Author Topic: Noise issues  (Read 3347 times)

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Noise issues
« on: April 10, 2008, 10:04:35 pm »

My 5 yo Aussie, Sam, has some issues with noise. He is a rescue that we have had for 3.5 years. We are unsure of his background before we got him. So his problem seems to be with things like phones, doorbells, the computer printer and most recently our baby crying. Noises like this stress him out. For example, if the phone rings he will run to me and as I am walking to the phone he tries to nip my hand. The most recent problem seems to be our 1 yo son. He and Sam get along great but if the baby falls or bumps himself and he ends up crying then Sam runs to him and gets in his face and then nips us while we are in the process of trying to get to the baby to see what is wrong. We are afraid he will end up nipping the baby in the face.
We have done agility training with Sam but have recently moved to another state and have not found a place to work with him but have found an off leash dog park. He has also had some professional training and we worked on the door bell issue but but he can't seem to get past it. And has gotten more aggressive with people coming to the door.  Other noises like the vacuum or printer send him looking for a toy that he can destroy.
Any ideas to help Sam get over his noise problem?


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Re: Noise issues
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2008, 11:16:39 pm »
As I'm reading your post I was sitting here working on getting Clifford to relax at the loud thunder we are getting right now. I also have been working on the doorbell thing. He likes to bark at both. For the thunder, as I see the lightening I pet him and keep petting him and telling him what a good boy he is until the noise has passed. As for the doorbell, would work for other noises too, I stand there with treat in hand, tell him to sit, ring the bell, and treat him quick before the barking starts. It has gotten much better, now he will sit and stay until I go out the door, ring the bell and come back in with treat.
If your dog will sit and stay, whenever he starts to nip, like when you go to your crying child, tell him to sit and stay. Giving dogs something they know how to do works much better than telling them stop/don't. I must admit I've given up with the vacuum and my Jack Russel. As soon as I get it out she knows to go to her crate, otherwise she thinks the evil vacuum must die.
Good Luck, it's probably going to take a while.
I'm sure others will have some great ideas here for you too.