Big Paws Only Dog Forums

Great Danes => Great Dane Pictures => : Nicole July 04, 2006, 12:08:06 PM

: New Foster
: Nicole July 04, 2006, 12:08:06 PM
Hey everyone! Well, since nobody is in chat, I guess I'll just post here!

So, I'm picking up a foster dane this evening. He's a 4 year old mantle, and his name is Cosmo. He's a sad story, I guess. He was being kept in a crate 20 hours a day, and only weighs 116 pounds! (This is up from 106 when his angel rescued him)

Anyway, I'll post pictures this evening.
: Re: New Foster
: dober_gurl July 04, 2006, 12:19:15 PM
Awww poor guy sounds like he's had a rough time. :(

Can't wait to see pics of this gorgeous boy!
: Re: New Foster
: krismark July 05, 2006, 12:23:15 AM
Ahem...where are the pics, woman?  :P ;D

: Re: New Foster
: Gypsy Jazmine July 05, 2006, 12:48:18 AM
Hey everyone! Well, since nobody is in chat, I guess I'll just post here!

So, I'm picking up a foster dane this evening. He's a 4 year old mantle, and his name is Cosmo. He's a sad story, I guess. He was being kept in a crate 20 hours a day, and only weighs 116 pounds! (This is up from 106 when his angel rescued him)

Anyway, I'll post pictures this evening.
That is SO awesome!!!...That you're rescuing Cosmo that is!! you now own a Dane, huh? :D Pics pretty please! :-*
: Re: New Foster
: PennyK July 05, 2006, 06:17:50 AM
Good on you for taking him in!

Can't wait for those pics!
: Re: New Foster
: Lyn July 05, 2006, 08:51:31 AM
Pic! Pics! Pics! Where's the pics?!!?  ;) :D
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 09:18:46 AM
Ok...for some reason my internet isn't working at my house. Sooo...I've got video and a few pics, but I'll have to get them up later. (I'm at school right now)

So, was an interesting evening with Cosmo.A few rough spots, but all in all it went well.

He's super skinny. The woman that I picked him up from said 116!!!! You can see his hips, spine and all of his ribs! Poor boy!

He's going to get neutered on Friday. I'll have pics up this afternoon, I hope!!!
: Re: New Foster
: Leah... July 05, 2006, 09:28:43 AM
YAY FOR COSMO! i sorta chuckled, because only a BPO'er would say "Only 116 pounds"! lol. it is a very sad story though! good thing he's got you! So, is this the kind of foster you find a home for in 2 weeks, or the kind of foster that you call a foster until you convince spouse otherwise?
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 07:02:26 PM
Well, this is definitely a foster until we find him a new home. Unless something really dramatic happens, like I find an amazing job and buy a new house soon! But, he is going to need some time before he can go to a new home. Unless its a Dane experienced home. (Not that I am, but I feel like I am, I mean, sheesh, I AM Auntie to Cyprus, Atticus, Lucy, Mattie, Kiden....etc. etc.)

Ok, so without further ado..

Heeeeeeeere's Cosmo!



More in a few...
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 07:13:27 PM

: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 07:26:49 PM

: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 08:23:44 PM
I LOVE HIM!!!! Nicole you are doing a fantastic job!! I know you're gonna be the most awesome foster momma this boy could ever have!!!

Awwww! Thanks!!!! I'm in love with him, and I can't wait for everyone to meet him!!!
: Re: New Foster
: k2campbell July 05, 2006, 08:31:57 PM
He's beautiful Nicole, he has a very kind face  ;) Poor fella sure is skinny, but I'm sure you'll fatten him up in no time! :)

Bless your heart for taking him in, you'll do just fine with him.  CONGRATULATION S!!! ;D
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 08:44:34 PM
He's beautiful Nicole, he has a very kind face  ;) Poor fella sure is skinny, but I'm sure you'll fatten him up in no time! :)

Bless your heart for taking him in, you'll do just fine with him.  CONGRATULATION S!!! ;D

Thanks...but the only thing I'm concerned about is that I will NEVER get my bed back!!!!


: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 05, 2006, 09:13:50 PM
Ok, and one more of the skinny minny!!!!
: Re: New Foster
: longshadowfarms July 05, 2006, 09:15:38 PM
That poor, sad dog is so abused by having to sleep on the bed!!!   :D ;D I'm sure he'll pack on the pounds in no time given the obvious way he's pining away for his old crate.  He's gorgeous!  Congrats and enjoy the sweet time with him.  He's HUGE!!
: Re: New Foster
: k2campbell July 05, 2006, 09:16:03 PM
He's beautiful Nicole, he has a very kind face  ;) Poor fella sure is skinny, but I'm sure you'll fatten him up in no time! :)

Bless your heart for taking him in, you'll do just fine with him.  CONGRATULATION S!!! ;D

Thanks...but the only thing I'm concerned about is that I will NEVER get my bed back!!!!

OMG - how precious Nicole!  Looks like you're getting quite attached to him already  ;) hmmmmmmmmmmm.. .
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 06, 2006, 04:28:17 PM
Well...bad news about Cosmo.

Last night, he attacked my cat. I chalked it up to an accident...

Today, he grabbed my landlady's Shih without warning and just started SHAKING him! Thank GOD Molly had been holding the Shih...I don't know what Cosmo would have done if he had just gotten a hold of him.

I am really upset and scared right now. I don't trust him around the cats, and my landlady's dog is freaking traumatized and not walking on one leg. I need help!
: Re: New Foster
: newflvr July 06, 2006, 05:10:10 PM
That's so scary!  I can't give you much more than a cyber-hug! I'm so sorry!  I know others will have a lot more practical information, but it seems that you should isolate him for a while until you can figure out what to do next! :-\
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 06, 2006, 06:04:50 PM
Ugh!!!! Thanks, Mari! Yeah, he's currently in a horse stall, barking his fool head off. Its terrible.

I just don't know what to do. I can't trust him now. Two unprovoked attacks...I tried to call the lady I got him from, TWICE. She didn't answer. I left her a VM and told her what was going on. I called a friend of mine who is an Animal Control Officer...she was pretty um, well, let's just say not optomistic.

I'm going out for a drink. I don't know what else to do, and I can't sit here and listen to him bark his brainless head off anymore. Molly's frustrated, I'm frustrated, and needless to say, my landlady isn't very happy.  :(
: Re: New Foster
: Saint and Mal mom July 06, 2006, 06:47:37 PM
So sorry about the accidents, but I'm glad you are helping him out by fostering. I hope everything gets worked out fine.
: Re: New Foster
: krismark July 07, 2006, 02:13:28 AM
Awwww, Nicole! So sorry to hear he is terrorizing the natives. I sure do wish we had some space open in our house. He sounds like the perfect addition to our hous...althoug h Gabriel might not like the competition in small animal attacking.

He sounds like a giant Watson really. I just know you will be able to save this boy like you did Watson. I have faith in you, my friend!  :-*
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 07, 2006, 08:50:40 AM
Ok, well....

Cosmo is at the vet as we speak. I thought long and hard last night, and I realized that although he can't stay with us, he can still be adopted to the right home. And, neutering will go a long way toward making that happen.

So, everyone. Please get the word out about ol' Cosmo. He's 6 years old (I found out yesterday). Male mantle. This afternoon, he'll be neutered and vaccinated. I'm very very willing to help with transport, and I bet I could enlist my very bestest BPO friends to help with that, too if we were able to find him the perfect home.

Perfect for Cosmo means no small dogs, cats or small children. Fenced yard a MUST. Or, someone who is absolutely dedicated to not ever having him off-leash in the house. Other than the small animal attacking, he's a wonderful love-but and I'd keep him in a second.

So, get the word out, BPO Angels of Rescue!
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 07, 2006, 06:28:11 PM
Well, it turns out that morphine is an awesome solution to a high prey drive. Do you think I could keep him on it all the time?

I spoke with the woman that I got him from. She mentioned that she had a guy contact her about him that had just put his elderly Dane down. So, we'll see. I'll contact him soon and see what his deal is.
: Re: New Foster
: Gypsy Jazmine July 07, 2006, 08:52:58 PM
Nic, I am sorry to hear cosmo has issues with smaller animals...I had the same problem with Rosie & I have 8 cats...I had to be ever vigilant with her & she did actually learn to leave the cats on my recall but unfortunatly Sam & Pippin learned that nasty trait from her & they don't listen as well as Rosie learned to...I think they enjoy the chase more than anything though...I will send a prayer up that Cosmo finds just the right home!
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 08, 2006, 06:45:22 AM
Thanks everyone. Well, this morning, Cosmo still seems kinda dopey. I keep telling myself "YAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAY IT WORKED!" But, I'm still really cautious of the cats, and I know that its just the morphine.

We're getting ready to go out to breakfast (Cosmo and Cabeza will be in attendance) so, maybe we'll find his forever home! hahaha!
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 10, 2006, 09:52:47 AM
Ok, guys! Cosmo is still in need of a home/foster situation. I've been in cotact with a few people...but, so far nothing has panned out. Its getting rough keeping everyone separated without going nuts...

So, just a BUMP to this thread to remind everyone that Cosmo is still in need, if anyone knows of anything!!!

: Re: New Foster
: Kermit July 10, 2006, 11:33:51 AM
Hey, do you want me to crosspost this to another Dane site? If yes, please tell me what to write on there as far as contact info and all that. Surely someone can help.

I'm sorry for all you've had to go through with him!!
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 10, 2006, 03:23:36 PM
Sent you a PM.

Thanks to everyone for keeping their eyes and ears open for a place for this guy! I love him to death, but MAN! Gotta protect the little ones, ya know?
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 11, 2006, 03:18:12 PM

Just wanted to keep this up there...
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 14, 2006, 06:46:38 AM
A little update on Cosmo. Thanks to all of you that have been cross-posting and getting the word out about Cosmo. We REALLY appreciate it!  :-* :-* :-*

So, Awesome April (Tajsa) posted him somewhere and a woman in Omaha is very interested in him! She sounds wonderful! She has a 3 year old Lab boy and an 11 year old Husky X girl. She is a dog trainer at the local Humane Society and knows TONS about doggie behavior! Best of all...NO CATS! WHOOOOOOOH! Her children are 7 and 9 and dog savvy.

I'm really excited and I hope its going to work out. April, how far is the drive from Omaha to Michigan City?

And, if it doesn't work out with this woman, Pure Breed Rescue of Ohio has offered to take him into their Rescue Program. So, that is an option.

: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 14, 2006, 06:59:04 AM

Krista just called! Her family discussed it last night, and they feel as if they are very very ready for Cosmo! Her children have already been arguing about whom he will sleep with! HAHAHAHAH!

It sounds like a perfect situation! Well, other than that Omaha thing....
: Re: New Foster
: Kiahpyr July 14, 2006, 07:28:37 AM
That's so cool Nicole! Omaha to Michigan City is about 9 hours. I'm sure we could come up with transport for Cosmo. ;D
: Re: New Foster
: Kermit July 14, 2006, 09:26:07 AM
That is great news!!!! :D
I hope that a transport works out! Keep us posted!!!! ;D
: Re: New Foster
: doggylover July 14, 2006, 12:49:18 PM
Im in the Pacific NW, so I can't help with transport, but I just wanted to say you guys are AWESOME!  Way to go!  Cosmo will even have kidlets to sleep on!
: Re: New Foster
: Nicole July 14, 2006, 06:35:31 PM
Yeah! Thanks guys! I'll keep everyone posted, and hopefully we'll have another BPOer soon! :D:D:D
: Re: New Foster
: Anakalia July 14, 2006, 06:39:49 PM
YAY!! I just LOVE Cosmo!!!  He's such a looker, love those "danes with tuxedo's". lol  I would totally help with transport, but I only have a dinky car that Koby can hardly fit into.  :(  Hopefully Cosmo will have a forever family soon! :)