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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : EllieAndBlu October 18, 2006, 04:25:14 AM

: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: EllieAndBlu October 18, 2006, 04:25:14 AM
I just heard from Lin (lins_saving_gr ace), and her Lady is having ACL surgery right now...

BPO is the very best at pulling together... I am hoping we all can send good vibes to Lady and Lin today
: Re: Lady Is In Surgery
: Luvmydanes October 18, 2006, 04:30:39 AM
I will definitely be pulling for Lady to come through this surgery well and for a quick recovery. Please keep us posted.
: Re: Lady Is In Surgery
: bluskygirl October 18, 2006, 04:32:50 AM
Sendin' all my good juju...
: Re: Lady is in surgery
: Icerotti October 18, 2006, 05:45:02 AM
Sending positive thoughts to Lins and Lady. Bug you will feel so much better after it is all done and healed. Mommy will take good care of you. Big hugs to you mommy and Grace((((HUGS))) :-*
: Re: Lady is in surgery
: Jessdryden October 18, 2006, 06:14:18 AM
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Lady!  Get well soon Ladybug!  Thinking of you, Lin, and Gracie too. :)
: Re: Lady is in surgery
: Kirsti October 18, 2006, 07:07:39 AM
Hope all go's well to Lady and Lin!!

: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: EllieAndBlu October 18, 2006, 07:11:15 AM
Just heard from Lin.... Lady is out of surgery and the vet said everything went well. Lin's bug will either be coming home tonight or tomorrow morning. Mama Lin is breathing a huge sigh of relief!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 07:13:52 AM
Thank you everyone!!!  from the bottom of our hearts thank you!!!  i'm almost ready to just cry my little eyes out. 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Nicole October 18, 2006, 07:15:14 AM
Oh, Lin!!!

I'm glad to hear that Lady's surgery went well! YAAAAAAAAAAAY! That is such a good thing!

How are YOU doing?! Did you make it through? hahah..sometim es, I believe its harder on us than them.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 07:16:41 AM
Oh, Lin!!!

I'm glad to hear that Lady's surgery went well! YAAAAAAAAAAAY! That is such a good thing!

How are YOU doing?! Did you make it through? hahah..sometim es, I believe its harder on us than them.
i did surprisingly well.  not getting anything done at work though. 
The doc said if Lady is going to be emotionally happier at home i can go get her today.  but her drugs won't be as strong as if she stayed at the vet.  but she's mad cuz she has a hood on her head to keep her from eating the stitches in her foot from having a lump removed. 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 07:18:23 AM
her butt end is going to be completely bald.  Dear God! 
tell them what you thought about that Rachel!!!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 07:19:41 AM
and you guys don't know how much it meant to me and Darrell that you were here to lean on!  BPO means so much to us and the girls !!!  i think this place...even though i wasn't logged in...saved me today!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Nicole October 18, 2006, 07:20:29 AM
Oh, Lin!!!

I'm glad to hear that Lady's surgery went well! YAAAAAAAAAAAY! That is such a good thing!

How are YOU doing?! Did you make it through? hahah..sometim es, I believe its harder on us than them.
i did surprisingly well.  not getting anything done at work though. 
The doc said if Lady is going to be emotionally happier at home i can go get her today.  but her drugs won't be as strong as if she stayed at the vet.  but she's mad cuz she has a hood on her head to keep her from eating the stitches in her foot from having a lump removed. 

I'm glad to hear you did well. I'd say take her home. I'd err on the side of weaker drugs over having to stay at the vet any ol' day.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 07:23:14 AM
we're picking her up today!!!    ;D
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: EllieAndBlu October 18, 2006, 07:23:47 AM
her butt end is going to be completely bald.  Dear God! 
tell them what you thought about that Rachel!!!

With her bum shaved, Lady can be a monkey for Halloween!  :D
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: EllieAndBlu October 18, 2006, 07:26:14 AM
we're picking her up today!!!    ;D

Wahooooo - that is awesome news! Lady will feel so much better being at home... as will all of you, esp. Grace!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: mjjensen October 18, 2006, 07:49:41 AM
  I'm so glad to hear everything went well and you're going to be able to bring her home today. I hope she has a speedy recovery!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: aggghgmom October 18, 2006, 07:55:52 AM
I'm so glad that you baby will (or is by now) home with you where she belongs!!  Give her a hug from me and a kiss from Harley!!

Hope her recuperation is quick and easy.

: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 08:32:59 AM
  I'm so glad to hear everything went well and you're going to be able to bring her home today. I hope she has a speedy recovery!
there's not going to be anything speey about this.  4-6 weeks no moving except to potty.  another 6 weeks supervised moving.  and up to 6 months for a full recovery.  :) 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Luvmydanes October 18, 2006, 09:51:24 AM
  I'm so glad to hear everything went well and you're going to be able to bring her home today. I hope she has a speedy recovery!
there's not going to be anything speey about this.  4-6 weeks no moving except to potty.  another 6 weeks supervised moving.  and up to 6 months for a full recovery.  :) 

Wow a long recovery...wel l I hope lady recovers fully and doesn't give you too much trouble with her not being able to move around these next few weeks! Keep us posted, and I'm so glad she is home where she should be now.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Saint and Mal mom October 18, 2006, 10:22:28 AM
Yes! So glad to hear Lady is doing okay! Wishing her a speedy recovery!  :)
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: K9ldy00 October 18, 2006, 10:32:07 AM
Poor Girl :-*, Here's to wishing a faster than normal recovery ;D.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 11:53:07 AM
i think someone is glad to be home.  we took off the hood since she only has to wear it when she's alone.  On the way out the vet's office she ran into one wall and stopped in front of the window and all you could see was her from the neck back.  she didn't know what to do.  no perrifrial vision.  so i climbed in the back of the Jeep with her and she just laid down.  she's in her brand new doggy bed now sleeping like a baby.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: brandon October 18, 2006, 12:09:47 PM
Poor girl :( I hope she's feeling better soon.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Suzanka October 18, 2006, 12:12:47 PM
Hi Lady,
My name is Chumley and my mom just picked me up from the vet hospital today. I had my ACL repaired. I don't have a bandage though. I wish I did since it kind of makes my mom woosey to look at all my staples.I'm not feeling very well, I'm in a lot of pain but so glad to be home. I hope that you are feeling better soon. We will be running around like normal in no time and this will all just be a bad memory, yeah!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 12:13:01 PM
doesn't she look pitiful?  tomorrow she's in for the soreness from the really good drugs wearing off.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: brandon October 18, 2006, 12:16:02 PM
Well, one good thing about her being sore, it will keep her from wiggling around so much she opens up her stiches or re-injures her self.  It's just so sad to see them like that. 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 12:19:45 PM
Well, one good thing about her being sore, it will keep her from wiggling around so much she opens up her stiches or re-injures her self.  It's just so sad to see them like that. 
true.  she won't want to walk for a while.  it is hard to see them like this.  but it's for the best. 
the vet stapled her inscission.  <---spelled so wrong.  so even if she can reach them she can't open it.  her paw has stitches in it.  10 to 14 days till we can have them out.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Luvmydanes October 18, 2006, 12:24:41 PM
Lady looks all drugged. lol And her new bed looks SO comfy I almost want to lay in it - lucky pup. :) And I swear - she does look bigger. I hope she gets too feeling better soon.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 12:28:57 PM
maybe she is bigger.  she's a big girl.  and she is pretty stoned right now. 

oh by the way...the xrays show that her hips are in excellent conditions.  no dysplasia here!!!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: kathryn October 18, 2006, 12:46:39 PM
I'm glad to see that Lady is home and doing well.  So happy that surgery went well and that her hip x-rays are excellent too.  Get well soon and hoping for a speedier recovery. 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 18, 2006, 12:52:10 PM

thank you, Kat!  she's starting to wake i gotta go pupsit. 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: K9ldy00 October 18, 2006, 02:45:59 PM
The Vet should have given you some pain meds for her in case she is still uncomfortable. At the Vets I used to work at, they would give them pains meds in case they were really hurting. It's true, pain will help to keep them still, but you don't want them hurting too bad. Give her a hug from me.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 19, 2006, 01:35:28 AM
The patient is doing well.  Still stoned.  the vet did send home a lot of pain meds.  she is feeling nothing!  but she is a little cranky.  We're taking turns sleeping on the couch with her at least until she doesn't have to wear that stupid cone on her head when alone.  That will be Friday night...her last night with the cone.  :)  Grace is a little confused about what's going on but is accepting it.
LAdy finally ate this morning with the help from a bowl of food mixed with milk.  She's demanding the good stuff and i may pick up some canned food tonight so she'll eat better. she had breakfast on the couch this morning. 
she's a trooper let me tell you!!!
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: EllieAndBlu October 19, 2006, 01:42:30 AM
awwwwwwww, poor baby! I am so glad Lady is home and feeling no pain ... thanks to all the good pain meds! She looks quite content on her new comfy bed! She is well on the road to a full recovery! And that is excellent news about her hips! How are YOU doing, mom?

p.s. I have to admit, I am just a little disappointed about her rum not being shaved... No monkey for Halloween  :)
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Lyn October 19, 2006, 01:48:04 AM
Glad to hear Lady is home and pain free. Awesome news on the excellent hips too!

: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Jessdryden October 19, 2006, 03:31:45 AM
Sounds like Lady is doing well!  We're still sending positive thoughts your way. :)
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: pitas October 19, 2006, 04:40:29 AM
Sending you & Lady hugs & good wishes for a speedy recovery from Jersey.  I hope you can catch a little rest now that she is home.  I know it was tough at first when our Klondike had his ACL surgery.  First 2 nights we slept downstairs with him.  Get a comfy pillow! 

Anita & the 3 Newfies from NJ
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: Anakalia October 19, 2006, 04:56:06 AM
I'm glad she's doing well!  Sending tons of positive healing vibes her way!!  OH and she needs Doritos!!! hahahaa
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 19, 2006, 08:16:17 AM
I'm glad she's doing well!  Sending tons of positive healing vibes her way!!  OH and she needs Doritos!!! hahahaa
She loves doritos!!!  i'll have to get some on the way home along with everything else on her list.  Milk, canned food, cotton balls, ear warmers, etc.
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: lins_saving_grace October 19, 2006, 08:36:11 AM
I shall let gracie know to activate her wide load coming beeper tonight then.   she tends to just back into people in an effort to get a butt rubb and sometimes that person doesn't see her coming.  i've installed a beeper for when she throws it into reverse.. 
: Re: Lady is in surgery - UPDATE!
: moonlitcroatia October 22, 2006, 06:17:31 AM
I had no idea! First, I am sorry to hear that Lady developed this condition. This happened to Greta, too, and the vet said it was the angle of her bones...she grew long, straight legs and the angle stretched her ACL. Second, may you have strength during her recovery. They need so much babying and it's sad to see Grace be lonely without her sister to play with. Right now, Betti vocalizes her displeasure several times per day, because I've been spending time nursing Greta and Betti is in a separate room. I keep promising her that soon we will do things together, that she will get so much attention. Third, hang in there. They are so lucky to have you. Some people just put their pups to sleep at the first sign of trouble like this. They would never spend the time and money to correct the tear, but we are not those people. Coming from me, first-hand, when Greta wasn't even two years old her hip fractured and it was expensive to have a pin put in it, but the seven plus years we've spent since then have been remarkable and I could not be more satisfied with the decision to fix her up. Her love is worth more than any amount of money. The past decade spent without Greta is unimaginable.

Much love to Lady during this time of healing.