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Saint Bernards => Saint Bernard General Discussions => : GYPSY JAZMINE June 17, 2005, 09:18:25 AM

: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: GYPSY JAZMINE June 17, 2005, 09:18:25 AM
Just looking at the picture,Angus certainly looks very much like a purebred Saint,not being critical here,but a lot of American Saints I see(not all)are very much on the small side,so Angus's problem could just be that,not knowing what is lineage is,he actually looks to me like that of what one of our pups would be like at five to six months old,I am also a little concerned about what you say his weight is,I would expect a saint of seven months old to be in the vicinity of 100 to 110 lbs,I have seen small saints here as well and they can be on the light side,but they are still saints all the same,a breeder friend of mine has a dog which is smaller than most of my bitches,but he is beautifully put together and a stunning looking dog within himself,he was also titled,I would be interested to know what diet your friend has her dog on,how much she feeds him.
as for the mother dying shortly after his birth,this too can have a huge effect on how the dog's develop,especially if they where not bottle fed the correct diet or forced to be weaned from milk to early,there are to many variables for me to say for certain,why Angus is so small at this age,but again from your picture he certainly looks all saint to me and at seven months he would be going through the fuglies anyhow,feel free to send this to your friend
Rick Hall
 Nick, I couldn't remember is Angus was 6 or 7 months old & some of his details...So, I used the info. to the best of my memory...Chell e
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: taijinrr June 17, 2005, 11:13:26 AM
sorry  i know nothing about saints

i wish i could be of help
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: jabear June 17, 2005, 12:04:02 PM
Chelle you are the best! See Nicker...he is a mini-bernard who just needs to eat. Now if we can only find your breeder and beat her up....
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: lins_saving_grace June 17, 2005, 12:06:09 PM
Maybe you should fertilize him and water him twice a day.  I swear it worked for Lady...I watered her too much I'm afraid cuz she got really big.
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: NatsaintB June 17, 2005, 01:02:22 PM
Fugly is my new word for the week :P  I'm going to use it every chance I get!  But not to describe Angus of course! 
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: dohertyswissy June 17, 2005, 01:15:32 PM

See...told ya he was just trying to piss u off....

And really can you blame him???

Just kidding Nickers!  Hugs!   :-*
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: nickerbokker June 17, 2005, 01:33:36 PM
Just looking at the picture,Angus certainly looks very much like a purebred Saint,not being critical here,but a lot of American Saints I see(not all)are very much on the small side,so Angus's problem could just be that,not knowing what is lineage is,he actually looks to me like that of what one of our pups would be like at five to six months old,I am also a little concerned about what you say his weight is,I would expect a saint of seven months old to be in the vicinity of 100 to 110 lbs,I have seen small saints here as well and they can be on the light side,but they are still saints all the same,a breeder friend of mine has a dog which is smaller than most of my bitches,but he is beautifully put together and a stunning looking dog within himself,he was also titled,I would be interested to know what diet your friend has her dog on,how much she feeds him.
as for the mother dying shortly after his birth,this too can have a huge effect on how the dog's develop,especially if they where not bottle fed the correct diet or forced to be weaned from milk to early,there are to many variables for me to say for certain,why Angus is so small at this age,but again from your picture he certainly looks all saint to me and at seven months he would be going through the fuglies anyhow,feel free to send this to your friend
Rick Hall
 Nick, I couldn't remember is Angus was 6 or 7 months old & some of his details...So, I used the info. to the best of my memory...Chell e

oh you made my day!  what a great thing to wake up tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

he's a boxer
: Re: Nicker!...An answer about Wangus from my friend who breeds & show St.'s!
: GYPSY JAZMINE June 17, 2005, 02:15:38 PM
LOL Nick!...He is not a Boxer though they are wonderful dogs!...You wait!...I really believe Angus will grow into his own!...B.t.w., What is his diet?...Maybe my friend knows of some magical Saint super growth!