Author Topic: DIAGNOSIS: SPAYING INCONTINENCE - Pee Pee Accidents 10 mo. St. Lucy  (Read 9474 times)

Offline SaintMommy

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TOO MANY PeePee Accidents after Potty Training = SPAYING INCONTINENCE!
We took Lucy our 10 month Saint to the vet, after too many little accidents or full soakings... She would wake up in the morning or from a lovely Saint nap, and her hind end or tail was little wet or just dripping soaked.  Lucy has been trained from about 4-6 weeks after we brought her and brother home at 8 weeks.  Lucy is hands down the smartest, and eager to please Saint we have every owned (#4) I was 95% sure these were not simply training accidents, and she would wake up clueless that she was soaked. The first time it happened was the night she came home from being spayed that afternoon.  She was lying on the couch with us, and got up to go out for evening potty time, she was soaked the coach was soaked.  We called the vet; they said if it happens again that night or the next day call, otherwise figure she was out of it still from anesethia.  Well it happened about a week later, she napping on the hardwood and rug, and there was puddle on the wood, and so on... a few times a week or just once a week, she would have an accident. 

Finally, I called the vet, we went in.  They said its spaying incontinence; it can happen USUALLY if spayed to early, however Lucy was the prescribed 6 months.  They gave me "Proin" said it would help or cure the problem, and most likely after a 10 day course, the sphincter muscle "remembers" what it's supposed to do, and starts working again on its own.  Being the ever faithful Suspicious Saint Mommy, I read all about "Proin" - The good, the bad, and the ugly.  After reading many experiences, everything from Severe Withdrawn Personality in a normal outgoing friendly girl, Death, Stroke, and then many that gave it to their fur babies and they were just fine.  I decided to finally give to her, and WATCH.  I gave her a 6-days of a 10-day course, I think she was acting a little sketchy after a week, however no accidents. My husband thinks I am over protective, and thought she was fine. Who knows?  Anyway, She went almost 5weeks no accidents, I thought yippee it worked....Well, we still have accidents,(not as many and still not fun) and I haven't decided if we will put her back on the "Proin".  It can be a given for a lifetime to prevent the incontinence, but I am cautious.  Life has allot in at the moment, just keeping them in decent kibble is enough, and I can clean up a little pee now and then.  I will update again.  Till then.... Love all your fur babies, because they sure love us and ask so little in return. xo
Renee and Mark... Denver - Proud Saintly Parents of Charlie & Lucy (bro & sis)
Thanks much,
Renee & Mark

Offline chaos270

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Re: DIAGNOSIS: SPAYING INCONTINENCE - Pee Pee Accidents 10 mo. St. Lucy
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 06:42:18 pm »
We had issues with Proin when we used it for our aussie's spay incontinence.  It did work after she was on it for awhile but the cost was high (still no leaking 4 yrs later).  It took her slight fear aggression and turned her to the point she went after a close friend and other friends then she went after us a few times.  We stopped the meds but the damage is done...she has gotten better but she's now on Prozac and still cannot be trusted with people outside the immediate family.  Our vet found it caused hypertension and rapid heartbeat which can make an anxious dog snap. There was a female Saint on it and she was having issues too but she had other underlying health issues too so it was never known what the Proin may have done to contribute to her problems. I would be very careful with it and maybe discuss your concerns with your vet. Lacey was on it for a long time so maybe the shorter dosage won't be as much of an issue.  I know I posted about Lacey's issues shortly after we found the cause so search the forum for "Proin" and you should find it. Good Luck I hope you can find a solution that works!

Modified to add the link to my previous post:
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 06:47:18 pm by chaos270 »
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties

Offline Gwenstone

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Re: DIAGNOSIS: SPAYING INCONTINENCE - Pee Pee Accidents 10 mo. St. Lucy
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 11:25:28 am »
I currently have my Mastiff bitch on Proin50.  She takes 6 pills daily for the past three years.  We had to up the dosage as she started leaking (flooding).  She is fine, her personality has not changed at all.  There is no option to take her off of it.

I did have a bitch years ago and she was on the old PPH before they took it off the market.  She lived to a ripe old age of 10 years and went in her sleep. She has been on PPH since she was 8 months old.

The only other option is hormone supplement when the Proin fails.  That too has risks.

Gwenstone Mastiffs
www.gwenstone. com

Offline Gwenstone

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Re: DIAGNOSIS: SPAYING INCONTINENCE - Pee Pee Accidents 10 mo. St. Lucy
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 11:26:30 am »
I currently have my Mastiff bitch on Proin50.  She takes 6 pills daily.  We had to up the dosage.  She is fine, her personality has not changed at all.  There is no option to take her off of it.

I did have a bitch years ago and she was on the old PPH before they took it off the market.  She lived to a ripe old age of 10 years and went in her sleep.

The only other option is hormone supplement when the Proin fails.  

Gwenstone Mastiffs
www.gwenstone. com