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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Discussions => : Gypsy Jazmine May 31, 2006, 11:33:11 PM

: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine May 31, 2006, 11:33:11 PM
Sammy Whammy has had gunky ears so, to be on the safe side, I've been treating him with ear drops & ear wash...Well, the wet from all of that has been making him mat up under his ears & behind them ALOT!!...Tonight I found a particulary thick mat & decided to cut it out...Yup, I caught the skin...It didn't bleed but I know it hurt because he let out a yelp...It left a thin little flap of skin like when you cut the end of your finger & can leave the flap there to heal or pull it off. (which I usually do) I treated it with hydrogen peroxide & Neosporin...My good friend, Ann, who has 4 dogs herself told me Sam probably forgot about it 30 seconds later but I still feel AWFUL!!!!!!!!...Have you all ever done anything so awful to your pupper & felt SO bad about it?
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: doggylover May 31, 2006, 11:36:59 PM
I hurt Badger really bad, because of total stupidity- it's not something I like to talk about... :'(  Your heart was so in the right place.  I would let this's not like you meant to hurt your beloved!
Tape that ear back on and eat some ice cream! Heck if you feel really bad, you can let Sammy lick the spoon.
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: doggylover May 31, 2006, 11:38:25 PM
Yes, you are very bad.  I need to come to your house and remove all your cute dogs from your care!
 :D :D :D :D :D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Blair May 31, 2006, 11:40:12 PM
I was clipping Diesel's nails one night and when i went to clip the nail he pulled his itty bitty leg away and I clipped his pad  :( I felt so bad for days about what I did to him, but he was fine in just a few second. After that I never clipped his nails again, I let my friend do it for me.
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine May 31, 2006, 11:58:31 PM
Yes, you are very bad.  I need to come to your house and remove all your cute dogs from your care!
 :D :D :D :D :D
Sammy gets all the ice cream...I don't deserve any!...Good try on getting my puppers but I still think you need to send Badger to me while you get your roof fixed...It's the right thing to do for Badger!...Quit being so selfish!!! :P :D :D :D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: doggylover June 01, 2006, 12:02:52 AM
ROFL I have a great idea.  I will send you, Federal Express, a sample of his butt smell, like on a scratch-n-sniff-n-vomit sticker.  If you still want him, he's all yours!!!
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine June 01, 2006, 12:14:20 AM
ROFL I have a great idea.  I will send you, Federal Express, a sample of his butt smell, like on a scratch-n-sniff-n-vomit sticker.  If you still want him, he's all yours!!!
I live with 8 cats, 2 house bunnies, a guinea pig, 3 BigWhiteStinky Dogs & a 7 & 8 yr. old that don't like to shower or brush their teeth...Did I mention my hubby drives semi & gets about 1 shower ever 5 days he's out there, has a foot odor problem & insists on wearing the same steel toed boots 7 days a week...Oh bring on the Badger butt smell!!!! :P :D :D :D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: doggylover June 01, 2006, 12:20:15 AM
I have clearly been out done.  I take it back, you can't have Badger, it just wouldn't be fair for him to live in a household where his butt odor didn't have any unique stand out value!
I love your posts and your sense of humor! :D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine June 01, 2006, 12:31:51 AM
I have clearly been out done.  I take it back, you can't have Badger, it just wouldn't be fair for him to live in a household where his butt odor didn't have any unique stand out value!
I love your posts and your sense of humor! :D
I've become a bit partial to you &  Badger too!!! ;D The post about his masochistic tendencies sealed the deal!!! :-* :D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: doggylover June 01, 2006, 01:06:18 AM
 :D ;D :)
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: brandon June 01, 2006, 05:45:18 AM
it just wouldn't be fair for him to live in a household where his butt odor didn't have any unique stand out value!

: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: amberdoggoneit June 01, 2006, 07:32:56 AM
It is ok at least your dog doesnt make you feel bad all the time.  My boxer is bad about that.  I was cutting her nails and got her pad when she pulled back.  Of course freaking out about it i grabbed her foot and babied her like she was dying.  That was about two years ago, til this day she will run up to you and look at you and lift her paw like it hurts.  Took her to the vet and nothing is wrong with it.  She is just milking it for all it is worth.   ;D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: K9ldy00 June 01, 2006, 08:08:59 AM
When I was working at the vet, an owner brought her pyrennes in with about 5 cuts on it from her trying to trim its knots out. They required sutures. So don't feel so bad.  Things happen. You had the best intentins as you were trying to help .
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Rachel June 01, 2006, 08:28:30 AM
One night I was laying back in our recliner chair and Sophie was eyeing me funny (she is not allowed on the chair)....  I said to her don't you dare jump on me.. but before I knew it she was on top of me and it hurt like h*ll so I instinctively pushed her off.  Her leg got caught between the chair and the foot rest part and she yelped sooo loud.  I jumped up and layed her on the ground and she had a HUGE bruse on her leg.  I felt sooo horrible!!!  I am a horrible mommy!   I held ice on her leg and rubbed her belly for like an hour.
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: smsmith June 01, 2006, 11:19:57 AM
It left a thin little flap of skin like when you cut the end of your finger & can leave the flap there to heal or pull it off. (which I usually do)

How bad do you feel for doing that to yourself? 

You can stop beating yourself up now.

: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine June 01, 2006, 12:07:52 PM
Thanks everyone!...I checked it this morning & I could  hardly see that I did it...& Sam showed no sign that it bothered him that I was messing with his ear...I am relieved...I caught his quick twice when I trimmed his nails & it is a battle to trim nails anymore with him...I still can't believe that I caught his skin though...I thought I was being so careful...The lady who brought the Pyr in with 5 cuts that had to be sutured???...OMG!...Why didn't she stop after the 1st one :'(...That is terrible!
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: K9ldy00 June 01, 2006, 12:57:59 PM
The lady who brought the Pyr in with 5 cuts that had to be sutured???...OMG!...Why didn't she stop after the 1st one ...That is terrible!

Thats what we were wondering....
Another person brought in a chow that he ran over with a riding lawnmower. He said I thought he would move and then it was to late to turn the mower.DUH ???
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine June 01, 2006, 01:09:47 PM
The lady who brought the Pyr in with 5 cuts that had to be sutured???...OMG!...Why didn't she stop after the 1st one ...That is terrible!

Thats what we were wondering....
Another person brought in a chow that he ran over with a riding lawnmower. He said I thought he would move and then it was to late to turn the mower.DUH ???
O.k...I am not only feeling better now...I am feeling like a superior doggy mama ;D....WTH is wrong with people :-\ >:( :(...Next time I try to clip Sam's nails I am going to refer to this thread to let him know how it could be. :D Ty everyone!
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: horsepoor21 June 01, 2006, 02:48:39 PM
When I first got Kylie she was already a year old , we didn't know eachother too well and I wanted to groom her . I started the clippers up and went to do her head first , she was so scared ,I felt aweful but really wanted to get it done ,I kept telling her what a good girl she was being , etc ... went to gently clip her ear .... Next thing I know she yelps , takes off and hides under the bed . I got her out and saw I had cut her ear !!! I felt absolutely aweful ! Took her quite a while to trust me after that !  :(
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: GrumpyBunny June 01, 2006, 05:24:21 PM
Once I was grooming Cabo on the front porch, and I was using, among other tools, one of those "rake" type brushes that pulls out the undercoat with the steel teeth.  I laid it down on the porch, tines up and forgot about it until Cabo stepped on it.  He hopped around the yard, yelping, (for what was probably about 6 seconds, but felt like it was several days), with it hanging out of his foot. It even bled a little.  Needless to say, I felt like crap.
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: BarkleysMum June 02, 2006, 05:42:10 AM
I slammed Buddy's tail in the car door. Of course I felt TERRIBLE. He knows I'm a sucker, and he knew immediately that this was something he could really milk for awhile. A big old doofus yelping like a little puppy was more than this mama could take! This display got him a cheeseburger and about 24 hours of pure pampering. Next time he got in the car, he left his tail hanging out like it was on purpose. He's either a lot smarter or a lot dumber than I thought.


Holly...that's too cute!  I was also going to share my tail in the car door story.  I slammed the door shut on the very tip of my first fella's (Rufus) tail.  It actually kinked it permanently.  The vet said it wasn't painful to him (although I can't imagine it wasn't).  He wasn't as smart as Buddy though .... I can just imagine Buddy milking that for all it was worth!!!
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: Gypsy Jazmine June 02, 2006, 09:59:41 AM
Well last night I slightly rolled the power window on my truck up on Sam's head...I was getting out & thought he had enough room to keep his head out while I ran in the store...He did have enough room to keep it out but not to get it back in which he let me know immediatly & I immediatly fixed the problem but he freaked!...Now there was no preasure put on his head or neck he just couldn't pull his head back in...The only saving grace here is that I am pretty sure he can't equate the bad window getting him with my working the switch from the front...For the love of God someone should take these poor dogs from me! :-\ :D
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: chaos270 June 02, 2006, 11:26:52 AM
I once shut Kali's tail feathers in the backdoor of my car.  She was throwing a hissy fit so I had to lunge into the back seat and across the car to open the door so she could get her feathers out!  I felt so bad.  And I cut one of Lacey's nails too short and felt awful about that cause I'm the only one she'll let cut them when before she had to be sedated.  Plus I tripped over Kali heading into the house and I ended up taking her with me.  We both got tangled in each other which freaked her out a bit.  Plus I've probably done other things too that I can't remember.
: Re: I should not be allowed to have dogs!!! ) :
: doggylover June 02, 2006, 01:46:11 PM
I once shut Kali's tail feathers in the backdoor of my car.  She was throwing a hissy fit so I had to lunge into the back seat and across the car to open the door so she could get her feathers out!  I felt so bad.  And I cut one of Lacey's nails too short and felt awful about that cause I'm the only one she'll let cut them when before she had to be sedated.  Plus I tripped over Kali heading into the house and I ended up taking her with me.  We both got tangled in each other which freaked her out a bit.  Plus I've probably done other things too that I can't remember.

LOLOLOL that is too funny, it's like some kind of no no list.  So matter of fact. I think we all feel a little better about our oops's after reading this thread!