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Great Danes => Great Dane Pictures => : Anakalia July 14, 2006, 02:54:05 PM

: We Played House Today!
: Anakalia July 14, 2006, 02:54:05 PM
Some of you know my daughter Kenna had a hard week after we put Ramsey down, and I was super worried.  Well, Koby has decided to come to the rescue and he's trying to keep her occupied.  Kenna and Koby have become inseperable and it's just too cute!  They play all day long, and if she's having a "bad" day he seems to know and is there instantly to cuddle!  He's been amazing, he is by far the bestest dog I've ever had.

Today Kenna decided she wanted to play house.  So we did the ol' sheet over the card table trick. lol  She had a blast, decorated her "new" house and Koby couldn't take it he had to be the FIRST visiter.  I was laughing by this time and I HAD to take pics.  The pics aren't the best because...well honestly... I was so close to peeing myself I was laughing so hard.  The funniest part is if Kenna talks to him, he'll grumble back and it's like they're having their own conversation!  So here's some pics of Koby checkin' out Kenna's new "mansion"! lol
: Re: We Played House Today!
: lins_saving_grace July 14, 2006, 02:55:59 PM
Koby looks so glad to play house!!!  Look at those little faces. ::)
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Nicole July 14, 2006, 03:24:47 PM

That is SO cute! I am so glad that Koby knew how much Kenna needed him! What a good boy!

Those are some CUTE pictures.
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Kiahpyr July 14, 2006, 03:26:28 PM
AWWW!!! So sweet!!! Good boy Koby!
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Anakalia July 14, 2006, 04:26:01 PM
Thanks guys!  I just HAD to share these pics with someone, they were just too cute together!!!  Since Koby's so hugemungous only half of his body would fit under there.  His butt was sticking out of the sheet and it was so hilarious to watch his tail beat against the carpet every time Kenna talked to him.  The played like that for a good half hour before they both decided it was snack time! :D  These two are definitely joined at the hip, first there was Bennifer, TomKat and now Kobenna!! LOL
: Re: We Played House Today!
: doggylover July 14, 2006, 05:00:23 PM
AWWWW Koby knows how to heal a sad heart!  Your daughter looks really happy.  Those are super cute pics!
: Re: We Played House Today!
: DixieSugarBear July 14, 2006, 06:56:07 PM
Awwwwwwwwww a gal and her pal, what a sweet thing to see.
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Gypsy Jazmine July 14, 2006, 10:53:43 PM
Priceless!!! ;D
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Softhug July 15, 2006, 08:07:30 AM
Kobenna-LOLOL!!  Those photos are precious!!  Isn't it great how dogs just "step in" when they are needed?  More pics! More pics!
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Anakalia July 15, 2006, 01:10:21 PM
Kobenna-LOLOL!!  Those photos are precious!!  Isn't it great how dogs just "step in" when they are needed?  More pics! More pics!

I would love to post more pics, but lately the heat index has been like 200 degrees and all Koby's done lately is sleep!  Taking pics of a sleeping dog is kinda boring BUT when the temp. comes down a bit I'll get some pics of him doing zoomies outside it's hilarious!  He's always got a huge smile on his face when he's doing zoomies. 

Tomorrow is spa day for him!  We're giving him a bath, making him all pretty because our Nursing Home here in town is having a pet show on Monday!!  I can't wait it's going to be so much fun, I'll have to get pics of that event.  I'm making Koby a cute bandana tomorrow so he can look fabulous at the pet show. LOL   ;D ;D
: Re: We Played House Today!
: shangrila July 15, 2006, 01:23:18 PM
LOL Kobanna :)
: Re: We Played House Today!
: Imani's Mom July 15, 2006, 03:29:16 PM
Can I come to your house and play too?  It has been way too many years since my girls were young enough to be satisfied with a card table/ sheet mansion!  My "baby" is now 18!
: Re: We Played House Today!
: EllieAndBlu July 17, 2006, 08:23:39 AM
awwwww that is soooo sweet!
Koby, you are such a good boy!
And the pics?! Your daughter and her best friend look soooo happy! It does the heart good to see!

Kobenna... HAHAHAHAHAHA - LOVE it!