Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : cricket36580 May 18, 2006, 06:02:03 AM

: Truth is stranger than fiction
: cricket36580 May 18, 2006, 06:02:03 AM
Ok...Dixie called and said there was a full blood dane at the shelter and was I interested in pulling it for rescue.  Well, duh!  Of course I am. So she sent me the pics and the info on him.  I went ahead and fwd it to a breeder friend of mine because it looked like one of her pups.  So there's another rescue also looking at him so I go out to the shelter cause I REALLY want  this dog.  He's a harl, 125#ish, and intact.  Well, when I get there the shelter lady says he's been placed with the other rescue.  Well I go in and take a look anyway cause you never know, right?  Well he looked very familiar to me.  So I told the lady that I've made some calls and sent the pic out and could we hold off on everything?  Nope, he's going in to get neutered tomorrow morning...  ()Today)  Well, ok...  So I go on my merry way. (this is where I pause and tell you about the little Anatolian pup there...I'm getting pics.)  Well, last night was pool night and I get a call right before I'm supposed to play.  It's this dogs owner!!!  The shelter hadn't scanned him for chip and hadn't looked at him for tats.  He has both.  The guy is camped at the shelter this morning to get his dog back.  It was a pup of my friends after all.  The guy had sold his house and moved into an apt and had taken the dog to a friends to live temporarily.  The friend hadn't even called him to tell him the dog was missing.  Go figure.  I'll keep you guys updated.  I've asked the guy to call me and let me know what happens.  He's an EMT here...a good contact for me to have...  lol so I won't hear from him until tonight sometime.

Oh, and btw....Our shelter has absolutely NO night answering service or pick up.  I didn't realize that before now.  Where I used to live, we had an ambulance service that worked all night and answered critter calls when not on a run.  When I win the lottery I think I'll install a critter ambulance too...
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: DixieSugarBear May 18, 2006, 06:25:17 AM
I think I will give them a call again today, and see what happened.  I am just so glad we e-mail the photos out and found the dog.  I would be ready to kill the "friend". 

: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: PennyK May 18, 2006, 06:51:08 AM
Isn't the point of getting a dog "chipped"?  So that if he gets picked up, he gets scanned and the owner can be notified??  I can't believe he was going to be neutered BEFORE they even scanned him!!

Makes me glad I didn't waste my money on getting Teddy chipped.  What's the point anyway if that is what happens?
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: cricket36580 May 18, 2006, 06:59:13 AM
Time moves so freaking SLOW when you're waiting on something!!  Another whole flipping hour before they open and I can call...
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: brandon May 18, 2006, 07:51:24 AM
Isn't the point of getting a dog "chipped"?  So that if he gets picked up, he gets scanned and the owner can be notified??  I can't believe he was going to be neutered BEFORE they even scanned him!!

No offense to our local shelters, but I doubt many of them even have scanners.  I've been looking on Ebay at scanners, I've thought about trying to buy a few for our vet and the shelters.

PS: Great job, you two!
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: GreatDanz May 18, 2006, 08:53:54 AM
Cricket, may I cross-post this?
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Maltese May 18, 2006, 09:42:02 AM
Hi, this is Shannon.  I am the guy who is the owner of the Great Dane that was at the shelter.  I was there this AM before anyone showed up for work.  When the Dog Catcher showed up, I told him I was there for my dog.  He said he would be right back.  When he came back, he told me there was a problem.  He told me he had been adopted and was going to be picked up today.  I told him they have the problem, not me.  I informed him that Maltese has a chip and a tat.  The guy was blown away.  He said that they should have scaned him and even found the tat.  Well, when the ladies of the shelter showed up, the informed me they did scan him.  So, they got both of the scanners out and rescaned him.  No chip found!  I then told them about the tat.  She said that she looked in his ear and mouth, but didn't think to check his inner right leg.  She said she will never make that mistake again.  Well, I got him back and he is at the vets for a complete check up.  The vet scanned him and didn't find the chip, so he re-chipped him for free.  He will be staying with the one person I trust, besides myself, Susan the breeder.  She has a bunch of Danes and is a wonderful breeder.  I thank GOD that Cricket e-mailed the pics to Susan.  Because people like Cricket and Susan, My 4yr old pup is ok and still INTACT!  Thanks again Cricket, your awesome.  I will post pics of him soon.  I have to goto work now.

Thanks, Shannon and Maltese
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Rachel May 18, 2006, 10:06:11 AM
Wow what a crazy story.  I am so glad that you were able to get your dog back!    I can't wait to see more pictures of Maltese.
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: PennyK May 18, 2006, 10:06:48 AM
Shannon - you are one lucky girl!! 

I'm so glad you got your boy back - all of him!! 
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: chaos270 May 18, 2006, 10:07:19 AM
I'm glad you got your boy back!  That's scary I think next time I bring Kali to the vet's I'll have her chip checked.  Also welcome to BPO, I hope you'll hang out with us now that you found us.
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: EllieAndBlu May 18, 2006, 10:13:29 AM
Congrats on getting your beloved pup back - THAT is a crazy story! Hope you stick around on BPO, cause we NEED to see more pics of Maltese! :)
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: smsmith May 18, 2006, 11:10:55 AM
Wow -- that was close.  What happened to the first chip?  Is it uncommon for chips to "fall out"?

I love stories with happy endings.  And I"m not so mad at the shelter/pound as I started out.  They DID scan and look. 
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Stacey May 18, 2006, 11:16:30 AM
wow...just wow!!  I am glad you got Maltese back (I love that name BTW).  Thank goodness for good people!!  Seriously guys, sometimes the selflessness and generosity (even if it is just with time) of the members on BPO is astounding!
WTG cricket for helping reunite these two!
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: newflvr May 18, 2006, 11:25:16 AM
It is so good to have a happy ending to this! Great job everybody!  I'm going to get Cowboy's and Chester's chip checked as well next time they are in the vet's office.  I would never have dreamed that the chip could 'go missing'!!!
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Bella's mom May 18, 2006, 11:38:10 AM
Wow!  I'm so glad you got your guy back, Shannon.  That's frightening how close you came to losing him.  So happy that it worked out!
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: DixieSugarBear May 18, 2006, 11:53:10 AM
Shannon I am so glad you got Maltese back.  Welcome to BPO, we hope to see lots of photos of Maltese.

You know this story shows what just a few e-mails can do.  I think from now on everytime they e-mail me a photo of one in the dogs in the shelter I will not only e-mail it to cricket I will post it here and e-mail it to everyone in my address book. If we all e-mail everyone in our address book we may be able to find owners (old or new) for these fur-babies. We have some great members here in South Alabama and show be able to cover the area with our contacts. We were on the phone when I e-mailed cricket. I was so happy that as soon as cricket saw the photo she said I think I know that dog and/or the breeder. We are now 5 for 5 in this area for finding the family for these big paws. 

: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Kermit May 18, 2006, 02:24:09 PM
Man that is so weird. Around here they will not let any dog leave the shelter without keeping him 7 days to give the owner time to come and find him. ???
Sounds pretty fishy to me...

So glad you got your pooch back Shannon!!! Whew!!!!
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: cricket36580 May 18, 2006, 03:01:02 PM
First, let me say a big, fat welcome ot Shannon!  I'm so glad everything worked out for you both.  Your boy is beautiful and I would hate to see Tonka's lines die out. 

Second...He was there for a little over a week.  He was "vaccinated" for bordetella yesterday and was already coughing.  Fortunately it wasn't kennel cough but that really chaps me.  I put that in quotes because it should have been done on intake, not a week later.  Oh well.  All's well that ends well. 

Needless to say, I had a VERY good day today!
: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Maltese May 19, 2006, 12:57:38 PM
First, I am a guy.  No harm, no foul!  I was very lucky to get Maltese back.  Would not of happened if it wasn't for people who really care.  Thanks again everyone.  I am going to go see him today at the vet.  He will be there for a week or two to make sure he is ok and so Susan can make room for him.  Thanks again everyone.  I will be posting pics.  Going to get up to date photos.

: Re: Truth is stranger than fiction
: Maltese May 19, 2006, 04:02:53 PM
Got to the vet to see Maltese a bit ago.  I got the most messed up news from the vet office too.  The new chip came out.  They checked it today to make sure it was still ok.  The vet is calling AVID about the issue of the disapearing chips.  Let you know what happens when I found out more.
