and tosses them in the air and brings them to us to show off (we always gush about them..."Oh Yes, look what a wonderful thing you have!")...and when they are shredded I toss them and give him a new one.  No need for expensive toys around here, lol!
: Re: the Fumbs update
: Moore1125 November 28, 2007, 09:58:30 PM
Good to hear you guys are doing well. Rudder is a brat also...19 months old and he could care less unless I have food around! His latest brat move is that he will dig into the laundry bin and grab my bras and run around the house until I take him outside!!!!!! He just looks at me and runs the other way....oh well...he is still a big mush ball