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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : newflvr July 24, 2006, 08:08:00 AM

: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: newflvr July 24, 2006, 08:08:00 AM

Since we've been at the lake, Chester and Cowboy go swimming a couple of times a day just to cool off.  I finally have been able to get both of them in my canoe (to the neighbor's hysterical laughing!!) to go along the shoreline (more on that episode later) and have wondered what was going to happen when Chester's antics would flip us all in to the lake.

Today I got the brilliant idea to jump off the end of the dock to see what dog would come in after me (since Cowboy and Chester are both Newfs, I was sure they'd both come).  Well, WRONG!!  Neither came.  They both stood and watched me swim away.

AH HAH!  Chester remembered that he IS a Newfoundland and he's supposed to save people who are in the water.  And his person who adores him and fixes his favorite breakfast and dinner was in the water!  And swimming away!  Chester sped up the dock, along the rocks (think Superman with cape flying), on to the beach and swam furiously out to me.  Of course, by this time, my swimming is slowing considerably (he was RUNNING not FLYING, for heaven's sake!) but I had just enough strength to turn him back toward the beach and hold on to his coat....AND HE SAVED ME!!  He actually pulled me back in to the beach!  YEA!! He IS a full blooded Newfie!!

.....and Cowboy would really, really miss me.  He was still sitting on the end of the dock.  Oh, least he's really, really cute!
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: Jessdryden July 24, 2006, 08:10:38 AM
Oh my!  Yay Chester!  (and also, Yay Cowboy, just for being such a cute sweetie!) :)
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: EllieAndBlu July 24, 2006, 08:13:40 AM
Oh that is hysterical!
Way to go Chester - you saved your mama!Soooo proud of you!
And I am sure Cowboy was preparing himself to take the second half of the rescue... to wake his tired mama and brother with lots of kisses!  :)
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: longshadowfarms July 24, 2006, 08:20:34 AM
What a cute story!!!  LOL!  My Labs always seemed to think that clawing you to death while swimming would save you.  Lifeguards they were not!!!
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: cosmosmama July 24, 2006, 08:26:17 AM
We were at a friend's pool who has a Newfie.  Oddly, he only found it necessary to try to save my daughter and would not leave her alone......   yipping, crying, barking, trying to grab her arms when she got close enough to him.  He worked from the pools edge.

As far as the rest of us, let 'em drown!!  He was absolutely hilarious.  I have to try to get her to join us.


: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: Nicole July 24, 2006, 11:10:10 AM
HA! MARI! That is a GREAT story! Hysterical! I can just see the wheels turning in Chester's head. Gosh, I can't wait for my Newf...
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: Icerotti July 24, 2006, 11:20:42 AM
The visual of that had me on ROTFLMAO.... ;D
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: nickerbokker July 24, 2006, 11:44:21 AM
way to go big boy.....we are so proud!
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: shangrila July 24, 2006, 12:25:39 PM
Good job chester :)
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: BarkleysMum July 24, 2006, 12:33:44 PM
What a hero!  Maybe if Cowboy sees the extra treats that Chester gets tonight..... hehehe
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: zanie July 24, 2006, 12:41:28 PM
That is so awesome!  I wanted another puppy and was going to lean toward a little paw rather than a GIANT Paw but your Chester story has rekindled my love of Newfies tremendously! 
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: MommaBear July 24, 2006, 12:55:49 PM
YAY Chester! The tow back must have been fun :)
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: Gypsy Jazmine July 24, 2006, 01:00:15 PM
Way to go Chester!...That is seriously cool!...& Cowboy, lets not sell him short, he knows that with all water sports it is safe to have a watcher! :D
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: Boyle July 24, 2006, 01:18:47 PM
Great Story.  Chester is quite the hero while Cowboy has management written all over him.  Maybe he's Chester's agent and expects 10% of any treat dispensed tonight.
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: jabear July 24, 2006, 03:11:41 PM
OMG Mair! Chester is the cutest thing in the entire world! I can't wait to see him and Cowboy again.
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: newflvr July 24, 2006, 04:53:33 PM
You nailed it!! Cowboy, as sweet and gentle as he is, is the alpha.  I could just hear Cowboy telling Chester, "Okay, little guy, go save her.  I'll watch from here to make sure that you guys are safe, and, if I nod off, wake me when it's time to eat!"

Honestly, I think Cowboy's first seizure was in the water and he almost drown, so he loves the water as long as all four feet are firmly on the ground.  He did get his share of the treats, so in the end, he thought he helped!! ::)

: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: MommyOfSchnauzers July 24, 2006, 05:07:43 PM
Heehee!  WTG Chester!  You saved your mommy!!!  YAAAAAAAAAY
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: kathryn July 24, 2006, 06:55:10 PM
I think Cowboy pushed Chester and made him go save his mommy.  Why work when you can make the someone else do it for you!  Yea, Cowboy for forcing Chester to live up to his full potential!
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: newflvr July 24, 2006, 07:32:00 PM
I think Cowboy pushed Chester and made him go save his mommy.  Why work when you can make the someone else do it for you!  Yea, Cowboy for forcing Chester to live up to his full potential!

You are BRILLIANT!!  I never thought of the psychological aspect of their relationship!  Of course!  Cowboy is helping Chester become a MAN!!!

: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: doggylover July 24, 2006, 09:00:31 PM
I have always loved your boys, but now I am officially going to stalk them!  Chester SAVED you.  I know we are all making fun about it, but something like 18 people have died this season in the water from drowning, just in my local area.  This is such a huge big deal.  Chester may be a Newf at heart, but he may have also been a lil scared.  He jumped in to save his Momma in spite of any fears!  He is a HERO whether you truly needed saving or not. 
((((((((((((Chester Molester))))))))))))))))))
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: navarre1316 July 24, 2006, 11:14:13 PM
That's fantastic!!!  Way to go Chester!!!!  Great coaching Cowboy!!!!
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: swells July 25, 2006, 08:00:33 AM
Great job Chester!!! Cowboy probably just didn't want to get his handsome head all wet.  :D

: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: galaxybears July 26, 2006, 08:02:13 AM
I don't think any of mine would bother to try saving me if i was in the water ::), they would sit and watch!!

Well done Chester ;D
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: CrazyLoveRosie September 12, 2006, 09:54:49 AM
I think it's cool that Newfs have such instincts. When Rosie was swimming in my parents' pool by herself (which we discovered was not a good idea when we started to see large piles of fur descend to the bottom of the pool), she would actually swim laps and push off from the edge of the pool. It was cute! And when my sisters would go in, she would immediately leave the pool and walk around it like a lifeguard.
: Re: Chester is a TRUE Newf!
: Tspanos September 15, 2006, 07:09:01 PM
Thats awesome that Chester came in after you.
Kali goes absolutly crazy "the life guard" when I am in the water. She'll only go in up to her chest though with the exception of two times before I bought her Float Koat (sp). Both times she was doing her laps when all of a sudden she dove head first into the deep end, she hended up being the one who  needed to be rescued. We'll have to see how next summer goes. Tim