Author Topic: looking at a 2yo or a 5mo Deutscher Doggen/Great Dane...  (Read 3235 times)

Offline AltDeutsche

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looking at a 2yo or a 5mo Deutscher Doggen/Great Dane...
« on: May 17, 2007, 07:21:01 pm »
Ok y'all. Bombard me with info!
We are leaning towards a 2yo but are unsure.
What do y'all use for food? We live in Germany so if any of y'all are here, GREAT! If not I'll see what is comparable.
Toys? Are Bamboo toys any good? The brand not the wood.
Beds? Besides the couch where do y'all furbabies like to sleep?
Collars and harnesses? What do y'all find to be best?
Anyone ship a Dane for Europe to the states? How much was the kennel and airlines? We still have several years yet but I would like to know before I get there.
What is the average weight? I see height on all these pages but not weight.
Oh! Back to food, about how much do y'all spend a month? Also what do you think are the best treats? Rawhide, Good or bad?
Coat care? How do you keep it nice and what shampoo?

I think for now this is enough questions. Thanks! Danielle
Mace Sable Coated GSD 02/08
Rex Sable Coated GSD 02/08