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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : doggylover June 28, 2006, 07:21:47 PM

: doggylover June 28, 2006, 07:21:47 PM
So for the second time in my life, I went to an actual real salon, where actual women go and spend real money to get their hair died; as opposed to what I have ALWAYS done, and died it myself with Clarol before heading to the mall for an 8 dollar haircut.  The stupid haircut/dye job cost ALL of my discretionary money for um the next few months.  All these prissy women are prancing around the salon talking about the Nordsrom sale or how they spent blah blah on this or that for themselves.
I get home, hubby says NOTHING even though my hair looked HOT.  Then, hubby goes out to mow our one acre yard with the riding lawn mower and comes back in like 20 minutes later and says, "I just ran over Pookie's tug toy, and it's stuck in the blade, and I can't get it out....I don't think we have a mower now".
So, I said, like a MORON, "you didn't see it?"  Like DUH if he had he wouldn't have run over it.  So he says, "no, he buried it under some dry grass".  So I put down my paintbrush (I'm priming the hall to repaint) and follow him out.  I end up laying on the freaking hot pavement for an HOUR hacking through Badger's $20 dollar NEW tug toy with a kitchen knife, cause nothing else is working.  I was SO pissed off I said, "try and be more careful sweetie...I don't want to do that again".  He is really good about me being a total Bia*ch, kisses me to say thanks, and goes back to mowing.
I go back in the house and I'm heat exhausted and peaved, thinking how those prissy women at the salon prolly didn't have to fix mowers and paint halls, when SPLAT I get a huge dollap of OIL BASED primer in my NEW hair.

Just for one single freaking day I wanted to look like a prissy girl.  Friday is our 10th anniversary, and I wanted to look sexy.  Now I look like a &(^#triu red haired skunk.

THEN hubby comes in for a drink and SMIRKS at me.  ROFL he didn't have to say a WORD.  He just pointed, like to let me know, in case I didn't already, that I had paint in my hair.  BTW, primer doesn't 'wash' out.  I SWEAR, I almost chucked the entire paint can at him.  He looked scared when I looked at him, and he kinda jerked back, then went outside to finish mowing.
: Re: I am PEAVED
: Kermit June 28, 2006, 07:33:14 PM
Oh Lordy. Just remember to breathe, sister. Deep breaths. You can do it.

Is your hair ok? :-\
: Re: I am PEAVED
: kristi June 28, 2006, 07:34:54 PM
Awwww Rhonda - I'm sooo sorry!

ps. Happy Anniversary!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: doggylover June 28, 2006, 07:46:00 PM
No my hair isn't OK.  It's white spotted and smeared.  I'm gonna be picking white flecks out of it for weeks.   
I love my hubby, he is so darn adorable.  I'm starting to feel better already.  I'm really glad I didn't assault him with primer. 
: Re: I am PEAVED
: Kermit June 28, 2006, 07:48:53 PM
I'm really glad I didn't assault him with primer. 

Yeah, that was really considerate of you!!!! ;) ;D
: Re: I am PEAVED
: MommyOfSchnauzers June 28, 2006, 08:18:27 PM
Why waste perfectly good primer on a hubby? :D lol
: Re: I am PEAVED
: doggylover June 28, 2006, 08:24:58 PM
LOL I WUV my Hubby-poo.  I try to NEVER attack him.  EVER.  The other day, I attacked him with the hose, but he outweighs me by 70 pounds, so if I get a lick he should know better than to walk to the mailbox without knowing my exact location anyway. 
: Re: I am PEAVED
: doggylover June 28, 2006, 08:38:28 PM
Awwwww Ronda!!! Just think in a couple months you'll be laughing about the whole thing!! I chuckled a little he he he cause you two sound like such a cute couple!  ;D
;) David is my very most favorite person EVER!  He is my best friend, the first person I look for to torture when I'm bored, he is everything to me.  People roll their eyes at us because we paw all over eachother all the time.  My mom gets annoyed that I never engage in the hubby bashing sessions that the women in my family LOVE.  I just sit there like the cat that ate the canary.   ;) Smug people are SO annoying!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: cuttles/sadieMay June 28, 2006, 10:30:39 PM
Im sorry but I did chuckle a little at your story! But only because it sounds alot like something that would happen to me!!! HEHEHEHE
You two sound like you have a great relationship!!!
No matter how hard I try to be a prissy rich B*&$#
I would always be the women out trying to fix the mower!!!!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: Softhug June 29, 2006, 09:35:17 AM
I totally agree with you...wouldn't it be nice to be a prissy, high maintenance b*tch for at least a DAY!?  Like you, I seem to be under lawnmowers, ankle deep in big paw poop, kid/dog drool on my shirt mixed with some "god only know what" mixed in for good measure.  Why can these husbands not realize how lucky they are to have us "undercover" princesses and treat us as such?!?!   ;D 

"Undercover princess" I am laughing my A55 off at that!  I am the funniest person I know! ;D  I think we need pink t-shirts and can be a club!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: NoDogNow June 29, 2006, 11:54:39 AM
BTW, primer doesn't 'wash' out

I had this happen to me with exterior oil based paint too.

BREAK OUT THE AVON SKIN SO SOFT!!!!! Original Scent works best, just like it does for bugs.

Saturate the part of your hair with paint in it and let it sit for several minutes.  Then, using a ASSS dipped very fine comb (I used a nit comb from a lice kit) carefully work the paint loose and away from your hair. 

When you're ready to wash the whole mess out of your hair, use Dawn dishwashing soap, and only lather, don't scrub!

You may have to repeat the ASSS treatment after your hair has dried a little--I did.

Use Neutrogena for oily hair to shampoo for a few days to help your scalp recover from the ASSS.

Good luck fixing your beautiful new haircut!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: Softhug June 29, 2006, 01:33:34 PM
Oh yea, I want to see a photo of the new 'do woman!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: doggylover June 29, 2006, 03:49:12 PM
I totally agree with you...wouldn't it be nice to be a prissy, high maintenance b*tch for at least a DAY!?  Like you, I seem to be under lawnmowers, ankle deep in big paw poop, kid/dog drool on my shirt mixed with some "god only know what" mixed in for good measure.  Why can these husbands not realize how lucky they are to have us "undercover" princesses and treat us as such?!?!   ;D 

"Undercover princess" I am laughing my A55 off at that!  I am the funniest person I know! ;D  I think we need pink t-shirts and can be a club!
Undercover Princess?  OMG that is the most AWESOME thing I've ever heard!  It's SOOOO me!!!!! YAY!! I'm 34 and I finally have a name for what I am!!!
BTW, I'm heading upstairs NOW to break out the skin so soft.  Stuff works on mosquitos too!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: zanie June 29, 2006, 04:18:43 PM
I totally agree with you...wouldn't it be nice to be a prissy, high maintenance b*tch for at least a DAY!?  Like you, I seem to be under lawnmowers, ankle deep in big paw poop, kid/dog drool on my shirt mixed with some "god only know what" mixed in for good measure.  Why can these husbands not realize how lucky they are to have us "undercover" princesses and treat us as such?!?!   ;D 

"Undercover princess" I am laughing my A55 off at that!  I am the funniest person I know! ;D  I think we need pink t-shirts and can be a club!
Undercover Princess?  OMG that is the most AWESOME thing I've ever heard!  It's SOOOO me!!!!! YAY!! I'm 34 and I finally have a name for what I am!!!
BTW, I'm heading upstairs NOW to break out the skin so soft.  Stuff works on mosquitos too!

Oh, Darlin'!  Sorry to hear about your troubles.  May I suggest you try calling the salon where you got your hair done before you take stuff to your paint said you were recently colored so you should be really careful what goes onto that sex-ay new 'do lest you strip the pretty new color out of it!
: Re: I am PEAVED
: doggylover June 29, 2006, 11:23:08 PM
I have been able to pick/flick most of the paint out of my hair.  When I washed it, tons of reddish water ran down the drain.  Looked like the slash scene in Psycho, so I'm thinking I stripped some of the color out, but most of the paint is out so it's all good. 
Thanks for being so understanding sistas!  This undercover princess appreciates it!