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Messages - happyflower

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Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Hi I am a Newbie with a Newfie
« on: March 10, 2009, 02:56:41 pm »
Thanks everyone!

I am a little disgusted with my cute little newfie today. grrrrrrrr. lol  She doesn't want to go outside to go potty without my other doggie, well being a Keeshound who normally hates to go potty in the rain, will avoid it at all costs. So my puppy basically went potty all day inside.  yeah, I took her out to go but then she whines a the door and won't go without her buddy. Plus she is getting into lots of trouble today because she wasn't walked to get rid of excess energy.  It has been a long day........... .... Plus I didn't think I would have to buy another bottle of Natures Miracle.  ::)

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Hi I am a Newbie with a Newfie
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:46:07 am »
Suzy Q is almost 4 months!  I guess the whining is more like a grumble. lol If that makes any sense. I have more pictures of Suzy Q on my website  I am still trying to figure out my way around this site.  You puppy is sooo cute, so distinguished!

Newfoundland Discussions / Hi I am a Newbie with a Newfie
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:26:50 am »
I am so excited to find this message board! I love all the pictures and advice.  I just wanted to say I just got my Newfie about 1 1/2 months ago, and each day I fall more and more in love with her! It seems like they keep their puppy eyes into adulthood.  ;D  How do you keep from spoiling those puppy eyes?  ::)  Is it even possible? haha!  Boy am I in trouble!
I just love how she greets me with that sideways wag of the tail! Do your Newfie's make a lot of vocalizations?  When Suzy Q is going down the steps, she is like woof woof grr all the way down. Then her whining sounds when she is frustrated is like a baby's gurgles.  It is so adorable!
Well anyway just wanted to say HI!

Thanks everyone!

It looks like this is something I will have to get used to.  Part of the reason I did pick this breed was for protection in a sense that strangers might be afraid to ever do anything bad to me, but I don't want a dog to be aggressive towards people, and Newfies fit the bill. So I am going to continue to train her and make the most of it.  Maybe next week during my spring break I can call up the vet tech and meet on her lunch hour!
Today my husband had the day off and he took Suzy Q (my newfies name) to the park with the kids to play volleyball.  She loved getting the missed balls, but she managed to destroy to inflatable balls.  I need to find an indestructible ball so she can roll it all around!
  Thanks again everyone, the warm welcome was nice.  I am finding myself getting addicted to this site! haha!

Thanks Ursa,

I love training such a smart dog, it makes me feel like I am so talented or something! haha!  But really it is the dog! I do plan on advanced training since I really want her know how to behave, especially because of her size. I was thinking maybe I would like her to be therapy trained too.
I feel like I have a "new" love in life, who happens to be a dog!

I know the trainer is good about switching classes, so I will see what he has.  Other than my class, when I take my dog into Petsmart, people go crazy wanting to meet her, and she wants to meet them too just as much. She is so outgoing and I love it!  I guess that is why the class took me off guard. When I was in another class one day, which had a pug, and the owners let the two play and they did great.  The pug could walk under my dog already, it was funny!

My vet recommended that I take my puppy to puppy socialization classes, which I agree is a good thing. The only thing in my area are obedience classes at a petstore chain. So I signed up and I have all puppies in my class.

Three of the puppies are SharPei mixes (all in the same family, dogs and people), and a doberman and poodle mix.  Well everyone is afraid to let the puppies play.  Even though the trainer tells us the normal stuff and the stuff to watch out for, nobody will let my puppy play with theirs, or they will start and if I puppy just stands over the other dog, they get all nervous and pull their dog away. 

What gets me is that one of the guys of a Shar Pei tells me today that I need to get a handle on my dog because she will only get bigger and I won't be able to control her. Well that is why I am taking classes, so I am doing the right thing.  My dog IS rambunctious and not shy at all, but only wants to play, she knows her commands well.  She is gentle with my other older dog (10yrs. old)  (but he doesn't' want to play either), my 3 guinea pigs, and a cockatiel. She isn't aggressive in any way.

I talked to my trainer privately and he said there was nothing wrong with my dog, in fact he said she is very friendly. He even offered to bring in his dog to play with my puppy because he also agrees it is important to learn how to play with other dogs.  But he can't tell owners to let their dogs off their leashes because of the store's policy.  These people won't even let them play while holding on to them with the leases. This guy even told me that he doesn't believe that big dogs with spike collars should be allowed in the store.  ::)

A tech at my vet's office gave me her business card to set up a play date with her 2 golden retrievers. She knows my dog and how friendly and how good the breed usually is.

So is this a common thing for dog owners of big dogs face?  Do many people just assume that a big dog is dangerous?

Here is my blog that has pictures of my dogs and other stuff.

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