Hounds > Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures

My puppy Finn

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What beautiful IW babies! I love their coloring. I think I will look for a dark one next time. I have only seen the lighter colors, wheaten like Finn or white. Very pretty.  He has the silver coloring on his face which used to be considered a breed defect (shhhh) but is now an interesting veriation and perfectly acceptable. I think it makes him look dignified and handsome!  Finn looks much more akward than your babies! His feet are WAY too big for his legs and body and his head seems a bit too big as well. He is clumsy ofcourse, gallops and trips and falls, seems to not really know how his body works yet. Man it's cute though! The prancing and jumping while playing with a ball outside is priceless. I understand that most grow out of this clumsy phase, though some don't. He's my first puppy so I can't be sure, but I just can't picture him not being clumsy! Today he knocked my coffee off of the table AGAIN just walking by, didn't give himself butt clearance! Then I got the "Huh?" look
Goof balls! Gotta love 'em

 ;D Irish Wolfhounds are Amazing! Baron is the biggest baby with us and naturally protective of his family. He likes cats and most other dogs. He is not interested in meeting new people. It is interesting to see who passes his smell test. lol
Good to meet other IW parents. Sincerely, Serena


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