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BPO Training Forum => Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience => : MommaBear October 25, 2006, 08:54:11 AM

: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: MommaBear October 25, 2006, 08:54:11 AM
Bear has taken to counter surfing since I have started overnight calls in hospital  :-[ I know my girl misses me but it needs to stop, we have lost 2 cordless phones, sunglasses, tinfoil, phonebooks...a nything she can get her mouth on!! Any tips?
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: Winslow 151 October 25, 2006, 09:11:21 AM

Booby traps!! something that will make noise when knocked off the counter (as long as it doesn't wake the whole house.) hang cookie sheets over the edge of the counter so they clank when bear jumps up. A little scarin may nip the surfin
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: bluskygirl October 25, 2006, 09:50:41 AM
I was given the advice to booby trap something yummy with something hot and spicy or super sour. Put a spicy jalepeno inside a muffin for example.  This probably only works if you don't own a garbage disposal (this would never work on Bella), and obviously you may end up paying for this in booty blow-outs later, but I've heard it works great becuast it convinces the dog that anything taken off the table/counter will taste yucky. 
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: mynameislola November 03, 2006, 01:57:08 AM
The cookie sheets work well.  If they get used to that, try putting pebbles inside empty soda cans and tape the hole shut.  Stack the cans on the cookie sheet.

If they chew up the cans, maybe hot sauce inside them will help.

My big dog is a lazy Newfie.  If he can't reach it while standing, he won't bother.
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: Moni November 03, 2006, 02:22:21 AM
Mouse traps under newspaper work well.  They sell a product that is similar to a mouse trap with a big plastic thinging attached to it.. but for the life of me I can not recall its name.  :P

Another thing I've heard is popping a balloon in front of them and then taping balloons along the table/counter.  Personally, I've never tried that because I have this horrid phobia of balloons around animals ever since my aunts house rabbit died because of chewing up one.

You could also try setting Bear up with a trap and toss a penny can behind her or squirt her when she goes to take whatever is tempting her.

Last resort and what usually only works in pretend houses, with pretend hubbies and pretend kiddos.  Make sure nothing is left on the table, counters or whatsoever, ever again.  ;)  lol

I will admit that my "welltrained" dogs(hahaha) have a fetish for bread and peanut butter jars.  The latter is my fault since I give them empty ones for treats.  Anywho, we just make sure things like that are put away and when we forget...  oops.     
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: macybean November 07, 2006, 02:46:22 AM
Jenn-I have a cat that eats plastic, too. Not out of anxiety, though. If you come home with plastic bags, he'll be trying to find a way to sneak up to them. This is a cat who only eats dry food and won't touch canned food, fresh chicken, tuna, etc. He'll even try to run off with bags if you see him chewing. He's landed himself at the vet's office overnight for this. I just hide anything resembling a plastic bag. Thank goodness he hasn't started on anything else.
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: sarnewfie November 07, 2006, 04:04:02 AM
This is a popular topic, and, here is what i wrote elsewhere, rita is one of my own breeding, from the devil spawn.
this may or may not help you.
well since rita has been here, she has jumped on my puter desk twice and the counter numerous times, she stole a thing of parmesan cheese, a bowl of formula that was meant for the pups, and a few other items including a spoon
when i catch her in the act, and i do i use the most deep and threatening voice, and i STARE HER DOWN FOR FIVE MINUTES
until she moves to a differrent spot and hangs her head.
she is now on day two, and so far since this morning i trust her totally.
i still watch her movements, but i know she will behave herself now
talking with your eyes goes a lonnnnnnng way
it worked for all my guys, but anticipating and catching them in the act is most important, i will say, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??????
and than the stare, i like it when they get up and move and i follow them with the stare and a few other words to go with, and pointing to the SOC
Scene of Crime LOL
: Moni
: mtaig12 November 07, 2006, 11:10:12 AM
If you can remember the name of the mousetrap with the plastic thingy, I'd appreciate it! It sounds perfect for our counter surfer! Did you get it from a pet store, hardware store, other kind of store???

: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: R. Sawh November 07, 2006, 11:45:09 AM
My dog on occasion will couter surf, but usually only shelves that are his height. So I've resorted to putting items of values a little higher up. I've never thought of putting something spicy or hot to trap him. But I think that the cookie sheet idea is awesome, I'm going to try that. He scares pretty easliy with surprise noises.
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: mynameislola November 07, 2006, 04:49:46 PM
Don't try the mousetrap thing if you have a cat.  Neighbors did that and now they have a tailless cat.  0.o

If you really want to try it with a dog, tape the trap to the counter so your pet has less of a chance of being injured. 
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: mtaig12 November 07, 2006, 04:59:51 PM
Actually, I want to put the traps in my husband's bag. He always has chocolate in there, and Star (Dane) regularly helps herself when no one is looking. I think if the bag "bit back", she'd decide the chocolate isn't worth it! Now, hopefully my hubby remembers the mouse trap is in there before he sticks his hand in it! And if my cats are digging around in his bag, well, then I guess they'll have to deal with the consequences!

Probably too much information: Star also ate an entire bag of Tootsie rolls meant for Halloween, swiped from the kitchen table (my fault, should have put it up higher). It wasn't enough chocolate to be toxic to her, and she pooped wrappers for a day. Nice visual, huh  ;)?


: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: jennifer November 08, 2006, 09:19:49 AM
My guys both surf - Nakita (the smaller female) is the brains of the operation but Bear (male) happily plays accomplice.  ::) Their recent scores have been entire loaves of bread, a full pan of tuna casserole (the pan looked clean!), and a bunch of bananas. Oh - and an entire sugar pumpkin -- they were both pooping pumpkin orange for a couple of days. :P  I've started the 'stare down' tactic with some success, but when the cat's away...  I like the idea of a noise scare, but we're first going to complete preparations for keeping them to one room when we're not at home. Good thread, BPOers! :)
: Re: Counter surfing -- any tips?
: galxe November 08, 2006, 11:25:29 AM
Jenn-I have a cat that eats plastic, too. Not out of anxiety, though. If you come home with plastic bags, he'll be trying to find a way to sneak up to them. This is a cat who only eats dry food and won't touch canned food, fresh chicken, tuna, etc. He'll even try to run off with bags if you see him chewing. He's landed himself at the vet's office overnight for this. I just hide anything resembling a plastic bag. Thank goodness he hasn't started on anything else.

I can't believe that there is another cat whoe LOVES plastic bags. My mother's cat is obssessed! She will hunt you down when you come home, tear through closets and open bedroom doors to get to bags and eat them. No plastic bags are allowed in the house because Lily goes berserk.