Author Topic: GET A HOLD OF YOUR KIDS, PEOPLE!!!  (Read 24803 times)

Offline kathryn

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« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2007, 05:45:57 pm »
Stella, I love your response!  But then again, I don't have a filter and anything in my head usually comes out of my mouth.  I probably would have been tempted to punt her dog. 

I had the neighbor kid come racing up to my Boston Terrier wanting to pet her.  She hadn't been around kids and didn't like them.  So I made him stop and explained that you don't run up to a dog and his older sister told me it's okay he likes dogs.  To that I explained that my dog doesn't like kids and I didn't care if he liked dogs or not.  Their dad stood there and watched the whole thing and didn't say a word to any of us. 
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Offline karateblossom

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« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2007, 11:43:10 am »
omg, stella...that was a perfect and real response.  I'm like you, don't hold my tongue for the sake of peace because my manta is one person's rights should never infringe upon anothers and this was soooo an obvious case of that!  I feel so blessed that odin is so tolerant of those little yappy critters,  otherwise his jaw power might overcome their little 'tudes'.....public animals should not be allowed to be aggressive due to lack of socialization or proper parenting.  in general, my furries are much better behaved than my children-and I beat neither group!  lol!  well trained animals are such a blessed addition to our world.  I loved europe where well behaved large breeds were welcome everywhere!   ahhhh....somed ay here!  ;)
karma is kewl!

Offline jagersmom

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« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2007, 10:29:30 pm »
I have the same problem as Stella. I have no filter or friends lol. "My mom told me to always tell the truth but I think it backfired on her." I'll tell you what I think whether you like it or not especially when it comes to my "baby." The first words that come to my mind come out of my mouth. My dad used to say I engaged my mouth before my brain.

The people at work are finally realizing not to ask my opinion or put me in confrontationa l situations.  ;D

The kids on my street taunt Jager ALL the time. They will play on our side of the street or on the little gym across the street and yell loud enough to get Jagers attention then run around. Ugh. Monsters! Then the kids down the street walk their little sh!t machine on my lawn and let it just YAP at Jager whose barking like crazy cause the little puntable fur ball dropped a load in our lawn! I wanna let Jager out just to slobber all over that thing and the kid! Jager won't leave mine or my neighbors yard but it would still be great!
Dogs laugh.... by wagging their tails

Annette, mother to:

Jagermeister - Bullmastiff
Bacardi - DSH terror cat

Offline Ali

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« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2007, 11:33:47 pm »
I am proud to say that my kids are very well trained regarding dog manners. Even my 4 year old knows that he must always ask before he approaches a dog. Many times, we've been politely told that the pup doesn't do well with kids or whatever... Kids that don't understand this basic SAFETY issue are not only at risk, but so are the poor dogs that end up carted away after someone's kid provokes a bite. So, rest assured, for every untrained kid out there, there's at least one trained one, too! It's not the kid's fault, not the dog's fault, not the dog owner's fault either. Hmmmm, who is left? Oh Yeah, the PARENTS!
mom of 4 humans AND
Tani (TAH-nee or rhymes with "Bonnie")- Aussie/Pittie?Boxer?Mutt!
Kai - Aussie/Dobie
Kenji - big ol' black cat
Mika and Nishi - kitty sisters, foster failures!
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Offline Bubbalove

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« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2008, 03:52:36 am »
This may be the longest post in history...we all have a similar story!
Here's mine.  While attempting to encourage socialization in the community, I took Kana to our little quaint downtown area. It was a day for my school (can't remember why) but apparently the Catholic school 6th grade all girls class on the block was in session but taking advantage of the nice weather.  They all were filing out of the ice cream parlor (about 15 of them with 2 parent chapperrones) and spotted him.  It was all over...before I could respond or prepare Kana, they SURROUNDED him. Pulling, prodding, poking, screaming, SQUEALING, PUTTING THEIR FACE IN HIS FACE!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I wanted to die.  All I could see is him biting in defense (Akitas as you know are VERY WARY of strangers by nature) and the phonecalls from attorneys making their way to my home.  After it happened I spoke quite CURTLY to the parent about teaching kids NEVER to approach a dog w/o permission. 
Thankfully, Kana was SO stunned that he did not react, WHAT A GOOD BOY!
Phew...he has a distinct aversion to plaid skirts to this day!
Kana - 4 y/o Japanese Akita
Kita - 8/2005 crossed Rainbow Bridge
       10 y/o American Akita

Offline Butts Mom

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« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2008, 06:45:19 am »
Well it's not a dog but... About 4 yrs ago when one of my current resident Greenwing Macaws hadn't yet come here to live he lived in a local pet store.My husband(at the time) was standing and talking to Ha while I was picking out what I needed.This little boy about 6-7 yrs old comes running up and trying to grab Ha's tail feathers,John told him not to grab the birds tail feathers(his parents were going to).Well the little boy didn't listen and Ha shot a VERY wet poop out the side of his cage and it went right on the little boys face.We died laughing,as did Ha.The mother told us we were rude for laughing,I told her that Ha thought it was rude her kid pulled his tail.I bet it was a while at least before he grabbed another birds tail.Ha still crys like a little boy on occasion and calls for his Mommy because of that little boy and maybe a few others that found out sh*t does happen ;D
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« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2008, 02:55:58 pm »
Ugh! Bubbalove (haha..that's a funny name!) That would have totally sucked!  I felt like I was in the SAME position, where it would have been MY dogs who would have been blamed instead of the STUPID parents who won't take responsibility for their kids!!!  God! This still burns me!

I will have to say that over Christmas, Champ let out a low growl when my little niece kept cornering him or trying to pet him (which, at her age, is as gentle as a sledge hammer!).  But, it was good to see that my brother and his wife totally respected Champ for the warning, and would always be with her (to read Champ's signs) if she wanted to pet him.  I totally believe that learning how to pet and approach dogs is sooo important!

Ok...I'll step off of my soapbox now!!!

Offline karateblossom

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« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2008, 02:05:45 pm »
I love the bird story!!  I'm sorry, but as a mom, I would have laughed right with you.  I'm a firm believer innreasonable and natural consequences when it comes to children-and a poo is reasonable for sure.  when my 14 yo was just about 3, we lived in north dakota and our neighbors had 2 rotties - zeus n sassy, who were very socialized and very well cared for.   zeus was a BIG ONE!  anyway, Zeus was about 6 or 7 n sassy, 2-3.  my neighbor had invited me over so my son n I had gone next door.
while we were in the basement oooooing and awwwwing over their new pet, an iguana, my son was messing with zeus.  the owner told me he was ok that zeus was very used to children and my son wasn't hurting  zeus.  zeus, in a very controlled "hit", turned and smacked my son on the cheek with a snappish growel.  It drew blood and a nice bruise and cut.  My response-served my son right because I had told him to stop, that doggy may not like finger in the ear or his nice touches.  despite the owners reassurance that zeus was cool w kids as long as they didn't jump on him or poke at him, I used my own instincts. Zeus could have bit my sons head off!  but he gave a warning and I wasn't angry.  he's a primal creature and we can NEVER predict their exact responses. 
a few months lster, zeus n sassy saved my sons life when he escaped (took down the TWO  child gates,  climbed upon a tall stool and un-chained the door, inlocke
 the deadbolt and the door lock as well) our home after we had gone to bed.  our son went next door and let the dogs out of the house (the neighbors never locked their door cuz of their furry alarm system)... those 2 rotties prevented anyone from approaching my son during his 3 hour adventure through the neighborhood!  ;)  primal but coexist for reasons beyond our knowledge!
karma is kewl!

Offline peytons mama

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« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2008, 11:45:55 pm »
some little dogs are horrilbe! this was months ago (about 4) so peyton was about 6 months old and already weighed 50 lbs or so. give or take a few. we went on a walk around the block (not too uncommon) and we got to almost the end of the block (one more corner to go and we would be home). this little dog (looked like a long haired jack russel) comes tearring out his garage and yipping at peyton (who is across the street!!!) and peyton is terriably affraid of it cuz she's never met anyone or anydog who wasn't nice before. she wouldn't move forward. i had to PICK HER UP!!! yeah, all 50 lbs of her! so the mom and dad of this little dog comes outside and tells him that he did a good job at scaring the big mean dog! you could tell that peyton was still a puppy! and then they had the bal!$ to tell the dog to "go get 'em". so he comes tearring after me, who is minding my own business CARRYING MY BIG 50 # PUPPY...and running between my legs. i yelled out, get your dog the Fu@* away from me or I WILL kick him out of my way". the people just laughed at me. I saw a person running that I knew and that could handle peyton and called to him, he took peyton and made sure she would be okay...and i walked back to the house and told them that "i didn't appreciate the way they handled the situation and that if it happened again that i would be calling the humane society on them because when i almost kicked the living $hit out of their pesky yippy dog, i noticed that they didn't have any type of tag."

I normally am not confrontationa l at all, but they messed with my baby, and MY SAFETY! what if i had fallen because of the dog? i could have hurt me and my dog. she would have fallen hard...

anyway, the next time i went for a walk the same way, a few houses down from that house, peyton started crying and doing circles around me wanting me to turn around. i let her walk between my legs one step at a time until we made it past. i had to keep telling her that it was okay and there was nothing to be affraid of while she was still crying. she to this day is still affraid of that da^^n house.
Your house isn't a home until you have made a bed for a dog.

Offline peytons mama

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« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2008, 11:52:15 pm »
oh and also, i am 25 and to this day...i still ask if i can pet a dog!  ;D
Your house isn't a home until you have made a bed for a dog.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2008, 02:21:07 am »
oh and also, i am 25 and to this day...i still ask if i can pet a dog!  ;D
LOL!  I am over 40, and I still ask "Is it ok to say hello?"

Ranger always has little kids running right up to him with no fear whatsoever, and the parents just watching and smiling. I mean, it's great that your kid isn't scared, but maybe my dog IS!  I have worked pretty hard on getting him to be more comfortable around kids (and people in general), but I am still always tempted to say "So, Billy... Do you like having all ten of those fingers?"   ;D
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Offline ZooCrew

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« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2008, 02:25:48 am »
Well as long as we are talking about rotten children...... .......I was visiting friends in Sioux Falls this weekend and had Keiko and Nigel with me.  I stopped at the local PetsMart there as I wanted to pick up some magazines to read at the hotel.

I was looking at the birds just to see what they had.  Keiko was on my right and Nigel was on my left.  I had noticed 2 kids come over to say hello to Nigel, around 8-10 yrs old.  I thought that was fine he's very friendly.  I soon heard his growly/excited noise (very hard to explain unless you know rat terriers).  I turned my head and the one boy had leaned down to Nigels level and was about 2 inches from his face staring him down.  I was like WTF?!  Then I saw the other boy do it.  I looked up and their parents were standing right there watching them.  >:(

Nigel did his growly noise again (which really isn't growling but to the normal person it sounds like it).  I finally said, "you know, you shouldn't put your face so close to another dog, it's  a good way to get yourself bit".  And then they nonchalantly went around the corner and left.  What the heck?  Who lets their children stare down dogs, especially ones they don't know?!  Sheesh, I bet they wouldn't let their kids do that to Gunther, or a dobie or rot.  What makes them think they can do it to a smaller dog?  Rat terriers as a whole aren't the friendliest as a whole (or so I've been told).  Mine are great and well socialized but if Nigel had bit those kids' faces I'm sure it would have been my fault for having a vicious dog in the store.  >:(

Offline karateblossom

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« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2008, 01:50:14 pm »
Exactly.....or your face!  I mean, its not like we want anyone or thing to get bit (i SURELY didnt want my toddler bit) but the balance and mutual respect has got to be there.  Whether undisciplined kids who are entitled (in their own mind) to poke, prod, stare down, pull on, squeeze etc a strange animal or a family pet OR an irresponsible pet owner who allows their animal to bully others and are allowed to roam freely and verbally assault passers by.....both fur parent and skin parent should be responsible for their childrens aggressive actions-not the response like a little yipper being punted or a bite resulting from being taunted.  I never thought twice about  NOT holding the owner accountable because my son was messing with the dog and we had been given the OK. I love seeing my son today-he is very respectful of animals, dogs in particular! 
karma is kewl!

Offline Scootergirl

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« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2008, 09:06:40 pm »
When I was a kid, I learned this lesson the hard way, but the difference is I LEARNED the lesson immediately.

My friend's mom had brought their German Shepherd to school for show & tell. I had met this dog several times and she was always very playful and sweet. I had been running late for school - this was about 5th grade - so Christy's mom and the dog were outside waiting for the teacher to say it was OK to go in. I recognized them and ran up to the dog to give her a hug and a pet and I guess I spooked her 'cause she reared up and bit my face. She didn't break the skin, but her teeth scraped my face and left welts.

I felt horrible. I knew right away it was my fault. My parents knew it was my fault, and I remember them apologizing to Christy's mom, who was mortified that her dog bit someone and explaining to her that they understand why the dog bit me and they harbored no ill feelings towards her or her dog. I was terrified they were going to have to give their dog up or have it put to sleep for my stupidity 'cause it happened on school property and it had to be reported.

All ended well, though and to this day I will never approach a dog without asking, and I have a really good story for kids who don't understand why it's so important.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline maxsmom

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« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2008, 09:18:55 pm »
Stella, Don't you wonder what her life and her son's will be like when he is 15?  If he doesn't respect and listen to her at 5, she doesn't have a snowballs chance of having his respect as a teenager.  I have tried to explain that to my daughter in law.  My grandsons are 3 and 8.  When my daughter in law complains that they just don't listen to her at all, I remind her of this.  She has been told more than once, when they are 15 and punch you, take your car keys and walk out, don't call me crying.  You are their mother.  Act like it, while you still can.  If you give up on them, the rest of society is going to pay the price when they grow up.  They listen to me and to their father.  Makes you wonder what kind of childhood these people had, for them not to know how to raise their own children doesn't it.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats