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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Beaux December 03, 2006, 09:26:53 PM

: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 03, 2006, 09:26:53 PM
This weekend I noticed a lump on Bo's side. It is on one of his ribs about 2 1/2 inches down his side from his spine. It feels meaty. He doesn't notice when I feel around it or on it. It feels like the surrounding tissue around the nodule is "tougher" if that makes since. (maybe 2 inches around the place) We have a vet appt this week. He is 6yrs old. I am a nervous wreck. Say prayers please that it isn't something horrific.....
Worried Mom...
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Jessdryden December 03, 2006, 09:30:39 PM
Sending positive thoughts for you and Bo! 
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 03, 2006, 09:31:30 PM
Thank you.....
Kimberly  :)
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Gracie Belle December 03, 2006, 10:40:21 PM
Hey there Kimberly. He's always in our thoughts.  Don't forget to keep us posted.  Gracie said too that she'll play gentle with her big brother this weekend so you wont have to worry too much while you're gone.  Give him kisses from me and Gracie and Aeryk. :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* 
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Kermit December 03, 2006, 11:02:08 PM
I'm hoping all is well with your dog. I know things like that can be so scary, hang in there. Let us know how the vet appointment goes. :)
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 03, 2006, 11:13:01 PM
Yes, it feels fatty. Your reply made me feel better sharing your insight & experience. I am going to email you since I can't stay logged in at Big Paws too long at work. It is fatty and it feels like it could mbe moved around and he doesn't notice when I touch it. What causes that? Do they remove them? My email is I check that very frequently throughout the day. Please email me there. :) Thank you soooooo much.
Kimberly & Beaux
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 03, 2006, 11:14:44 PM
Thank you sooo much! Friday seems so far away...
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 03, 2006, 11:17:00 PM
Thank you!!! I will give him lots of kisses. I got some isight below on what it may be and I feel a little bit more positive. you are so right. Everyone is so knowledge & helpful right away here at Big Paws. Thanks again for the reference.
See ya soon
GIve gracie our love
Kimberly & Beaux
: Re: Worried about a lump
: aggghgmom December 04, 2006, 12:53:22 AM

I am so sorry that Bo has a lump that is worrying you :-\.  Our springer spaniel had cybacious cysts (sp).  They were water filled and occasionally ruptured (kind of looked like cottage cheese inside).  They very rarely bothered her; they were movable.  They weren't attractive but didn't bother her in any way.

Keeping all fingers and paws crossed for a good visit to the vet.

Randy & Harley
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Blair December 04, 2006, 01:07:40 AM
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and Bo
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 04, 2006, 01:38:44 AM
Thank you soooo much!
Happy Holidays & Take care
Kimberly & Beaux
: Re: Worried about a lump
: newflvr December 04, 2006, 02:44:57 AM
I just got home from the vet with Chester because he has a lump in his side as well and it sounds just like what Beaux has.  Chester's was a hematoma that was resolving (a bad bruise, I think from romping with other dogs!!)  I just have to put heat packs on it and give him antibiotics because she aspirated it.  He's fine!!

Hopefully Beaux's is just like Chesters!!

Let us know!!
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 04, 2006, 03:32:07 AM
Come to think about it awhile back Bo was running at teh park and jumped in the man made cement pond. It has sloped sides. His foot slipped and he fell on his side.....I will keep that in mind. After all the awesome advice i am definitly getting it aspirated..... If that is it I feel like a bad mom that I didn't notice it that day he fell. I will keep everyone posted. Thank you again for all the support.
Take care
: Re: Worried about a lump
: Beaux December 04, 2006, 08:25:14 PM
Thank you soooo much. I feel so prepared now going into the vet. I hate going into those situations not having the slightest idea as to what to look for or aspect. Everyone has been so kind and helpful. I woke up this morning with less of an actually headache I have had since Monday because I have been worrying. Thank you again.
I love the Christmas picture! So beautiful!
Take care and we will keep ya'll posted.
Kimberly & Beaux