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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Pictures => : bigdogs@5501 June 29, 2007, 10:08:49 AM

: Tranporting
: bigdogs@5501 June 29, 2007, 10:08:49 AM
Tomorrow I get to help transport some pups from a kill shelter to a rescue for the first time. I have volunteered the truck driving hubby in the past- but tomorrow- its all mine. The passenger list consists of 5 baby dalmations and a pit bull pup, actually the pit bull is probably closer to a year old now- but hey he is still a pup. I am thinking that this will be easier than fostering- not as high of a rate of my possibly being a failure and keeping them all.
: Re: Tranporting
: GoldenPyrs June 29, 2007, 11:06:01 AM
What a great way to help!  I do think that you're a bit "safer" transporting than fostering but you'll still have to work not to get too attached on the drive.  All that puppy cuteness, big eyes, floppy ears and freckles & spots, awwwwwww.  ;)  ;D  :-*  Seriously, I think it's wonderful that you are helping save their lives.  Great job!  ;D
: Re: Tranporting
: Duramax June 29, 2007, 11:30:50 PM
oooohh! that sounds like fun, by the way :-[ what would be so bad about keeping them all. :-[ LOL  i'd end up falling inlove with fosters too.  ::) have fun, may your trip be fast and uneventfull, and may no puppers have car sickness.