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Saint Bernards => Saint Bernard General Discussions => : Lyn June 29, 2006, 06:10:24 AM

: Short Nosed Saints...
: Lyn June 29, 2006, 06:10:24 AM
Is is common for the shorter nosed Saints to snort and snuffle?

I had my vet check Lola for a cold.. it almost sounds like she's congested.. but he said her lungs are clear. She's snorts like a pig.. so we have been calling her Miss Piggy. :D

: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: chaos270 June 29, 2006, 07:30:09 AM
Katie the female I know snorts and snuffles and snores constantly.  I think it's a Saint thing.  I wouldn't be worried about it unless she starts to get discharge.  I agree that they sound like they're part pig and Katie loves to wallow in the mud too.
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: Yaz June 29, 2006, 12:54:11 PM
Gershwin is a short nosed Saint - our nickname for him is Sweinhund (pig dog in German), because he sounds like a pig more than dog and it does not help that he belches loudly after every meal.
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: Lyn June 29, 2006, 01:03:50 PM
LOL I agree they do sounds more like a pig than a dog. Lola snores like crazy too. She's kept me awake quite a few nights. Bubba on the other hand has a longer snout. So I've never heard anything like this from him. He even tilts his head and looks at her as if to say "Who let the pig in?"  :D
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: Yaz June 29, 2006, 01:29:43 PM
I find it funny that the short nose is considered the correct type of nose for a Saint - it as if they used pigs for models when breeding them. In the morning, when I take him to the corner to pee, he walks along snuffling and snorting in the grass as he smells the ground. When he does this, I feel he has more in common with a pig than a dog. And if I am trying to study I have to put him in the basement because his snoring drives me to distraction!
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: PennyK June 29, 2006, 01:36:21 PM
Are the short nosed saints a different breed or how do you know if your saint will be short nosed or not?  I wasn't aware their were 2 types.

Teddy has a longer nose but I chose him because he seemed to have a shorter muzzle than some of his littermates.  I have always admired the really blocky faced saints - that was what I was hoping for (not that I would change him now for the world, but maybe for next time.... LOL!)
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: Yaz June 29, 2006, 02:17:23 PM
It is the blocky Saints that sound the most pig-like. There aren't officially two types of Saints, some just have more of the classic look (blocky) than others.
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: forgottensecrets July 06, 2006, 12:56:09 AM
Saints tend to do like this backwards sneeze type thing.  It sounds like a cough or sneeze, only they are sicking air in.  I have four that do it.  One is not even a shorter muzzled Saint.  She has the correct length for her head size.  It is very common in Saints and other breeds that have shorter muzzles, such as Bull Dogs and I think Pugs do it too.

: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: Imani's Mom July 06, 2006, 10:56:11 AM
My rescue mastiff, Jesse snorts all the time, too!  I thought maybe somebody's pet pig got in on the breeding of his mother somehow, but glad to know he is not the only one who does this!  We sure get a good laugh listening to him sniff around the ground on walks.  He doesn't even really have a shorter nose than my girls, and none of them snort like he does.
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: Saint and Mal mom July 06, 2006, 02:50:10 PM
I wasn't aware of the variations of short or long nosed Saints either. Dolly must be a short-nosed one because she snores ALL the time and snorts like a pig too. But I love it! I think it's adorable! I wouldn't worry about it.
: Re: Short Nosed Saints...
: nitewarrior July 11, 2006, 09:41:36 AM
Hi Abbey and I was wondering if there is a connection between the long and short nose and wet and dry mouth.  Abby has a long nose and is a dry mouth.