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Great Danes => Great Dane Discussions => : Gevaudan_Jo November 16, 2006, 05:05:08 AM

: Dane Throw-up???
: Gevaudan_Jo November 16, 2006, 05:05:08 AM
Ok, i hate vomit... ALOT. when i have to clean it... i too, VOMIT.  now, cat puke and zero *bull terrier* puke is soooo much easier to clean than the dreaded SLIME of Dane Throw-up... i was just wondering how you guys deal with it? it takes up alot of paper towels, and cleaner. so i was wondering if there is something easier... ?
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: schelmischekitty November 16, 2006, 05:08:02 AM
try putting vics vapor rub between your nose and your lips.  then just think of nice things.  careful though, i found out i was allergic to vics and had a lot of problems from it.
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: The Brindle Pack November 16, 2006, 05:20:46 AM
I'm with Tina, I also use a dust pan. 
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: Gevaudan_Jo November 16, 2006, 05:37:12 AM
AWWW thats so smart! OMG. im so dumb sometimes hahah.
but, memphis was throwin up today... BILE. and froth, foam, slime, DROOL. ugh! thats the worse to clean!!!
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: schelmischekitty November 16, 2006, 05:40:09 AM
diesel does that too!  i read on one site, i can't remember which one it was though, that some dogs never learn that they actually do need to chew their kibble.  this is one of the advantages the site mentioned about feeding a raw diet.  they actually DO have to chew, not just in hail.  not sure if this is true or not though.
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: Gevaudan_Jo November 16, 2006, 06:07:46 AM
holly, when we had our boy Zeus, he used to do that also. he'd puke everything back up. nothing would settle in his stomache, we found a food that he did well on, and that was the end of that... lol but with two other dogs (memphis and zero, or memphis and quest *darcys dalmatian*) it was cleaned up very fast... and i'd never have to do it. but now, that zeus is gone, we dont really have much vomit (THANK GOD), but memphis does throw up occasionally, and its always bile... nasty nasty nasty.
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: bigdogs@5501 November 16, 2006, 06:50:35 AM
De Ja Vue... you guys have me laughing again- flash back to Pyrenees and car ride on Monday. I had 2 kids ( adult kids) doing the dry gags while the pupper was actually hurling kibble and spit ( sorry Tina)
I have since discovered that the little monster must have gone to eat the dogs food next door because that was NOT the food that I feed my dogs- I am thinking that what she was hurling was of the Ole Roy variety. Which made it worse with all of the red dye that they used in that food. It took me 2 complete rolls of paper towels ( that I brought to control the drooling) and at one point, I just shoveled it out of the back of the car.
I think that I am passed the sensitive stomach now.
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: Gevaudan_Jo November 16, 2006, 07:25:20 AM
 :o blah. gross hahaha
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: schelmischekitty November 16, 2006, 07:30:02 AM
i'd take puke over what diesel did.  yesterday, diesel decided he didn't want to go on our daily car ride, that we do to get TRY to get him to lighten up some and grow some... you know.  anyways.  he told me he didn't want to go, he refused to go out the front door.  i thought he just didn't want to go, because he had just gone outside, and had played a good while and i thought he still wanted to play some.  ANYWAYS.  on the way home, after only about a 30 minute car ride, he hikes his leg and pees in the back of my explorer... not on the carpet, mind you, all over the door, so when i opened it THINKING he peed on the carpet, it dripped all over the stuff i had put next to my bumper.  yeah.  it got thrown out, and i put it back on my grocery list.
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: Gevaudan_Jo November 16, 2006, 07:47:22 AM
OMG. what a brat hahaha
LASTNIGHT. omg, i was so mad. i dont usually crate zero when i leave, he usually just sleeps anyway. we were gone for  maybe an hour, got home, he ran upstairs with me, i go into my bedroom, he cowars and goes the other way... i notice he had pee'd on our laundry basket FULL of clean clothes...  so i start cleaning that and darcy comes in and asks what im doing. i tell him zero marked... He said "oh, looks like he got the bed too" i turned around and sure enough, zero marked the corner of my bed.. ARGH stupid dogs.... lol. so zero marked twice yesterday, he woke me up at 5am cuz he wanted out... he woke me up AFTER pooping on the floor mind u... and now memphis puking. ARGH no wonder im outta paper towels.
: Re: Dane Throw-up???
: shangrila November 17, 2006, 10:06:42 AM
Well if you have really quick reflexes and are around your dog when he throws up, you can avoid cleaning it up all together. I make Zoey throw up into a bag :o See, dogs will usually  give you at least a minute of warning that they are about to throw up by making that coughing-gagging-I'm -about-to-throw-up noise. I always have bags in the living room, and try to keep at least one in the bedroom, since those are the two rooms where we spend most of  our time. So if I am home when Zoey throws up, I spring into action, grab a bag, and hold it open under her mouth. Then she throws up right into the bag. No muss, no fuss :o