Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO Introduction Forum => Introduce Yourself to the Forum => : Daffodil June 27, 2005, 11:15:53 AM

: Another new member
: Daffodil June 27, 2005, 11:15:53 AM
Hi all!  I'm another new person.  

I've got 2 mixed breeds and a bouvier, and all 3 are rescues.  The bouv is the biggest of the three, at 99 pounds.  We call sometimes call her "tabletop" since she has a very broad backside  :)  The others are a medium sized APBT mix and a beagle mix with a big attitude!

Looking forward to lots of great big dog stories!

Daffodil, Jackie (Jacquelyn Bouvier) and her sisters
: Re: Another new member
: coonie1970 June 27, 2005, 11:18:40 AM
Welcome to BPO Jackie. Your going to love all the great stories and help you get here. We cant wait to see pictures.
Karen AKA Coonie
: Re: Another new member
: Daffodil June 28, 2005, 07:48:32 AM

OK, this is the only photo that I have of my dog, Jackie, on this particular computer.  So here goes my first attempt at adding a photo  ;)

: Re: Another new member
: GR8DAME June 28, 2005, 10:07:14 AM
Welcome, there are some great people here and we hope to hear from you often. Jackie is beautiful. I have a rather well endowed dobie in my herd that will answer to "Fat Girl."
: Re: Another new member
: GYPSY JAZMINE June 28, 2005, 11:30:15 AM
She is very pretty!...A very interessting breed for sure!
: Re: Another new member
: jabear June 28, 2005, 11:37:04 AM
Welcome welcome! Your Jackie is absolutely beautiful! What a great shot of her in the snow. I can't wait to see more of her.  I don't know much about the breed other than I think they are gorgeous, so what can you tell me about them?
: Re: Another new member
: mastiffmommy June 28, 2005, 05:57:58 PM
Daffodil...... . Jackie is a doll, I love that pic.

I can add our dog Buffy to the "table top dogs" but we are a rather rude family I guess because we simply call her "fatso" she had a bad injury after a car accident, had to be carried with towel under belly for weeks and was on steroids for a long long time, she is fine now, but not as movable, well she loves to run and play but not for long at a time, so she has hmmmm swelled out a bit, you could put a tray on her back and it wouldnt even wiggle. I just have to put her on a diet, she will not feel good when winter comes if she is this heavy.

I hope to hear and see much more from you Daffodil and I am sure you will love it here

: Re: Another new member
: Daffodil June 29, 2005, 08:12:29 AM
Thanks for the welcome!

Tell you a little about bouvs, eh?  OK, but you asked for these ramblings!!! :D  

Their background is as a farm dog in Belgium, and they were used for herding, carting, droving and protection.  They are still used for police work there, I've been told.

They are NOT a dog for a casual dog person.  They are too much work for most people.

They are strong willed, yet get their feelings hurt easily if their person is harsh with them, so to train them you have to be firm but fair.   I've heard a trainer say that bouviers are really "into" their owners.  They won't work for someone that they don't care about.  You've seen classes where the instructor will demonstrate something new with a dog from the class?  Well, they won't choose a bouv to demonstrate with - it will probably refuse to even acknowledge the person holding the leash!

They are too smart for some people and will quickly dominate if they think the Alpha job is available.  

They are sensitive, loving, protective of their family and usually bond with one person although they will be affectionate with the whole family.  My Jackie is my shadow, and will sometimes look to me for "permission" to do what my husband has told her to do!  

They are usually aloof with strangers, some to the point of being seen as unfriendly, and can be trained for protection work.  They are much more serious dogs than others (as adults, that is.  Pups are just as loony as any other breed!).  I'd say that goldens, for instance, are light hearted and friendly dogs.  Bouvs are not at all like that.  

They are high maintenance dogs, physically, mentally and emotionally.  They MUST be brushed/combed out at a minimum weekly, they need a haircut about every 6-8 weeks. Their beard traps everything they eat or drink, and most of whatever they sniff!  It needs to be washed regularly and even then it tends to stink.  (One nickname for the breed is "dirty beard"). They can be kind of lazy and won't excercise on their own.  They need a reason to do something.

Did I mention they can be hard to live with?

But I think bouvs are special beyond words. I have never been loved quite so much by a dog before.  She will come up to me and just nuzzle or nudge, then stand with me surveying the world.  I can't describe the bond very feels like I am in a special partnership with this dog who has very high standards, but who decided I was worthy.  I feel that she has totally devoted herself to me.

OK...enough... .I could go on all day!! That's my take on bouviers.   I'm sure another bouv person will come along and either agree totally or blast me off the message board :D  (Dog people can have some very strong opinions!)

: Re: Another new member
: coonie1970 June 29, 2005, 08:26:05 AM
Great description. Sounds like a great dog for some.  :)  You make me want one although I likely woudnt be the RIGHT mom for one.  :-[ You will have to post some more pictures.
: Re: Another new member
: NatsaintB June 29, 2005, 09:29:10 AM
Welcome Daffodil!  What a great looking pup you have there!  I can't wait to see more of her when you get some!
