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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : gr8dame October 31, 2006, 02:40:22 PM

: Great News!
: gr8dame October 31, 2006, 02:40:22 PM
: Re: Great News!
: kathryn October 31, 2006, 02:46:35 PM
I'm sorry that you went through that with Raven.  I didn't know that she had a growth and all that was going on.  Congrats that it was a benign tumor - that's awesome news!

If it were me and I really liked the vet and this was his first mistake I would probably chalk it up to a mistake.  But if I didn't really like the vet and he was so-so then I would definitely say something. 
: Re: Great News!
: longshadowfarms October 31, 2006, 03:07:20 PM
That's awesome news!  Time for a puppy party!!! 

Unless your vet is a cancer specialist, I'd give him a break.  Those cancers can be very tricky to diagonose just by looking.  I recently had one on my face that two Drs were sure was completely fine just by looking.  Turned out it was worse than they had initially thought (but not as bad as it could have been).  That's why they do the biopsy.
: Re: Great News!
: Kirsti October 31, 2006, 04:30:17 PM
Oh Stella, what great news for your baby, and you! I think you should ask the vet though! and make sure you get an answer.

: Re: Great News!
: MagicM3 October 31, 2006, 04:37:36 PM
Hooray ;D I am so happy for you.

Count your blessings but never be afraid to ask your vet anything,

Magic went through three tumors a few moths ago,and we opted not to do a biopsy,and just have them removed and sent to the lab our vet says,they very often come back a false positive or vis versa.

So we had them all removed two were benign (sp) and one was a mast cell tumor in stage 1 with clean margins.

He has to go back in November for another one on this brest bone that I have recently discovered.Mas t cell tumors have a  way of coming back and making more,as long as they have not advanced I guess we will just remove them.

I am soo happy for you and yours that is really great news.
Tricia and the fur kids
: Re: Great News!
: EllieAndBlu November 01, 2006, 02:48:57 AM
Oh Stella, that is the best news! I am soooo happy for you, Raven and your whole family!
: Re: Great News!
: lins_saving_grace November 01, 2006, 01:44:11 PM
That is good news. 
Too often people hear cancer and just give up.  same with vets.  Count your blessings.  your time is more valuable than that.  :)
: Re: Great News!
: Anakalia November 01, 2006, 01:49:40 PM
OMG how could I have missed this thread?  Stella, this is wonderful news I'm so glad Raven is gonna be ok!!  I can't imagine how relieved you must feel with this outcome.   ;D
: Re: Great News!
: mjjensen November 02, 2006, 02:06:42 AM
  I'm so glad that Raven is going to be alright.
  As far as your vet goes, if he is someone that you plan on continuing to see then I wouldn't hesitate to ask questions. A good vet should understand your concerns and be happy to answer questions.
: Re: Great News!
: Nicole November 02, 2006, 02:59:51 AM
Wait...Stella? Are you suggesting that you CAN hold back? Are you feeling OK? heehehehehehe!!! LOVE YOU!!!  :-* :-* :-*

Anyway, yeah, just find a nice gentle way of asking your questions. They will appreciate them.


Stella, I am SO happy to hear this! This is fantastic news. I've been thinking about your family a LOT and its such a relief to know that you guys won't have to go through such a mess. AWESOME!